The Royal Château garden was brimming with lush greens and vibrant hues of almost every color imaginable, teaming with buds and blossoms that reached outwards to marinate in every bit of the summer sun. Birds twittered here, bees buzzed over there, and the white, plumy white clouds sailed slowly and leisurely overhead, as if they were taking their sweet time floating in the blue, summer sky. And Elsa lay in a hammock nearby, between two trees that provided a generous amount shade, hands behind her head, eyes closed, rocking gently with a small smile that never seemed to have left her face ever since having been reunited with her precious, precious Anna.

In the distance, she heard the jingling of Sven's dog collar approaching, and she lifted an eyelid to see the little dog whizzing towards her, with Anna following not too far behind. Elsa grunted as the pup leaped onto her stomach, trembling with excited energy, lapping away at her face and showering her with kisses.

"Ergh, yuck! Pppllleyech!" Elsa chuckled as Sven hopped down from the hammock and darted around the garden, anticipating what adventures might be in store for him today.

"Hey you," Anna said as she approached the hammock, smiling down at Elsa. "You look nice and relaxed."

Elsa patted her chest. "Join me, it's such nice day out." Anna obeyed, turning around and leaning back into the hammock and falling awkwardly into it at first, struggling to get comfortable in Elsa's embrace, but eventually they locked into each other almost perfectly, Elsa wrapping her arms around Anna who lay comfortably on top of her. Both now looked upwards at the sky and settled into each other, and Anna sighed contently as she placed a few items she'd brought with her onto her stomach.

"How was lunch with Ruben today?" Elsa asked into her ear.

"It was good. I mean, he's still obviously upset about Sylvia, but you's probably for the best, that she left without a word like that. I mean, it would've been really awkward between them. Like, 'Hi Ruben, oh, by the way, I made your daughter's life a living hell with the help of my son.'" They both giggled at Anna's impeccable impersonation.

"And, I brought these back from the house. I never got to finish them." Elsa looked down to see that Anna had been holding blue wool yarn, knitting material, and what looked like a partially completed mitten.

"I was making them for you the day you were returning from your first semester at university. But some stuff got in the way, like... getting hit by a car, you know, typical night."

Elsa grinned. "They're not even finished yet and I already love them. Thanks Anna," and Elsa gave her a peck on the forehead. She felt Anna snuggle into her deeper, and watched as she laid out the wool on her stomach and begin to proficiently knit away.

"Wow, it's been a while, but my fingers still remember everything," she said. Elsa found the soft clicking sounds of the metal knitting needles soothing.

They laid lovingly against each other in a comfortable silence, one knitting away and one hugging and embracing the other, basking in the moment. Suddenly, Anna stopped and turned her head to look at Elsa. "You're not bored or anything, are you? Wanna help me knit? I can teach you if you want."

Elsa looked intently into Anna's eyes, and brought up a hand to stroke her bangs out of the way. "No I'm okay. Someone once told me it's important for someone like me to stay in the present moment, so I'm trying to do that more often now. She helped me understand that it's important to try to not think of anything in the past or the future. Her name was...Kaitlin? Kara? No...Kirsten or something..." She looked up at the sky as if she was searching her memory, and she felt a nudge against her stomach.

"Not funny...Miss Elsa," Anna jested, and Elsa chuckled, but her tone turning more serious, she looked back down into Anna's eyes. "I never have a boring moment when I'm with you,'re kind of like my anchor. You somehow always keep me in the present moment, because nothing else is better than just being here, in the present, with you. And...nothing else grounds me the way you do. I always feel secure just thinking about you, and when you're in my arms like this," she gave Anna a gentle squeeze in her arms, "that's when I'm the most happiest. So no...I'm not bored."

She saw Anna try to hide a smile as she bit her lip, and Elsa thought that maybe Anna's cheeks were turning pink but Anna turned her face and quickly tended to her knitting again, the clicking sounds a little quicker now. "Oh, I see."

For a while, they sat in silence, enjoying the summer breeze swaying them gently to and fro. Elsa sighed contently, and nuzzled her head into Anna's hair, closing her eyes. She could nap like this if she wanted to. The weather was warm, the shade was cool and refreshing, and she never knew the garden smelled this nice. She felt the heart locket resting there against her chest as if it were protecting her heart. Staying in the present moment had never been so sweet.

Just as she was about to drift away into a light afternoon nap, she heard Anna clear her throat, and Elsa opened her eyes to find Anna reaching up and tucking some hair behind her ear before she spoke. "D-do you know when I first knew I loved you?" She continued to adeptly twist the yarn in and out of the mitten.


"Well, you'd never guess." She paused for a moment as she continued knitting. "It was completely unexpected. It was actually the moment right before Hans hit me with the car, in that tunnel."

Elsa cringed just thinking about it. She still couldn't believe that sick bastard did that. "What do you mean?" she asked, letting go of her temporary surge of irritation, for it was replaced by a tingling curiosity.

"Well, they say that some people, right before they black out or have a near death experience, like getting hit by a car for example, see a bright light, or see their life flashing before their eyes. Some say they do a quick prayer to god, or something like that, you know?"

Elsa nodded, and Anna stopped knitting and turned her face, and their eyes locked. "Well, I didn't see or do any of those things. I just remember that, right before I got hit..."

She paused, bringing her hand to Elsa's cheek to caress it gently as she gazed affectionately into her eyes.

"I just closed my eyes and, all I saw was you."