"Helia, what on earth are you doing here? Didn't Flora wake up last night?" Saladine asked as he entered the hangar where Helia, Brandon, Timmy, and Roy were working on polishing some of the artillery for the ships.
"What the shit?! Flora woke up?" Roy yelled and stopped polishing his radiator.
"…Yeah" Helia replied and without looking up, continued to clean some oil off a gear.
"When were you gonna tell us asshole?" Brandon growled and threw his towel at Helia.
"yeah and why aren't you with her? we could have handled this scrap without ya." Roy countered.
Helia said nothing and still refused to look at anyone, focusing intently on a smudge of oil that just wouldn't come clean.
Roy and Brandon exchanged an uneasy look before Brandon asked "are you bailing on Flora right now because of the whole baby thing?"
"Baby thing? what baby thing?" Timmy asked startled and looking between the three of them for some clarification.
Slamming his tools down, Helia yelled at his friends "Its none of your god damn business!"
"Calm down Helia. It is our business." said Brandon "I get it your pissed but I'm sure Flora is really confused right now and she probably shouldn't be by herself."
"Yeah fuck this, Ima go yank Riven and Musa outta their love nest and were all gonna go see Flora." Roy said and turned to leave.
"Just stay out of it Roy!" Helia yelled and grabbed Roy's arm.
"No fuck you Helia! Flora is my friend ima go see her, you can man up and come with me if you want, but you arent gonna stop me." Roy said icily as he yanked his arm free.
"Boys! stop this nonsense right now." Saladine interrupted "this is not how friends should act. Helia can i speak with you in the hallway please."
"No thank you headmaster, i don't need your advice." Helia said.
Saladine sighed and then looked at his grandson lovingly "Just here me out grandson. please." he paused and no one said anything further until Helia had turned and left the room, with Saladine on his heels.
"For the love of goddess will someone explain to me what baby thing your talking about?!" Timmy exclaimed to Roy and Brandon.
"just finish up these tools here then well explain Tim-ster." Brandon ordered and began cleaning another part.
"you guys never tell me anything you assholes." Timmy muttered and turned red.
"I HEARD IT! WE ALL HEARD IT!" Roy exclaimed. "the Ginger said something mean! i knew you guys were heartless!"
"i thought the expression was souless?" Brandon jeered
"Or Ball-less in Timmy's case." Roy laughed and then leaned in to mock whisper, "Tecna keeps his in a jar."
Roy and Brandon roared with laughter and Timmy began throwing parts at them.
Flora was somewhere that she didn't recognize. It was dark and it smelled like something had shit itself or died, or maybe even both. Getting up Flora brushed herself off and began walking in any direction. for a long while everything remained dark, until a little light appeared far away and straight in front of her. Flora began to run towards it and it appeared that the light was doing the same, it was growing bigger as she moved towards it; running faster and faster. Soon it was big enough for Flora to see shape in the light, see details. Flora stopped running and starred in horror as she recognized stone soldiers headed straight towards her. Screaming Flora ran the other direction as fast as she could. Her feet pounded the dark pavement and her breath was coming in ragged gasps but still the soldiers were gaining on her. She tried in vain to transform but her body wouldn't listen she couldn't feel any of her magic anymore and the earth wouldn't respond to her commands. Flora was so scared,tears were streaming down her face, she had no options. It was dark, she was alone, and she couldn't transform. Tripping and falling on her face, she did not get back up. Crying into the ground and screaming for someone to help her, all she heard was laughter, King Mikahl was laughing, and when Flora turned to meet her assailants, there he was in the midst of his soldiers, grinning as they overtook her. they slashed at her stomach with swords and she screamed in terror as King Mikahl ripped her baby boy from her open stomach and snapped its neck.
Gasping for air Flora awoke from her nightmare. At first she was disoriented but then she remembered where she was; in the red fountain hospital after coming home from Kanuse. Looking around she took inventory of the room, there was an IV heart machine thing on one side of the bed with a little nightstand on the other, someone had put pink carnations on it. Smiling Flora assumed it was probably from one of the girls. Where was Helia though? she looked to the chair in the corner by the foot of her bed that was empty, it didn't look all that comfy so he probably went to his room to sleep in his own bed. With her gaze drawn that direction Flora noticed the folded pile of clothes stacked on the end of her bed, and realized she was only covered by a flimsy sheet. Before anyone could come in Flora hastily dressed in what she recognized as her favorite pajamas shorts and oversized sweater.
After she was dressed she looked around the room not sure what to do. She should call the nurse or should she just get back in bed and wait. Deciding that she was still too freaked out from her dream to go back to bed, she walked about the room; at first aimlessly but then she gravitated towards pink carnations on the nightstand.
"hello little flower, i sure hope your feeling better than i am." Flora crooned and reached out to stoke one of the flowers soft petals. That was when she saw the scar on the back of her hand; it was round and about the size of a half dollar coin. Intrigued Flora brought her hand closer to her face so she could examine it. she turned her hand around to see the same scar on the other side of her hand, then she looked at the one on the other hand, then the ones on her bare feet.
"What are these?!" Flora didn't know how those had gotten there but she was certain the doctor didn't do that. What had happened after the soldiers attacked? how did they escape? She had so many questions, where was Helia?! Flora wanted answers as soon as possible.
"have you seen Helia little flower? He's tall with blue hair and incredibly handsome, he's been here hasn't he?" Flora smiled at the flower and listened for its response… but heard nothing.
"… thats strange.." she tried to use her powers and communicate with the plant but she couldn't feel it. She didn't panic at first but when she tried to manipulate the plant, and got no response her heart started to race.
"Come on Flora!" she pleaded with herself and tried to transform but nothing happened, she couldn't feel even a tickle of her magic.
Tears began streaming down Flora's face as she backed away from the flower. "no no no… whats happening.. dammit transform!" she was full on sobbing now and nothing she did would bring her magic. Suddenly Flora had an idea of what might help and she sprinted from the room. Not bothering to stop for the Doctors shouting after her, and the surprised students staring after her, Flora tore through the halls of Red Fountain barefoot, and tears running down her face. She just had to get to the greenhouse, the flowers would help her.
"Helia… this isnt like you grandson. i know you care about that girl and she needs you now more than ever before-"
"well she lied to me grandfather!" Helia agrily whispered to his grandfather
"I dont give a rats ass even if that were true!" Saladine yelled back as he hit Helia over the head with his staff. "now listen to me. you have come a long way since you first came back to red fountain; you came back a pacifist who cared little about people and now you have turned into a kind and brave man who realized that fighting is what you must do to protect the people you care about most. I am not deluded by thinking that this change came about by my doing, it was all thanks to that broken and scared girl laying in that hospital room. She didn't lie to you son, she was just too scared to divulge the whole truth. why she was so scared i don't know, you'll have to ask her; which you can't do if you don't talk to her."
Saladine paused and took a deep breath, quelling his anger as Helia ran his hands through his hair in exasperation.
"look grandson… i probably shouldn't be saying this because i am your headmaster but… you and Flora have a special relationship. don't ruin it. She needs you right now, you need to console her and at least if not that, explain to her what happened. From what i hear she was unconscious for most of the horror that transpired and is probably really confused."
"I don't even know what to tell her." Helia muttered and leaned against the wall closing his eyes.
Saladine sighed and shook his head "you don't have to say anything, just be there for her."
It was quite until the silence was broken by the sound of voices rising from down the hallway.
"good gracious what is going on?!" Saladin yelled just as Flora came barreling down the hallway in nothing but pajamas, balling her eyes out, and not paying attention to anything around her. "Flora?"
Flora continued on down the hallway like she hadn't seen or heard them at all and Helia yelled her name, pushed off the wall, and took off after her.
"Flora! Stop!" shit Helia thought, this could have been avoided if only i had been there this morning. shit shit. "Flora!"
She was making a beeline straight for the greenhouse and Flora knew she was only a couple turns away from the entrance. Once she was outside of the school building she breathed in the cold air and her knees almost gave out on her. she pressed on pumping her arms and legs and straining to see through her tear filled eyes. soon the big glass structure came into view and she burst through the doors in the next second. Flora didn't bother to close the doors behind her as she ran towards the middle of the greenhouse where she knew was a beautiful fountain. About 6 feet from her destination Flora crashed to the ground and did not get up; she cried into the ground and listened for the sound of the plants to soothe her but she heard nothing. the ground was cold and she was only in shorts and barefoot but she didn't care. She was hurting so much she was immune to anything happening around her, she didn't even feel it when Helia sank to the floor next her and pulled her up against him as he leaned against the fountain.
"shhh Flora its okay. I'm here." He soothed as he sent glares at some bystanders in the greenhouse and shooed them out. once he heard the greenhouse doors shut he squeezed Flora tighter and she clung to his shirt and sobbed. Neither of them said anything for a long while except for a few broken words Flora would mumble in between her sobs, something about not being able to hear the flowers. Helia noticed she was shaking and he wasn't sure if it was from the cold or the crying but he wrapped his cape around them in an attempt to feel somewhat useful.
"Please my love, talk to me." Helia begged and after a couple sniffles he got a reply.
"my powers *sniff* i think… i think they are gone" and then her crying came back at full force.
Startled Helia asked "Gone? How they be gone?" to which Flora just shook her head into his chest and curled up tighter around him.
"Your powers are probably still there my flower, your body is probably in too much shock right now is all. I love you Flora, i know you'll be alright." Helia soothed and rubbed her back with one hand and cradled her head in the other.
Flora pulled back to look at his face and Helia watched as her face contorted in pain "Helia… there- theres something i should tell you but i don't know how and i know you'll be mad and I'm pretty sure theres no point now but- " and she was cut off by her own crying, unable to get the words out.
Smiling softly Helia brushed back her tangled hair and tucked it behind her ear "i know about the baby Flora its alright the doctor told me."
She was startled at first and then she looked at Helia with a question in her eyes and Helia shook his head "No my love, the baby didn't make it."
Unsurprisingly she started crying again and Helia felt like an asshole for having to tell her this but he felt that he had to. "Flora, theres more." Helia paused and then asked "What's the last last thing you remember?"
sitting back up Flora whipped at her eyes "I remember the stone soldiers when they attacked. I remember one of them stabbing me from behind and then another raising there sword to finish the job." her eyes got glassy as she told her story and Helia knew she was reliving it in her head "And then, oh my goddess, Musa! i remember Musa blocking me and then thats it i lost consciousness! is she okay?! Helia wheres Musa?"
"Musa is fine Flora" he chuckled nervously, "she woke up yesterday and has been glued to Riven ever since."
"Then, what more is there?"
"Well Flora, when they... stabbed you… the doctor thinks that's probably when the baby was killed, but not only that…. the damage to your body was immense and… well… he said he doesn't think its likely that… in the future… that…" Helia was struggling to tell her but Flora understood
"I can't have kids?" Flora asked shell shocked.
"Doctor said that its very unlikely… no." and Helia pulled her into his arms and buried his face into her dark hair; needing to hold her close.
she was no longer sobbing but silent tears were still leaking out of her face "Are you mad at me?" she barely whispered.
"I was." he replied and felt her stiffen "but I'm not mad anymore Flora. Holding you like this and seeing you in so much pain i just… Im just happy your alive Flora. Im happy that i get the chance to make you feel better and to stand by your side still. I love you Flora and yeah I'm sad that this has happened to us but that doesn't change my feelings for you. Im sorry i couldn't protect you or our baby but damn it all if I'm selfish for saying this right now but at least at the end of it all its still you and me together. Ill make that false king pay for what he did to you and Musa and all of us."
"King Mikahl is still alive?!" Flora screeched and Helia saw terror in her eyes.
"Not for long my flower. We managed to escape that night but so did king Mikahl. Since then we've all been searching for him and we may have found out where he's hiding. Now were gonna go and hunt that bastard into a grave."
"I want to go" Flora said and then continued as Helia was beginning to protest. "I will get my powers back somehow and then i will be right there standing with you and our friends getting the revenge i deserve."
shaking his head Helia just said "well talk about that later. for now, lets sit just like this. you and me together."
Sighing in contentment Flora closed her eyes and said "I love you."
And thats it for this one folks :) that took me a lot longer than i expected but at least I'm proud of it; i didn't rush through it just to pump chapters out. thanks for sticking with me and if you want to find out what happens next; check out the next part in King Mikhail's saga. The next part is gonna focus on StellaxBrandon and TecnaxTimmy but all the other couple's will be there as well of course.
the next story is called: The Vagrant King