Hey guys, sorry it took so long to make this, but I'm finally done with it. I had spend the entire spring break working on it and it is finish! Here it is, folks! The complete third story!

Chapter 10: Best Spring Break Ever.

Gumball stand alone and sitting in the cold sand, while watching the beach underneath the moonlight. It was a lovely sight for everyone to see, but for Gumball, it wasn't. After his friends and family found out of why he was avoiding them, they have rejected him like a piece of garbage. Not only that, his long time crush was disappointed in him as well. Seeing those glares and Penny's disappointed look made Gumball broke his heart and his plans shatter into million of pieces. His plan was ruined, so was his attempted to make Penny his girlfriend and making this the best spring break ever. Now it was the worst spring break ever and Penny hates him. She was never going to forgive him, so was his classmates and his family. Mr. Norbert had ordered everyone to leave the building by tomorrow night, and after that, his life and reputation is ruin. Gumball also lost his job as well. After getting rid of his disguise that Charlie had made for him, Gumball walk out the Music Shack and sat on the beach. The waves crashing in didn't make Gumball lose his memories of what happen back at the shack. He wanted to go back to the hotel room where he will prepare to spend his last day at the resort, but his family will be mad at him. He wanted to just stay in the sand and kept staring at the beach for as long as it takes, but he couldn't bear to see his family be more mad as ever to him, especially his mother. With a deep sigh, Gumball got up from the sand and walked to the resort. After the elevator ding from the hallway of where his family and Penny's family reside, Gumball walked slowly to his family hotel room and right before he open the door, he stopped at the next door hotel room of where Penny and her family are staying. Well, were staying. After that hurtful truth at the Music Shack, her family will never let him go near her daughter ever again.

Gumball sighed "I'm sorry, Penny. Sorry for ruining your vacation. If you don't want to see me, that's fine." He open the door to his hotel room and enter inside to see the scowling faces of his entire family. But instead of glares and hurtful comments, they were all fast asleep. Probably they didn't want to face him and his lying. Gumball didn't mind them; he feels awful about what happen. He should have just told them the truth instead of lying to them for the entire vacation. Gumball entered his room of where his siblings were sleeping. Gumball took out his clothes that smell like ketchup and baked fires and put on his pajamas. Gumball sit down on the mattress, put himself under the covers and lay his head down on the soft pillow before closing eyes and being alone with only his thoughts.

I just want this day to end.

Gumball woke his eyes the minute the sun shine into his blue face. Gumball sit up from his late night sleep. He wasn't feeling cheerful or full of love; he was still depress after what happen. The morning sun didn't brighten his day. Gumball waited for the angry words given by his family since last night he didn't got hurt by them. Actually, they went to sleep without him after what happen. But he didn't hear nothing. No hurtful words, no insults, and no horrible comments. Nothing.

Gumball turn around and saw that his sister wasn't there in bed. He check the fishbowl that if Darwin was still there, but his friend/adopted brother also wasn't there. Gumball got up from the bed and open the door to see if his parents were still up, but they're weren't there as well. The queen size bed was already made perfectly, and there were four luggages on top of it. Gumball notice the texture and color of the luggages; their were his family's luggages. The one that wasn't on there was his as it rested on the closet in his room.

Gumball walked up to the luggages and saw a small piece of paper on top of the heavy luggages. Gumball grab it and read what it say.

Dear Gumball,

We went to the buffet lounge for breakfast and will be preparing to go anywhere on our last day in the resort while you were sleeping. Don't bother coming to us because we'll just ignore you. Maybe now you'll relaxed what's it like to go off in the morning.


The Watterson Family.

Gumball felt his heart more sunk than ever it was yesterday last night. Gumball dropped the note from his hands and slide down on the floor while tears were falling out of his eyes. His whole family now doesn't want him on their last day at the resort. Gumball was only trying to make them have the best spring break ever; he had no idea why they could be so mad about it. Now he can't go to work because he's fired. His friends won't hang out with him, not even Penny won't see him. All he could do now was stay in the room until his family comes back. Who knows when they'll back? It didn't say on the note left by them. It could take the whole morning, the whole afternoon, or possibly the whole night.

Gumball went back to the room and got his regular clothes from his luggage at the closet. As he open the luggage, it let out a familiar smell that came in contact in Gumball's nose. It was the smell of yesterday food at the Music Shack when he and Tobias fought. The thought about Tobias make him frustrated. It's his fault he got into this mess, and now he turn his love ones against them, including Penny. Right now, Tobias is spending the day with her already, making out and such. Gumball got rid of his pajamas and put on his shirt he had been wearing since last night. As he was putting his shorts, he notice a small sound that came inside of one of the pockets. He put his hand inside of the pocket and took out a folded yellow paper.

Gumball unfolded it and saw that it was the ad for the Talent Show right here at the resort. He remember that he got it from Charlie at the shack, who explain that every year people sign up to perform their talent and this year the winner will receive a $1,000. And it was tonight.

That's when Gumball had an idea that came it on top of his head.

Since he can't work at the Music Shack anymore, he'll just have to perform at the talent show.

It's a great idea!. That's what Gumball though. He'll perform his ukulele and his amazing singing and he'll win the money to pay back Mr. Norbert. He also check in more information of where the sign-in sheet might be. It was at the lobby at Mr. Norbert's counter.

Perfect. Gumball thought

Gumball then grab his ukulele from his luggage and put his tape of his favorite songs that he got from it and put it in his pocket. Gumball then walked out the door, and as soon as his hand was on the golden doorknob, he looked at the mirror and saw most of his hairs were standing up. He lick both of his hands and fixes it. Then he open the door and dashed himself into the elevator.

At the lobby, Gumball has to make sure none of his former classmates or his family are here. The note said that his family will be eating at the buffet lounge. Gumball check his watch and, according to it, it was about noon, so that means that his family already ate and left the resort without him for family fun. Gumball saw the counter and see that if Mr. Norbert wasn't here. He wasn't. The young blue cat make his way to the counter without anyway seeing him. Above his eyes was the sign-in sheet for the "Spring Break Talent Show". There were about a lot of people names in there; guess they really want that prize money. As soon as Gumball grab the black pen, his first thought came into mind when the pen came in contact with the paper.

If I'm going to sign up for this, I need to come up with a fake name. Gumball thought up the first name that pops up in his name and wrote it down on the sign-up sheet.

Charles Xavier.

Okay, he couldn't come up with a better name than a fictional character from the X-Men comic books, but that was the only thing he can come up with. It was a good thing he read an issue while going on the trip. After that, Gumball dashed out of the resort undetected.

Gumball walked to the sand and sat down on the beach. With his yellow ukulele, he took a deep breath and started strumming some strings. He play the notes very beautifully until a sour note was play. Gumball wince, and turns some of the handles. He play it again, notes become cores, then came the sour note. Gumball wince again in frustration. He turn the handles again a few times.

Gumball thought Here we go.

A few times with it didn't go so well. That's because Gumball hasn't practice with it since they got here. Maybe with the time that he have until the talent show began he could get some serious practice. He turn all of the handles from it and muttered "I think I got it right."

With a deep breath and his mind fill with confidence, Gumball started to strum a few notes from his instrument. A few notes later there was no wrong note. Gumball smiled at the surprise. He play more than a few notes on it and the notes become music. Real music. The sunset and the waves of the beach matches the wonderful music of his instrument. After his music had ended, Gumball was now getting ready for the show.

At the resort, the unhappy students from Elmore Junior High were at the lobby as they were getting ready to spend their last day here. Their parents had already pack their bags and were getting ready to move out for the night. Some of the were sitting, while the rest were standing, feeling with a combination of sad and anger.

Masami said "I can't believe that this is the last time we get to spent at the resort."

Banana Joe shouted "This is all Gumball's fault!"

The rest of them agreed of Joe's statements, some of them were nodding their heads.

"That idiot has gone too far this time!" Teri spatted.

"I suggest that we don't ever talk to Gumball ever again!"

Carrie proposed "I propose that we beat Gumball up after we get kick out of the resort!"

"What about Darwin and Anais?" Carmen asked, who was standing right next to Alan.

Everyone turn their attention to Darwin and Anais, who were both standing up.

Rachel stand up and spoke on their defense, especially to her boyfriend. "Whoa, whoa! We're only here to beat up Gumball, not his siblings, right, Darwin?"

Darwin sighed "As much as I agree with you, Rachel, I don't think beating up Gumball will solve anything."

"Why are you defending him, dude?" Tobias asked. "He's the one who destroy the storage and lied to us in the first place!"

"I know." Darwin continued. "I should be mad like you guys are, but I think you're forgetting one small detail. I think we need to talk to Gumball of why did he lie to us and why did he blew up the ice-cream storage."

"You heard what Mr. Norbert said. He was trying to steal some of the ice-cream sandwiches."

"I know my brother as anyone before, and I know that he wouldn't never steal anything like that."

Carrie asked "The only question that everyone is puzzled: how did Gumball do it? It can be only open by an employer at the resort."

Molly guessed "You think he could have open the door by getting the keys from Mr. Norbert's office."

"Impossible." Anais answered. As everyone was talking about how Gumball did the crime, she notice something that caught her eye. Anton had something all over his mouth. It was white; she took a closer look at it and knew what that white stain was. Vanilla.

"Hey, Anton, what's that white stain all over your face?"

Anton didn't know what she was talking about, until she point him at his mouth. "Oh, I just ate some ice-cream, that's all."

"It's weird that it didn't dried up."

"That's because I ate it just know."

"Wait." Rachel said. "We didn't see you with ice-cream when we sit down." Everyone was now looking at Anton and his vanilla mouth.

"Hey, yeah. Come to think of it, the dessert has ran out of vanilla ice-cream when dad ate all of it when we ate." Darwin agree, growing suspicious.

Anton was sweating from his face, and the vanilla white was started to melt from it. "Oh, I-I just got it right before you dad got all of it."

"But we didn't see you there."

Penny added "I don't think that's not just any vanilla ice-cream."

Bobert extended his arm on Anton's vanilla mouth and drop it to his scanner. He waited for a few seconds and came a with DING! He concluded "It's not just vanilla ice-cream; it's came from a ice-cream sandwich."

Anton was about to walk away from them until he was grab by Bobert's extended arms and place him on a chair. Everyone was now ganging up on the nervous toast.

Darwin demanded "Okay, Anton. How did you get the ice-cream sandwich?"

Anton shouted "I'll never talk! Never!"

"All right then, you leave me no choice but to-" Rachel said, before Anton confessed.

"Okay, okay! I confess! It was Tobias! He made me, Tina, Joe, and Jamie open the ice-cream storage so we can steal all of the ice-cream sandwiches! But Gumball caught us and beg us to drop the them all and go back to the resort, but we wouldn't listen to him! Tobias and Gumball fight, which resulted the whole ice-cream storage blow up sky high!"

Everyone was now stunned and speechless at Anton's crying confession, most of the people stop their business and caught a good hearing of it.

Rachel said in wide eyed "Whoa! I was only going to shake him a bit, but now i don't need to."

Tobias was about to walk away, but was pin down by Darwin. He screamed "Get off of me, you big dumb fish!"

Darwin grab him by his feet and throw him at where was he caught by both Molly and Rachel. Darwin was giving him an angry stare. "Yeah! It was me! So what? It's not like I could have done worse! It's not worse than I blackmail gumball and letting me date Penny!" Tobias shouted, before realizing what he had just said to his classmates. "Oops."

Penny screamed at his face "So it was you who made Gumball destroyed the ice-cream storage and blackmail him just so you can date me?!"

"When you say it like that, it means it's a bad thing." Everyone was preparing to beat Tobias up, but stopped them all. "Hey, hey! If you all lay a hand on me, I'll file a lawsuit on all of you! My parents knows people! Big People! And you're parents will ground you for good!"

"Just like you are, Tobias!"

Tobias stopped talking and everyone looked to see Tobias' parents, Penny's parents and Gumball's parents, who were standing there and had witness the whole thing. Growing nervous, he replied "Hey mom, hey dad. I was just goofing around-"

"Save it, Tobias." Jackie interrupted.

Harold replied "You're grounded for a month."


Both Anais and Darwin were satisfied at that, but caught the looks of his parents. They were both had nervous and worry look.

Anais asked "What's wrong, mom and dad?"

Nicole answered "Gumball's missing from the hotel room."

Darwin and Anais both replied in unison "What?" This had caught the attention of the students, who were about to beat up Tobias.

Richard explained "We check everywhere; the rooms, the bedroom, the bathroom, the closets, the luggages, if he can fit in there."

"We even check the hallways to see if he was at a different hotel room, but nothing. He might be missing." Nicole added.

Darwin suggested "Let's go find him."

Penny asked "Should we come too?" She was talking about her and the students.

Nicole quickly answered "Yes, you can come."

Penny said to everyone behind her "Come on, everyone, let's go!"

The Wattersons followed by the students of Elmore Junior High and Penny's parents as they headed to the resort. The only one that didn't go were the Wilson family, who were both grabbing their trouble son and sending him glares at him.

Everyone looked desperately to find Gumball on the resort and the beach by separate groups. They looked at different hallways, search every hotel room and asking them to see if they have seen Gumball, but no answer. They even tried asking the people from the lobby and the employers. They went different locations at the resort, but nothing. They have spent almost the afternoon of finding him. They later meet up in the middle of the lobby.

Nicole asked everyone "Did you find him?"

Everyone answered and shake their heads "No."

Anais suggested "We have to keep looking."

"How?" Darwin said. "He can be anywhere in the resort, or maybe out of town."

Penny then had a thought "Wait. What about the Music Shack? He might be there."

"Of course, that's the only place Gumball knows. Come on, gang." Nicole said, making everyone follow her out of the resort and ran to the sand, where they came across the Music Shack. They entered it, where many people stop what they were doing and looked at them. Charlie and his three sons came in on the ruckus.

Charlie said, holding his hands up "Whoa, whoa. What's the hold up, gang?"

Nicole asked "Excuse me, uh…"


"Charlie, yes. Have you seen Gumball anywhere? We can't find him; we think that he might still be here working."

Michael replied "I wish he was still working here, but Norbert give us instructions of not to let Gumball in. I thought he was still grounded."

"No, he escaped from the hotel room." Richard answered. "We look everywhere in the resort, but nothing."

Darwin added "Also, we found out that it was Tobias that started this whole thing."

Tony asked "Can we help you guys find him?"

"Well, you guys are sort of the only people Gumball know throughout this vacation, so yeah. Help us find him."

Charlie said "Okay, but first let me close the shack first." He faced the entire customers in the shack. "Attention everyone! Can I have your attention please?" Everyone who were still eating stopped and looked at the owner. "I'm going to have to close the shack a little early. Something unexpected has come up, so everyone please leave the shack in an orderly fashion." Everyone looked at the owner for a while and return back eating their meal.

Tony said in wide eyed "Wow, back then they want to leave the shack the first thing they see the bathroom, now they don't want to."

Both Sean and Michael were about to hit him, but Sean stopped "Wait, Tony. You just give us an idea."

"Really? Wait, what idea?"

"Michael, you know what to do." The older brother dashes his way to the bathroom and reach the door.

"You may want to cover your mouths." Charlie warned.

Nicole, her family, and Gumball's classmates each cover their mouth, so did Charlie, Tony and Sean. The owner nodded at the eldest son, who is covering his mouth and open the door wide open, releasing the foul smell.

As soon as the smell came in contact with the customers, they drop their foods in shock and make gross out noises. They got up from their seats; most of them fall down on the ground. They all leave the shack and ran away like a chicken with its head cut off. Michael then closed the bathroom door. After that, everyone stop covering their mouth and let out a huge breath.

Darwin asked, taking his breath and in shock "W-What was that?!"

"Trust me, dude." Tony remarked. "You don't want to know. Now let's go find our cat!" Everyone then got out of the shack and ran like the wind. Charlie stay behind to close his doors and ran as he could.

"Hey. Hey wait up, guys! I can't run like you all!"

The night was started to fall, and a huge stage was set up for the talent show in front of the beach. The employers were putting in decorations, chairs, and fire large candles were set up in rows on each side. There were a buffet of delicious food on the table. People were coming in the stage and finding seats.

Mr. Norbert had a clipboard on his hands and was getting nervous about this that he's sweating pepper juices from his head. He was wearing a white manager suit and grab a handkerchief from his shirt pocket and wipe it from his face.

He muttered himself "Everything has to be perfect for his arrival."

He goes to an employer who was putting up the banner up in the stage. "That banner needs to be a little bit higher."

The red pepper turn his head around and saw another employer who was putting up a large fire candle. "That goes over there on the left side. Come on, people! This talent show has to be perfect for him."

Mr. Norbert stopped and saw a black limousine at the entrance of the resort before gasping "He's here!"

The driver goes over to the back and open the door, revealing a middle aged gray mole. He was wearing a business suit, his hair is nice and smooth despite him being in his late forties, and has brown eyes.

Mr. Norbert goes to him and greeted him very nervously "Mr. Lewis, it's so honor to be here! How was your flight?"

Ryan Lewis replied in a cool tone "It was awful. Fourteen hours with people shouting and the peanuts they have in there are terrible."

"Well, you're going to be in good spirits when you see the show."

"Is the prize isn't going to be another one of a discarded Mp3 player you found in the dumpster?"

"No, no. The grand prize is a thousand dollars." He laughed nervously.

"A 1,000, huh?" Mr. Lewis said, surprise. "Good, it's about time the prize isn't something that you found in the dumpster."

"The talent show is about to begin, sir. Here, let me find you a seat." The red pepper show his boss to find a seat and they were seated in front of the stage. Mr. Norbert then went upstage and spoke in the microphone in front of a live audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the tenth annual "Spring Break Talent Show"." The audience clapped their hands. "Remember, the constants will be judged based on their performance by our three judges."

The judges from the audiences were seated in a table that fit for all three of them. Each of them have a number card from 1 to 3 on the table. There was a horse, a cow, and a potbellied pig.

"So without further ado," Mr. Norbert continued. "please welcome our first talent contest, Ms. Wendy Mason doing her baton twirl."

A little sunshine girl goes on the stage while the manger return to his seat with his boss. There were a lot of people in the stage, waiting for to show the audiences their skills, including an excited blue cat with his yellow ukulele.

Mr. Lewis whispered to the red pepper "This show better be worth it, Norbert."

"Don't worry, sir. These people are here to show us what they're made of. Trust me, they're the best."

The sunshine girl was twirling her baton while a old timey band was playing at the background. Then she throws her baton on the air, and attempted to caught it with her hands, but it dropped so fast that she got scare. She then grab it and did a finale pose.

"Ta-da!" Most of the people from the audience clap their hands in a not impress stage. was clapping his hands loudly, and Mr. Lewis was looking at him with a weird expression.

The red pepper manager shrugged "I didn't say they were all the best."

For the next fifteen minutes, people shine in like a star and perform their own routine. However, they weren't not very good. A man with a puppet came in and told jokes that were not funny and has been funny in the old days.

Gumball thought Man, and I thought Joe's jokes were bad.

A magician with old lame tricks that didn't woo the audiences; he just put in eggs, flowers, and cake mixed on his hat so he can put it on his head and pop a cake when he take his hat off. But when he did, everything fall out of his head.

An old man was doing a tap dance routine that really impress everyone else at first, until he twisted his ankle, thus ruining the moment.

After twenty awful performances by everyone and most of the audiences were bored and beginning to leave. A lot of them began to fall asleep. The judges began to review each talent from their papers. Mr. Lewis was not impressed by that boring talent show.

"I'm growing impatient, Norbert. I think I'll like to leave."

Mr. Norbert shouted "No! Please stay for one more act! I can assure you this will wow you! I'm sure of it!"

The red pepper goes on stage and grab the microphone. He spoke in it "Okay, everyone. It has been almost thirty minutes and twenty performances, we only one more performance and we can determine who's the winner."

The audience muttered and some of them clap their hands very slowly.

"So our last contestant is Mr. Charles Xavier. Wait. Charles Xavier?"

Everyone is the audiences were suddenly confuse that a performer has a name of a fictional character from the X-Men universe. This woke up the audience and determine to see the famous professor. The red pepper return back in his seat.

Gumball was the last one to be on stage. He was going to do it. He was going to try. No, not try. He was going to win that grand prize in order to pay back Mr. Norbert and his relationship will everyone will be repair. With a deep breath, he said "Here we go."

He walk on stage and the audience were now even more confuse that his name was Charles Xavier. He didn't look Charles Xavier; however, they recognize him as one of the singers from the Music Shack. Mr. Norbert's eyes widen by the surprise of seeing the kid who ruin everyone vacation in on stage.

"What the heck is he doing up there?!" He said in a whispered, not wanting to let his boss hear him.

Gumball walk closer to the microphone and began to let out the words he can find. He started to get nervous; he didn't think this was going to be easy. He said nervously "I'll be performing a song while playing my ukulele."

He then held his instrument in his hand and began to strum a note, but stopped to see many people in the audiences with their families. It remind Gumball of his family. Then he saw a couple holding hands; that reminded of what it was like if he was holding hands with Penny. The two of them combine bring Gumball memories of his pastimes with everyone that he love and admire and the memory that he have right now after his secret was expose.

Gumball sighed "I can't do it."

The audiences were muttering and looking at each other. Grabbing the microphone from the stand, he began "I'm sorry everyone, but I can't do it."

Everyone gasped, while Mr. Norbert had his arm crossed in victorious.

"I came here for spring break with my family because we never had a real one. We spend our lives going country to country and watching the world largest whatever that they have. The motels that we stay were gross and horrible that we didn't even last a night in there. Then we came here to this place because we wanted to have a real vacation. Also, that I declared that this will be the best spring break ever. I know that most of you think that it's a crazy idea, but when you think about it, you guys came here for the same reason. Not only that I wanted to tell that special someone that I had crush on her for many years, and I been too much of a coward to tell her. I had it all planned out, but it didn't turn out as I thought. I had to work my whole vacation to pay some manager and his precious ice-cream storage. While I was working, I meet some very nice people there that were complete strangers to me. Anyway, I realized that the best spring break ever isn't something that it always plan out; it's about being with your love ones. I was too busy trying to pay back the manager to make them have the best spring break ever that I realized that it was front of my eyes this whole time. But I didn't get to see it. I only prayed that everyone, my family, my friends, and Penny, can find it their hearts to forgive me. Sorry for wasted your time, everyone."

With that said, Gumball close his eyes and take a few steps off the stage, but stopped when he heard the cheering and clapping from the audiences. They were touch by those words given to them by the young blue cat. Even the people who had perform before Gumball cheered as well. Mr. Lewis cheered also, except for Mr. Norbert, who remained in his scowling stage. Gumball stay a bit at the stage and look at the moment.

Then someone from the audience scream "Sing us a song, man!"

With those words of encouragement, people were screaming and ordered Gumball to sing for them. They clap their hands and stomp their feet in rhythm. Gumball looked at the crowd, demanding him to sing a song.

Gumball got out of stage and handed his tape to the d.j. He whispered to his ear and winds back on stage. He then spoken in the microphone "Okay, gang. Here's a little song for you all. This is a song that I was going to give this for a very special girl. Penny, if you're out there, this one for you."

Gumball strum a few notes from his ukulele and sing in the microphone as soon as the song "Hey, Soul Sister" by Train.


Heeey heeeey heeeeey

Your lipstick stains on the front lobe of my left side brains

I knew I wouldn't forget you

And so I went and let you blow my mind

Your sweet moonbeam

The smell of you in every single dream I dream

I knew when we collided you're the one I have decided

Who's one of my kind

Meanwhile, outside of the resort, the Watterson family, Gumball's classmates, and Charlie and his three sons had spend the entire afternoon looking for Gumball. They went from different buildings in different streets to find him, but they got nothing. So they walked back to the resorts while being sad.

Anais sadly said "We looked everywhere for him, but nothing."

"Don't worry, guys. I'm sure we can find Gumball again." Darwin replied.

"Darwin, we spend almost the entire day looking for him;" Rachel said to her boyfriend. "I don't think he's not here."

"This is all our fault; we were angry with Gumball and now he hates us."

"What kind of mother am I?" Nicole cried, with a few tears falling from her eyes. "We should have listen to Gumball right from the start. He was only trying to save this vacation for all of us, and we yelled at him."

"I just wish I can see him one more time." Richard wished, putting his arms around his wife.

"It's like I can almost hear him." Darwin added, hearing an audible soothing medley

Charlie then stop and listen to the low music outside of the resort. He said "Wait, wait. You guys hear that?"

Penny asked "Hear what?"


Everyone listen closely to their ears and hear the muffled singing and the sound of a ukulele.

Anais answered "That's sound like a ukulele." She listen very closely at it, making her eyes wide. "Wait. I know that ukulele from somewhere."

The Watterson family looked at each other and said in unison "You don't think…?"

"It's coming from the talent show!" Charlie exclaimed.

Nicole declared "Come on!"

Everyone resume following Nicole to where the talent show is. When they came in, they stopped in speechless to see who was at the stage. The young blue cat keep on singing and strumming his ukulele.


Just in time, I'm so glad you have a one track mind like me

You gave my life direction

A game show love connection, we can't deny I I-I-I-I

I'm so obsessed


"No way."


My heart is bound to beat right out my untrimmed chest

I believe in you, like a virgin, you're Madonna

And I'm always gonna wanna blow your mind

Hey soul sister, ain't that Mister Mister on the radio, stereo

The way you move ain't fair you know

Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight

The way you can't cut a rug

Watching you's the only drug I need

So gangster, I'm so thug

You're the only one I'm dreaming of

You see I can be myself now finally

In fact there's nothing I can't be

I want the world to see you'll be with me

Hey soul sister, ain't that mister mister on the radio, stereo

The way you move ain't fair you know

Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight

Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight

Heeey heeeey heeeeey (tonight)

Heeey heeeey heeeeey (tonight)

After the song had ended, everyone cheered and clapped at the young blue cat. Gumball smile and bow a bit. The audience were whooping and hooting at the same time. Gumball then notice that his family, his friends, and his boss and his sons were cheering and clapping as well. Gumball was surprise to see them here.

Mr. Norbert then got up on stage and give a quick glare on Gumball, who take a few steps back. The red pepper manager take the microphone and spoke. "Okay, now it's time for the winner of the grand prize. Judges."

Each of the judges wrote down the winner's name on a paper before the horse judge give the paper to Mr. Norbert.

Mr. Norbert replied "And the winner of the Spring Break Talent Show and the grand prize of 1,000 is…"

The audience looked at him in a suspend look, so did Gumball's love ones. The manager then read who was the winner of the talent show, but instead of showing in a cheerful stage, he give out a non friendly attitude.

"Charles Xavier."

The audience cheered and clapped again for the young blue cat. Gumball was surprise and stay where he was standing. Gumball's friends and love ones cheered as well with a confuse looks on their faces.

Anais asked Darwin "Charles Xavier?"

Darwin shrugged, which meant that he didn't know.

Richard was dumbstruck. "I didn't know Gumball's name is Charles Xavier."

Mr. Norbert then added "Unfortunately, I have to disqualified the winner."

Gumball stopped "What?"

The audience stopped cheering with a "What?"

"I'm afraid Professor Xavier, or Gumball Watterson, which is his real name, have cause trouble since he had came to the resort. So the second winner of the grand prize is the man with the not so funny puppet."

The audience dropped their cheering faces and were started to boo at the manager, including the contestants. Gumball's friends and family rushed in on the stage while shouting in protest.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute! I protest! My son won this and deserve the grand prize!" Nicole protested, who was about three seconds away from killing him.

Mr. Norbert replied with a force smile "Mrs. Watterson, as much as I remember, you suppose to leave the resort about forty minutes ago. In fact…" He faces everyone. "You all were!"

Darwin shouted "Gumball deserve to win that prize fair and square!"

"You give Professor Xavier his money right now!" Richard screamed.

Mr. Lewis then came in on the stage, asking the manager "Norbert, what's going on here? You know these people?"

"I'm handling this, Mr. Lewis." Mr. Norbert calmly answered. "I'm kicking these people out before I'll call the police!"

"The police? Why?"

"These people are being kick out because of our former winner for blowing the ice-cream storage."

"Except that it wasn't Gumball's fault." Darwin added. "He was trying to stop Tobias Wilson and his friends of stealing all of the ice-cream sandwiches from it."

"That's good," The red pepper manager smile, before shouting. "but you're all still kick out!"

"Wait a minute." Mr. Lewis stopped. "You mean that old storage from the beach over there? Didn't I tell you to get rid of it, Norbert?"

Gumball asked "What do you mean, sir?"

Mr. Lewis continued "That thing is about ten years older by now. It was bound to blow up someday. I told Norbert to get rid of it."

Everyone was now facing the nervous red pepper with arm cross and glares. Mr. Norbert nervously said "Well, I-I was going to get rid of it, but with all that paperwork and all, I didn't have the time."

"No, all you ever do is run the place like you own the place, and you have accuse me of blowing up the storage." Gumball said.

Mr. Lewis answered to Norbert "I think it's time to rethink your manager position. I don't want someone as a chesapeake be running this place. I want someone who is kind to everyone here and listen to me like when I say get rid of the storage, you get rid of the storage."

Mr. Norbert pleaded while shaking his head "No, no. Please, sir. You won't find anyone who is qualified for this job."

Gumball then have an idea before saying "What about Charlie?" Everyone then looked at the big lobster, who reacted in surprise, so did his three sons. "I bet he can do take the manager position."

"I like your quick thinking, Professor X." Mr. Lewis smiled before looking at Charlie. "How about it, Charlie? Will you do it?"

Charlie and his three sons were stunned of being offered this position. Gumball nodded at Charlie, and The big lobster extended his claw, exclaiming "I'll take it!"

Mr. Lewis smiled "Good." Both of them shake their hands, except that Mr. Lewis's shake Charlie's close claw so that he wouldn't get his hand cut off.

"B-But what about me?" Mr. Norbert stuttered, after losing his job. "Are you going to fired me?"

"Actually, I'm putting you somewhere where you can be taught a lesson. Somewhere that is outside of the resort."

Michael, Sean and Tony smirked in unison before saying "We have a suggestion."

The three lobster all grab the former manager and dragged him away from the show, while screaming "What are you doing?! You can't do this to me!"

The audience cheer and clap as the three lobster were dragging Mr. Norbert away. Mr. Lewis declared "After that little excitement, I think some food will calm me down and the buffet over there is already being eaten by some middle age rabbit."

Everyone was now looking at Richard eating all of the food and scaring everyone like a mad dog. Nicole sighed "Here we go again. Richard!" She went in to get her husband, while most of Gumball's friends chuckled.

"Is there a place for a business man to get a burger?"

Charlie answered "Oh, yes." Charlie answered. "Sir, come with me to my restaurant."

"A man who's a manager and with a restaurant? I like that!"

Both of the gentleman walked away, while Charlie looked back and give a thumbs up on Gumball. Gumball give one back to him.


Gumball turn around and faced Darwin, Anais and his friends. They all had apologizing looks on their faces. Darwin was the first one to talk.

"We're sorry we didn't believe you."

Anais added "We had no idea that you were doing this so we can stay here."

"It's okay, guys." Gumball shrugged. "I'm sorry I didn't save this vacation and spend some time with you all."

"Not necessary, Gumball."

Gumball and everyone turn to Charlie, who replied "I just spoke to Mr. Lewis, and he tells me that you all can come back anytime you want!" Everyone cheered and have their hands up in the air.

"Also, he wants another performance from you. Will you do it?" Charlie added.

"Yeah, I'll do it!"

Everyone got out of the stage for Gumball to perform another song. Gumball was getting ready, until a voice call out.


Gumball turn to see Penny right in front of him. She takes a few steps, saying "You may need this for luck."

She then kiss him, which made Gumball's eyes widen. Everyone at the audience saw this and went "Awwww!"

After that, Penny got out of the stage, leaving Gumball all alone in the stage again. Charlie's sons came in on stage and Michael asked the blue cat "You ready, bro?"

Gumball smiled "You know it, bro!"

Everyone was at his seat to see the finale performance made by Gumball and Charlie's three sons. The stage was all in darkness and four figures were standing with their backs turn. Mr. Lewis rushed in on stage and said on the microphone.

"And now let's hear it for the best four singing group in the resort! You know them at the Music Shack and here they are! The Fabulous Four!"

Mr. Lewis rushed out of the stage while everyone cheered and clapped.

Darwin asked in excitement "I wonder what's song are they going to do?"

Nicole answered, smiling as well. "Only one way to find out."

A few minutes have pass of instant silence, then one person on the stage rise his hand as the spotlight hit him and sing.



Rock your body

Most of the audience know the song in surprise and screamed.

Darwin screamed in surprise "What?"

"No way!" Richard exclaimed.

The second member, Sean, was summoned by the spotlight and raise his hand as he sing.



Rock your body right

Then the entire members were summon by each spotlight and both raise their hand as all of the members sing.

Gumball, Michael, Sean and Tony:

Backstreet's back, alright

All of their backs had turn to face the audience and the music started playing "Everybody" by Backstreet Boys. They all walked a bit on the stage while the crowd cheer.


Hey, yeah

Oh my God, we're back again

Brothers, sisters, everybody sing

Gonna bring the flavor, show you how

Gotta question for you better answer now, yeah


Am I original?

Gumball, Michael and Sean:



Am I the only one?

Gumball, Michael and Tony:



Am I sexual?

Gumball, Sean and Tony:


Gumball, Michael, Sean and Tony:

Am I everything you need?

You better rock your body now

The four friends started dancing which made the audience scream and cheered at the same time.



Rock your body



Rock your body right

Backstreet's back, alright



Now throw your hands up in the air

Everyone in the audiences started throwing their hands in the air.


Wave them around like you just don't care

They wave their hands like they don't care.


If you wanna party let me hear you yell

Everyone then scream to the world.


Cuz we got it goin' on again


Am I original?

Gumball, Michael and Sean:



Am I the only one?

Gumball, Michael and Tony:


Gumball called out "Come on, everyone! On stage!"

Darwin, Anais, Rachel, Penny, and the rest of from Elmore Junior High got out of their seats and climb to the stage, facing the crowd.

Gumball declared "Now let's dance!"

Gumball, Michael, Sean and Tony:



Everyone was dancing and copying the moves they were doing.

Rock your body



Rock your body right

Backstreet's back, alright



So everybody, everywhere


Don't be afraid, don't have no fear


I'm gonna tell the world, make you understand

Michael, Sean and Tony:

As long as there'll be music, we'll be comin' back again

Gumball, Michael, Sean and Tony:

Everybody, yeah

Rock your body, yeah


Rock your body right


(rock your body right)

Gumball, Michael, Sean and Tony:

Backstreet's back




Gumball, Michael, Sean and Tony:



(rock your body)

Gumball, Michael, Sean and Tony:

Rock your body



Gumball, Michael, Sean and Tony:



(everybody rock your body)

Gumball, Michael, Sean and Tony:



(everybody, rock your body)

Gumball, Michael, Sean and Tony:

Rock your body right



Gumball, Michael, Sean and Tony:

Backstreet's back, alright!

The song ended with everyone on stage stopped dancing with their hands up in the air and everybody got out of their seats and cheered and clapped. Gumball did it; he had finally made his plan of making this the best spring break ever and best of all, he got his kiss with Penny. With his plan is success, he has only this to say.


The students then piling in on Gumball in attempt to hug him. This was definatly the best spring break ever. And as for Mr. Norbert and Tobias…

Mr. Norbert muttered "This is ridiculous."

"You're telling me." Stated Tobias, who was sweeping the floors

Tobias' parents work out a little arrangement with Charlie as the new manager and propose that Tobias will spent his entire vacation working at the Music Shack as his punishment. Also, Mr. Lewis reappoint Mr. Norbert of working at the Music Shack with Tobias.

Mr. Lewis said at a table with four empty trays on it "Being negative isn't going to help you get me a hamburger. Do I need to call on the manager again?"

Michael came in, asking "Who, me or my dad?"

"Both of you of course."

Micheal turn his attention back to Tobias, saying "Hey, man. My dad call and said that it was time to repair the bathroom."

Tobias sarcastically replied "Woo-di-do."

"But first he asked me to tell you to clean it up." Michael then hand Tobias a bucket of soapy water and a mop. Tobias stop sweeping and grab the both utilities before going to the bathroom. Right before he enter, the new manager warned "And you may want to cover your mouth in there. It's a doozy. A real doozy."

Tobias ignore his warning and enter the bathroom. Once he did, he screamed in disgust "Oh my god! What is that?! WHAT...IS...THAT?!"

Michael sighed "I warn him."

"Hey, can you tell this guy over there to make me another hamburger? I don't think he doesn't know how to." Mr. Lewis said.

"But isn't that your like fifth burger?"

"I can't help it! I'm in love with these burgers! Now Chop-chop!"

Michael said to Norbert as he enter the kitchen "You hear the man, bro! Start making some burgers apprentice!"

The former manager was on a stove with an apron and a spatula in his hand with a negative attitude. Michael walk up to him and look at him as he was working on a fifth patty. After that, he put the cook patty in the bun and put in the lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and all that.

Michael advised, trying to get some positive attitude to him "You know, if you keep working like that, maybe someday you'll become a fry cook as well." He looked at the hamburger, making him lose his attitude. "Mmm. Probably not. You forgot the cheese, bro. Always put in the cheese!"

Then Mr. Norbert started to cry like a little girl, while Tobias was still screaming at the bathroom.

How did you guys like it? Pretty funny, huh? I have got about fourteen reviews from everyone talking about my story and they were all great! I want to thank you all for posting review of my story. I'll taking a break now, but don't worry I'll be coming up with new stories for you all to enjoy! Keep reading my stories and review them all. NiteOwl18 out!