
(1) No profit was gained in the making and consequent publishing of this story. The Rise of the Guardians and Frozen franchises are copyrighted to their respective owners.

(2) Necessary changes may be applied to the characters without prior notice, including, but not limited to, their ages, personalities, background information, et cetera. Changes may deviate from the canon and/or may be borrowed from other stories.

(3) Each short story is a stand-alone, and on its own may be considered complete. They are, however, from the same universe, but with no strict timeframe being followed. This fanfiction, as a whole, can be considered finished, but new chapters may be added in irregular intervals.

(4) Although the story had been written with the intent of emulating children's story books, it contains matured themes that should be read at the reader's discretion.


Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a beautiful, young queen, gifted with the power over snow and ice. Her beauty was unparalleled, and all across the lands and the oceans, princes and peasants, foreigners and locals, men from all walks of life vied for her hand. They offered her their gold, their riches, and their lands. They offered her their hearts, their souls, and their devotions. But to each suitor that asked for her hand in marriage, the queen would unfailingly say 'no'.

And as it would happen, soon word of the queen's cold refusal swept the villages and the kingdoms. The townsfolk whispered of the sorcery and the curse that encased the queen's heart in ice and cruelness. Why else would she refuse each and every one of her suitors? They wondered. Had no one been dashing enough to catch her eye?

Hearsay were varied and ridiculous, but alas, no one had come close to the truth. After all, the world knew of the eternal winter from five summers back, but only the people of Arendelle were aware of what truly happened—along with one peculiar stranger, whose name was known all across the lands, but whose believers could only be counted among a few.

This fellow was known to appear only during the winters when he would nip at your nose and draw delicate patterns on your misty windows. His name was Jack Frost. He was very much real. And to the children of the world, he was a guardian of fun. But to the fair queen of Arendelle, what he guarded was something more… precious, more private.

But Mr. Frost was a mischievous fellow, and to the queen who had serious matters to attend, he was often seen as a troublemaker and a bully. And one day, the queen had enough of his naughty ways. She pounded her fist. She stomped her heel. She waved her arm and sent a powerful gust of wind that knocked Mr. Frost off his feet.

"Enough, Jack Frost." Ordered the queen. "Enough with your games! The courtroom is no place for your mischief! Out, out with you!" Huffed the queen.

But instead of turning away, Mr. Frost leapt off the ground, and floated to the flustered queen. "But your highness," said Mr. Frost, "I could not possibly leave you behind!"

"And why is that?" Challenged the queen. She crossed her arms, and frowned at Mr. Frost.

"Because your highness," said Mr. Frost as he lowered himself on the ground, and knelt on one knee before the queen. "Naughty kids need to be punished." The queen was taken aback, for Mr. Frost's impish tone had turned sleek and sultry, and somewhere south, south, south, the queen could feel a pleasant but fiery warmth blossom in her nether—

"OH MY GOD!" shrieked the queen, suddenly releasing a powerful blast of ice and snow that sent Mr. Frost flying away. "Oh my god, Jack! Heavens! I—you—the narration—just—JACK!" cried the queen, too flustered to put together a sentence. She pointed to Mr. Frost and Mr. Frost was surprised. Such a rude gesture! Why would the queen use such a rude gesture? Mr. Frost paused to think.

"I'm hurt, your highness!" said he as he placed a hand over his heart. "Mr. Frost's got a booboo that only you could kiss better." But to his never-ending surprise, the fair queen suddenly summoned a gigantic snowstorm and aimed it at Mr. Frost. Mr. Frost was quite certain that if the snowstorm hit him square on, he would, even as an immortal, suffer from a world of pain, but all he could think about at that moment was the beautiful flush of the queen's pallid cheeks, the way her lips were pursued in concentration, the way her crystal eyes glimmered with strong determination, the way his sweater was gloriously clinging on to the queen's lithe form in just the right places—

"Jack Frost!" And Mr. Frost saw a flurry of snow white and ice blue hurtling at him in inhumane speed, before his vision exploded in a sea of stars and darkness. And with her nemesis in deep, deep slumber, peace had once again returned to the fair ruler of Arendelle.


Author's Note: Rest assured there will be more chapters to come. :)