Ciao! I just want to let you guys know that from now till until I say otherwise, I will be referring to Tsuna as Caelum. Now, on with the story!




Character ages:

Caelum – 7 years old

Marie Lucciani – XX years old

David Lucciani – XX years old

DISCLAIMER: I do not own KHR or the song I Won't Give Up. They belong to Akira Amano and Jason Mraz respectively.

I used the nightcore version of the song. You can listen to it while reading it at

h**ps: /ww w atch ?v=Xf Pas XDc G _I


Or go to youtube and type in Nightcore - I Won't Give Up

Chapter 4 –Misplaced Trust

Caelum woke up lying down on a bed in a room that was unfamiliar to him. He was trying to remember what happened to him before he woke up.

'That's right… we escaped… we finally escaped!' Caelum thought to himself, his feelings were in a giant mess. After a few moments, Caelum's feelings finally settled on the feeling of dread. 'Did they find me? Did I just go through all of that only to get caught at the end?' Caelum frantically thought to himself as he began to take in every detail of the room.

The room was ordinary. The walls were a nice pastel yellow-ish colour. There was a wooden bedside table right next to the bed. There were 2 windows to the left side of the bed and a door to the right.

Caelum saw a bunch of trees through the windows. 'Am I still in the forest?' Caelum thought to himself.

Caelum's eyes then wandered around the room once more before his eyes had landed on his own body. He wasn't wearing a shirt; that was the first thing he noticed. He dully noted that his chest hurt like hell. Someone had patched him up while he was unconscious seeing as he had bandages wrapped all around his body – some of them needed to be changed, he also noted, as some of his blood had already began to seep through them.

While Caelum was busy inspecting himself, he never noticed that someone had opened the door. It was only until when the person spoke did he turn his attention to them.

"I see you woke up. It's been about 3 days now. How are you feeling? You looked terrible when we found you." The woman said as she approached Caelum with fresh bandages in her hands.

"I'm feeling fine. Thank you." Caelum replied curtly. If there was anything that Caelum had ever learned from Nana and Iemitsu, it would have to be manners. "Who are you? Where am I?" Caelum asked.

The woman chuckled a little bit. "Oh, where are my manners? My name is Marie Lucciani. Right now, you're in my house." Marie answered. "What's your name, child?" She asked.

Caelum paused for a moment before saying, "My name's Caelum."

The woman nodded her head. "Ok Caelum, I need to change those bandages of yours, so I need you to stay still." She said. Caelum nodded his head and let her change them.

Right after she got all of the bandages off, the door opened once again. Excepting instead of a woman there it was a man.

"Oh, I see that you're finally awake. How are you feeling?" The man asked.

"I'm fine." Caelum said. "Thank you for taking care of me."

"No problem, child. That's what we do." The man said. "By the way, I'm David Lucciani, a doctor and the husband that beautiful woman over there." David said, motioning to Marie, who was just chuckling at David as if she was used to this. Caelum smiled.

David walked over to Caelum's bed and took a seat. "Now then, would you mind telling me where you got your injuries?" David asked.

Caelum froze up at that question. He knew that he would've been asked that question, but he hoped that it would've come a bit later since he had yet to create a cover story (Caelum doesn't want them to know of/become involved in the mafia).

David sighed. "Not only are you malnourished, but you have multiple scratches all over your body. Some were deep, especially the two cuts on your back, they'll become scars. There were bruises all over your body too, most of them covering your torso. You sustained a few broken and bruised ribs, not to mention that you twisted your ankle. When we found you in the forest near the road, you were bleeding to death." David said in a serious tone. "Caelum, I need you to tell me the truth. Were you being abused?" He asked.

At first, Caelum was speechless at how David had come to that conclusion before quickly making up a story in his mind that went along the lines of being abused.

Caelum silently nodded his head.

"Was it your parents?" Marie asked.

Caelum stiffened as he remembered his 'parents' before he became 'Caelum' but relaxed once again before they noticed. "No," Caelum finally answered. "My Mom died during childbirth and my Dad died in a car accident on my 4th birthday." Caelum said. 'Well, in a way it's sort of true since Nana never showed me true love once in my life and Iemitsu began to abuse me when I was 4 years old. It's like the person I knew died.' Caelum reasoned in his mind.

David felt a bit guilty at how immediately he thought it was Caelum's parents who did this to him. He has to remember that not all parents are bad. Marie on the other hand felt pity for the boy. She wondered how a boy like Caelum could have so much bad luck; seeing as his parents dead, he was being abused by his guardian, and now his life was going to be even worse once they were done with him. She steeled herself quickly though, whatever happens to Caelum once they're done with him isn't her problem.

David's eyes softened. "Then who abused you?" He asked. "We'll make sure that whoever it is won't ever hurt you again."

Caelum just shook his head and then looked outside the window, choosing to not talk.

David sighed but nonetheless accepted Caelum's choice. "Ok Caelum, it's your decision." David said as he got up and began to head out of the room with his wife. Just before they left the room, he said to Caelum "Just get some rest now Caelum. You're safe with us now." They walked out the room and David closed the door behind them.

"Liar," Caelum heard his intuition whisper to him, "You're not safe with them here. Do not become too attached to them, you'll have to leave soon."

Caelum stared at the door before deciding to ignore his intuition and listen to the doctor and sleep. Not even a few seconds later Caelum's eyes were already beginning to close. One minute later he fell asleep.

Too bad Caelum didn't listen to his intuition, for now what's about to happen to him will break him even further…


-A couple weeks later-

Everything was healing up well. Caelum was very lucky that none of his injuries caused permanent damage to his body. David also told him that given (a lot of) time, his scars may fade. Caelum wasn't too surprised when David told him that he heals fast. After all, his body has forcibly learned to heal quickly since he was young.

Caelum was sitting down on a stool, playing on the grand piano in the living room. Caelum was smiling fondly at it as he recalled what inspired him to want to play the guitar.

Caelum was sitting in the bed where David told him to stay so he could give his injuries time to heal. Caelum didn't want to cause any more problems for them so he did as he said for a few hours, until he was extremely bored and decided to wonder the house.

Stepping out of bed, Caelum walks to the door and opens it. As soon as he steps outside of the room, he heard a beautiful piece of music. Following the beautiful piece of music, Caelum stops right outside of the living room, staring at the person who was playing a guitar. It was Marie. The piece of music she played was so spectacular that he found himself getting lost in it. It wasn't until the song ended until he finally realized that there was a burning sensation in his eyes, 'My eyes… they want to cry, yet they can't. Have my tears dried up?' Caelum wondered.

"Ara Caelum, you shouldn't be up and about just yet. You should be resting." Marie said. The tone that Marie used was similar – too similar – to the one that Nana used a lot whenever Giotto was around him, 'fake kindness.' Although they were similar, Caelum sensed that she was conflicted – part of her was really concerned and the other part could care less. Even though Caelum knew all of this, he just shrugged it off as being paranoid due to his past experiences with adults.

"Sorry," Caelum said, "it's just that I was a bit bored and decided to follow the music."

"It's alright dear." Marie said, "How are you feeling?" she asked.

"I'm feeling a lot better. Thank you for asking." Caelum answered then paused and asked, "What piece of music were you playing? It was beautiful…"

"Ah, thank you. That song is still in the process of being composed." She responded. "Would you like me to teach you how to play the guitar Caelum?" Marie offered.

Caelum was shocked. There was actually an adult out there willing to help him, teach him. "Un!" Caelum said excitedly, nodding his head furiously.

Marie smiled and giggled, happy that Caelum was finally coming out of his shell. She then paused, thinking, 'What am I doing, getting myself attached to the boy?!' she thought to herself, 'I am only using him for my own needs!' Marie looked at Caelum, 'Although it wouldn't hurt to teach him right? He reminds me of him so much…'

In the end, Caelum ended up completing the song that Marie was composing, with the lyrics and everything, as thanks for teaching him how to play the guitar. Playing the same song that Marie played at that time, Caelum sang,

"When I look into your eyes

It's like watching the night sky

Or a beautiful sunrise

There's so much they hold

And just like them old stars

I see that you've come so far

To be right where you are

How old is your soul?

I won't give up on us

Even if the sky gets rough

I'm giving you all my love

I'm still looking up

And when you're needing your space

To do some navigating

I'll be here patiently waiting

To see what you find

'Cause even the stars they burn

Some even fall to the earth

We've got a lot to learn

God knows we're worth it

No, I won't give up

I won't give up (x3)

I won't give up on us

Even if the sky gets rough

I'm giving you all my love

I'm still looking up

I won't give up on us

God knows I'm tough enough

We've got a lot to learn

God knows we're worth it"

Once Caelum finished, he head a couple of hands clapping. He whirled around to see Marie and David standing in the doorway smiling.

"That was great Caelum!" David complemented.

"Yeah," Marie agreed. "It's hard to believe that you started to learn how to play the guitar only a few weeks ago. You're a prodigy!"

"Thank you." Caelum said curtly.

"No need to be so uptight Caelum, kids should be more relaxed and have fun." David said.

"Ok~" Caelum said, grinning.

David nodded, "Much better!" he said.

"Anyway boys, it's dinner time. Come on. The food will get cold."

"Ok~" David and Caelum said together as they followed Marie into the kitchen, giggling.


It was night time, and Caelum felt weird. To be more precise, it was during dinner he felt strange. He wondered if he caught something so he excused himself for the table to rest. Now hours later, here he was, lying down on the bed awake. He was unable to fall back to sleep due to his HI despite his eyes' willingness to close. Caelum found that suspicious since he had never felt this way before, even when he was unable to sleep for many days straight. That's when it hit him; his HI has been warning him of something for this past week but of what, he didn't know.

Caelum then heard his door opening and turned to see who it was. "David? Marie?" Caelum asked. "What are you guys doing here so late in the night?" Caelum asked. What happened next, Caelum couldn't really say he was completely surprised. It was as if Caelum could feel his HI telling him I told you so!

Marie cursed. She cursed; something Caelum never thought was possible for Marie to do. "Damn it! Didn't you put that into his meal?!" Marie harshly whispered to her husband.

"I did!" David hissed back.

"Then why isn't he asleep, knocked out?!"

"I don't know!"

Marie sighed and rubbed her nose bridge. "Oh well, it doesn't matter anymore. Just grab him so we could get the money and be done with him already."

David nodded and made his way to Caelum.

Caelum felt something snap inside him. What it was, he did not know; but Caelum heard them. They had been lying to him the whole time. They were not the nice people they acted as. They were like them. Like his poor excuses of parents; manipulative.

No, it's not just them. That's how all adults are. Adults cannot be trusted, all they'll do is stab you in the back when they're done with you or hurt you for their own pleasure. They are all selfish and greedy bastards.

Caelum had already felt his trust in adults wavering before, but now it was completely gone. Caelum was gone, only leaving the broken Tsuna he was unprotected to face the darkness of the world. His eyes had grown dull and cold, watching David closely as he kept on approaching him.

He was giving up, and he knew it. He was giving up his hope in ever finding happiness in this dark and cruel world.

"-but you better catch up with us once you're done!"

'Whose voice was that?' Tsuna thought. A blonde haired boy's image flashed in his head, 'Michelle…' Tsuna recalled. 'No… not just him, but the rest of the children too…'

"Someday, let's meet again…"

"That's a promise."

Tsuna felt his heart ache, remembering that there were other kids. Most of them were older, but some of them were younger than him. He thought about Mukuro and Nagi. They'd be sad if he just gave up here. That promise he had made to those kids extended to them as well, his promise to return to them.

'I won't give up…' Tsuna thought, 'I'll never give up anymore. I won't be caught. I promised them, and I'll never go back on that promise. They don't deserve betrayal.' Tsuna thought resolutely.

With that, Tsu- no, Caelum was back, more resolute than ever. A pure, delicate sky flame appeared dancingly on Caelum's forehead. At first it was just a flicker, but it slowly became stronger and stronger as he kept on building up his resolve.

Caelum began to notice that he no longer felt drugged anymore – whether it was his flames burning the drug out of his body or the adrenaline he's feeling more and more as David comes closer and closer he does not it know. It doesn't really matter to him either.

Caelum caught the sight of David and Marie's surprised faces when they saw a flame appear on his forehead but he didn't dwell on it, deciding to spring into action instead. He jumped off his bed and sent a powerful kick – thanks to those messed up scientists he knows how to fight to survive – which sent David towards Marie, who was still near the bedroom door.

He didn't really have to do anything though, since the moment he made his to move kick David was the moment people –assassins, his HI supplied- broke the glass and entered his room. There were five of them, surrounding him.

"What the hell is going on?!" Marie yelled. "He's our prey! We found him first!"

The person who seemed to be the leader of the group of assassins turned to face her. "Shut the hell up woman." He sneered with disgust. "You are lucky that it's against our motto to go around raping and killing women for the hell of it. However, if you get in between us and our mission of killing that boy-" He points to Caelum, "-then I will not hesitate to kill you. Get out of my sight."

He looks at David who was still on the floor and said, "You as well."

Marie was the first one to nod her head and dashed out of the room, David scampering to get back onto his feet and dashed out as well.

He then turns to face Caelum, his face surprisingly turns apologetic. "I'm sorry boy, but someone has ordered us to kill you."

Caelum got this nagging feeling. He stared at the apologizing assassin in front of him. He looked familiar… but where- oh. Oh. "Michelle." Caelum said, looking at the man straight in the eye.

The assassin's eyes widened a long with the rest of the assassins in the group. "Y-You… you know him? You know Michelle?" The man asked hesitantly.

Caelum's eyes narrowed. He wasn't about to begin to start trusting adults again, especially an assassin sent to kill him. With the reassurance from his HI however that nothing bad will happen if he tells him, he conceded, "Yes. He looks like you; blonde hair, blue eyes, same face structure and everything."

Another assassin, a woman, stepped up. Caelum quickly shifted into a defensive position, ready for any attack that might be sent his way. The woman quickly put her hands up seeing this, a sign that she won't attack. Caelum didn't drop his guard though.

"Mi-Michelle… how do you know him? Where? Where is he?" She asked, almost pleading.

Caelum became even more suspicious. "Who are you? Why would you even want to know?" Caelum asked, his orange eyes staring at them, as if he was peering into their soul.

One of the younger assassins, who appeared to be a teen, looked furiously at Caelum. "You don't need to know brat! Just answer her fucking questions!" The teen growled.

Caelum snapped back. "I put my fucking trust in adults and look at where it got me now. They abuse you." Memories of Nana and Iemitsu appear in Caelum's head. "They torture you." Estraneo and their experiments. "They betray you." Marie and David. "Adults cannot be trusted. Do you think I really would just sell out my friend to someone who just comes asking about him, potentially sending assassins or what not after him?! Who the hell do you take me for?!" Caelum glared at all of them, as if daring them to say something.

The teen flinched, he hadn't thought about it that way…

"I… we are Michelle's family." The woman said. "I am Saphia Orphella, Michelle's mother. The man who asked you if you knew Michelle is his father, Jared Orphella. The teen is Naoto, Michelle's oldest brother. The last two are twins; the girl is Yuuki and the boy is Yuuta, Michelle's older siblings. Michelle… he was taken away from us by one of our enemies. We're trying to find him and our employer promised to give us information about him if we killed you." Saphia continued.

No matter how suspicious coughparanoidcough Caelum was of them, his HI was telling him that Saphia spoke nothing but the truth. However, it also told him that they haven't told him what made them have enemies (mafia famiglia?) or how Michelle was taken from them. Caelum just ignored those points though.

Caelum sighed, "Fine, I'll tell you." Caelum said. The faces of Michelle's family brightened. "But, I can guarantee you won't like it. At all." They still nodded, urging Caelum to continue.

"We were in Estraneo, and judging from your reactions, I guess you all know what the Estraneo famiglia is." Caelum said, seeing the paling of their faces when he mentioned Estraneo. "Don't worry, Michelle's alive. I made sure that he escaped with the other children."

Saphia gasped, "You were there too?!" She asked.

Caelum blinked, "Yeah." He said. The rest of the family just stared at Caelum in slight surprise. Even though they had suspected that much when Caelum said 'we', it's still a surprise to hear it from his mouth.

Caelum took off his shirt. He then turned around for them to see his back. When he heard them gasp he remembered all of the scars he had, but ignored that in favour of showing them the number he had on his lower back.

"This number, #27, was who I was back there in Estraneo." Caelum said, rubbing the engraved number on his back. "Back there… we didn't have names to them, just numbers. Experiment numbers."

"All of us went through different experiments. We all have experienced practically the same pain, but some experienced that pain more than others." Caelum continued. He then looked at them in the eye. "I- We don't want your pity. It's behind us already. We escaped from that hell and we have no intentions of going back."

Saphia swallowed her tears, nodding.

"I can't really help you with finding Michelle though. I got separated from the group while we were escaping." Caelum admitted. "All I can tell you is that yes, Michelle is still alive." Caelum said.

Jared nodded his head, chocking back his tears of relief, "T-Thank you, boy." He said.

Caelum nodded back. "No problem." Caelum said. Then he remembered something. "I… have two questions and one request though, if that's alright."

Jared looked at Caelum, "I'm alright with the questions but it depends on what your request is."

Caelum nodded his head once again. "What's Vongola?" Caelum asked.

"Vongola… Vongola is the biggest, most influential and powerful mafia famiglia in the world. The Vongola famiglia is something that people either hate, fear, respect or do all of them in the mafia world. There have been rumours though that there is an internal conflict between the famiglia though, but no one's brave enough to ask if it's true in fear of getting on their bad side though." Jared said.

'… wow. I don't know what I was expecting, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't even close to that.' Caelum thought to himself. "Who hired you to kill me?" Caelum asked.

"A couple named Sawada Iemitsu and Sawada Nana. And let me tell you boy, the price they put over your head is pretty damn hefty. Be careful." Jared said.

"Thanks. As for my favour, when you find Michelle, take the group of children with you. Protect them. Send them back to their families if they want to go back. Tell them that Caelum's alive and well, so they don't have to worry and that he'll meet them again someday." Caelum said. "I know that you are much more than what you seem to be. Maybe one of those famiglias since you know so much about that side of the world, but who am I to judge? Just… protect the children for me, ok?"

They stared at Caelum, some surprised and others weary.

"Ok, we will." Saphia answered for her husband. They were about o leave before she turns back to ask Caelum a question. "By the way… might you be Caelum?"

Caelum just sent her a smile, "Yes, my name is Caelum." He answered.

"Do… do you want to come with us?" Jared offered.

Caelum shook his head. "No. If what you said was true, then there will be people out to kill me. The last thing I'd want to do is to put them in even more danger because of me." Caelum said.

They hesitantly accepted that answer, looking back one more time and jumped out the window, leaving the whispers of "stay safe" behind them as they disappeared into the darkness.

Not long after them, Caelum to slipped out through the window as well and disappeared into the night's shadows.


Sorry it took so long! As I was typing it, I found that I was straying more and more off of what I had planned and the whole ending is now completely different from what I had envisioned it have been! It was a complete surprise! I also had to figure out who my OCs were going to be too. So…


Please create OCs and send them to me, both good and bad guys. I can assure you that my updates will be much faster as long as my homework (I'm still in high school, you know!) doesn't interfere with my writing.
