All Over Again

Chapter 2

Main Pairing: SasuSaku,

Minor Pairing(s): NaruHina, (Idk yet)

Rating: T

General Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine because if it was, Sasuke and Sakura would be having many little Uchiha brats by now.

Summary: The war is over and no one has survived from it. Upon Sasuke's death, he wishes that he could relive his life again to prevent this all from happening and Sasuke's wish is granted. He returns to the night of the massacre and upon seeing Itachi he demands him to take him away from the village that he once called home and to be trained by none other the Akatsuki. /Time-travel/SS/

Recap: "And why would I need to obtain these eyes," Sasuke's tears stopped running, and he closed his eyes, hands covering his face. He realised his new purpose in this new life. He started to laugh maniacally.

Sasuke grinned and opened his eyes to reveal his sharingan eyes. Glaring up at Itachi.

Blood began to spill over, mixing in with the tears as the three commas started to slowly, sinisterly spin into his mangekyou sharingan.

"When I already have them?"

Itachi could not comprehend what he was seeing at the moment. He took a step back from Sasuke. He had to blink to believe it. Sasuke, his 8 year old brother, who had not shown any signs of even having the sharingan was now staring at the mangekyou.

Itachi, moving faster than Sasuke could react, reached out for his neck, and pinned Sasuke against a wall.

"...Sasuke, how did get those?" Sasuke struggled to get out of his brother's grasp. He knew his strength was nothing in comparison to his brother, especially in his current body. Refusing to answer, Itachi decided to tighten his grip on Sasuke.

"Who did you kill to get these eyes?"

"I...killed my best friend...awhile ago." And it was true. When Sasuke killed Itachi in his previous life, he unknowingly killed his best friend. And he wouldn't have killed him had he known the truth. It was all thanks to Konoha that Sasuke lost everything that mattered to him. He made a promise to himself that in a couple of years, Konoha would feel the pain he is experiencing. Especially the elders and those who try to stop him.

"I don't believe you. Sasuke is incapable of killing anyone. He also hasn't mentioned anything about this best friend of his. Who are you and what have you done with Sasuke?" Itachi knew that his little brother was incapable of killing anyone or anything for that matter. He was far too innocent to take away a life. Not to mention, his brother's once calm chakra had warped into something hollow and malevolent. It almost felt similar to...Uchiha Madara.

"Nii-san, you would've noticed by now if I wasn't Sasuke. It really is me. Honestly, you can ask me anything about something I'm only supposed to know."

Itachi gave him a wary look, "And how do I know you haven't acquired Sasuke's memories by means of interrogation and torture and are trying to use them against me?"

"Use the mangekyou." And so Itachi did, he searched through Sasuke's memories. Before Itachi had cast the genjutsu, Sasuke had already used his to alter his own memories, making sure nothing of the future was to be shown and making sure that the memories of his 'best friend', who held similar characteristics to a certain blonde ex-teammate, (though Sasuke paid no mind to it), were convincing. He made sure that the murder of his 'best friend' was purely co-incidental and that he had completely forgotten about it, that he kept it at the back of his mind and that the release of the mangekyou was due to the trauma of finding his parents murdered.

When Itachi filtered through Sasuke's memories, he found nothing suspicious and out of the ordinary. It really was Sasuke, but then, what caused his change of chakra? Or his personality for that matter? Sasuke had become more sinister and dangerous in only a matter of minutes. Itachi thought that maybe the cause for this change in his brother was mainly due to his clan's death. It was the only logical explanation he could think of at the moment.

"This changes nothing, when I release you, you are to leave the premises immediately, and if you don't leave within the next 30 seconds, I'll kill you." Sasuke was still pinned to the wall, and he just snorted at his Aniki's remark. Sasuke felt his blood boil. Why did Itachi constantly try to make Sasuke hate him? Why is Itachi so selfless? Why can't he just tell the truth?

Sasuke decided enough was enough. "I know about the orders Nii-san, I know why you did stop lying to me and stop trying to push me away." Itachi gave him a murderous glare.

"Who told you?" Sasuke, deciding that perhaps telling him about time-travel while in Itachi's death grip wasn't such a good idea. He decided to use the most reasonable answer.

"Shisui, he told me about this, he warned me that you were going to do this, right before you killed him." Itachi took his hand off Sasuke's throat.

"He told you?" Itachi gave him a look of suspicion.

"Yes." Sasuke looked at him head on, with no emotions on display. It was the one way he had always been taught to act, especially when he was in Sound. Whether Itachi believed it or not, he didn't care. He just wanted to leave this wretched place once and for all.

" I don't want to live in this village anymore." Itachi narrowed his eyes, knowing where the conversation was going.

"I want to go with you. I want to get out of here. Take me with you." Sasuke waited for an answer.

"Knowing that I just killed the Uchiha clan, you would give up your life in Konoha for me?" Itachi inquired, expecting a completely different answer than what was to come.

"I have no life in Konoha." If he were to live in Konoha, knowing that the people of Konoha would still be living as his clan was buried six-feet under, with only their honour intact, he would be driven insane. He would kill Konoha for what they have done to him. But before he can do that, he needs to build up his strength, and become what his is mentally. And he'll need high-skilled mentors for that. Suddenly his mind clicked.

He knew exactly who would teach him to become a high-level shinobi.

The Akatsuki.

"Sasuke, I can't take you away from here-"

"Itachi. You have to. You can't just expect me to live in a place full of murderers, laughing while we suffer, laughing at the pain we're going through. Itachi, please." Sasuke pleaded.

Itachi felt torn. Should he bring his brother into a life of a missing-nin? Or should he let Sasuke painfully live out his life in Konoha? Itachi closed his eyes in contemplation.

"Sasuke, the place where I'm going...It's far too dangerous for you...the place where I'm contains highly skilled ninja who wouldn't hesitate a second to kill. They've killed whole villages before."

"Which is exactly why I should go, Itachi! They'll train me and there might be someone who can teach me how to control my eyes properly." Itachi shook his head.

"Sasuke, they'll kill you in only a matter of seconds, they don't want children in their organisation."

Sasuke nearly laughed, 'He says it like he's far more older than I am, but I don't think he realises Itachi's a child as well. In fact, I'm older than him...well, mentally.'

"That may be true Nii-san, but when they realise I have the mangekyou, it's sure to raise some eyebrows, won't it? Perhaps they would want to train me, build up my strength to become of use to them." Itachi resigned, he knew Sasuke could not be swayed when he wanted to do something.

"Very well, but you should know, I can't ensure your life or safety. This is going to be a very dangerous trip."

The corners of Sasuke's mouth tilted upwards.

"Arigatou Nii-san."

When ANBU arrived, they discovered mass amounts of corpses in the Uchiha compound, but no Itachi was to be found, nor Sasuke's body for that matter.

Uchiha Itachi was now a wanted criminal and Uchiha Sasuke was announced missing.

A month had past since the incident occurred and Sakura Haruno didn't feel like she was getting any better. She had lost a lot of her academy friends, after the incident had occurred. She even ignored Ino because she just didn't have the energy to deal with her.

It seemed the only person she was really getting along with was, dare she say it, Naruto.

Sakura knew Naruto had a crush on her, yet she made no move to respond to his feelings. She decided when it was the right time, she would gently let him down, knowing that she could never return his feelings in a romantic sense. Perhaps when they were older she might develop feelings, she would never know. Although her long term crush on Sasuke hadn't developed into love, she still cared for him deeply and perhaps, even without the presence of Sasuke, she would find herself still caring about him.

She snorted at her idiocy. 'I don't even know Sasuke-kun that well...why should I be mourning over him?'

She pushed past her classmates who seemed to ignore her at the front of the playground where she met up with Naruto.

Sitting on a swing there was Naruto alone again. When Sakura ran up to him, his face brightened instantly, and she was blinded momentarily by his smile.

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto exclaimed, getting off the swing and giving Sakura a tight hug.

"Hello Naruto, how are you?." Naruto released the hug from Sakura, still giving her that bright smile.

"Great! So what are we gonna do today, Sakura-chan?"

"I was thinking we do some ninja training?" Ever since Sasuke was announced missing, Sakura had this urge to get stronger, to train harder. It seems Naruto had adopted this urge as well.

"Good idea! What should we practice?"

Sakura stroked her chin in contemplation. "How about some good old-fashioned kunai training?"

"Heck yeah! Hey Sakura-chan, I'm gonna get all my kunai in the middle of the targets!"

Sakura decided to tease him a little. "You mean the bullseye? And what if you don't?"

"Sakura-chan, are you saying the next, the greatest and the strongest Hokage can't do it? I'll have you know I'm the best at aim."

Sakura giggled into her mouth, trying to conceal her humour. "Well then, if that's true Hokage-sama, let's make a bet."

"A bet?"

"Whoever gets the most targets, gets to become the next Hokage."


"Aren't you gonna think it through a bit more Naruto?"

"I'll win this bet, believe it!"

Sakura laughed openly. "We'll see about that."

All of a sudden Naruto grabbed her hand and started to pull Sakura away from the playground and through the streets of Konoha. She noticed the angered and horrified looks from the villagers and she looked down in embarrassment at all the stares she was receiving. She then thought to herself.

'Why is it that when I'm with Naruto, people avoid me? Why do people hate Naruto? He's only an eight year old like me, he couldn't have possibly done anything bad to illicit such hatred from the rest of Konoha.' She then made a mental note to ask Naruto later.

They continued to run for a while, well Sakura was dragged, until they reached an opening with lush green trees surrounding it. In the middle of the opening there was three straw dummies, all looking worn and in bad condition. Targets were pinned to trees and a couple of kunai were embedded into a target.

"Naruto, we're not allowed to be here! This is a strict training ground for ninja! We're only in the academy."

"Relax Sakura-chan! This place has been abandoned for about a month. I don't why, but no one has come here to train. It's like everyone forgot the place existed!"

'A month ago...that's when the massacre occurred...' Sakura's train of thought was cut short when something glinted in her eyes, she then turned her attention to one of the targets and noticed the kunai embedded in the target on a tall tree.

"Yeah anyways, I thought the place was great, since no one else would use it and we'd be able to keep it for ourselves! Whoever abandoned this joint must've been be stupid...Sakura-chan?" Naruto noticed Sakura wasn't paying attention as she kept her gaze on a target situated in a high position on a tree.

She walked up the tree and wished she knew how to walk up them already.

"Hey Naruto?" Naruto walked up to her.


"Do you think we could be able to get the kunai's off the target?"

"Nah, I tried already, they're too stuck in."

Without a word, Sakura moved back from the tree and took a couple of kunai from her pouch and took a deep breath.

' can do this...' Sakura lined her kunai and moved to the side so she could hit the kunai in the target.

She threw the kunai and it hit the other embedded in the target perfectly, causing the kunai to drop, it wasn't until she realised Naruto was in range of getting hit by both kunai.

"Naruto, watch out!" Naruto only looked at her in confusion.


One kunai dropped right front him and one seemed to tear through his t-shirt and graze his skin at the top of his arm. Only a little amount of blood poured out.


"Naruto!" Sakura rushed to him, forgetting about the kunai for the moment. She immediately grabbed his t-shirt and rolled the sleeve to his shoulder to inspect his wound.

'Thank god, it's only a small cut...' Sakura let out a breath of relief. She couldn't believe she almost killed her friend.

"Naruto, you okay?"

"I'm alright Sakura-chan! It's only a little cut!"

"I'm so sorry!" Sakura apologised and reached for her pouch to grab a band-aid, but when she returned her gaze to his cut, she noticed the wound was slowly knitting itself back together.

" are you doing that?"

"Doing what?"

"Your cut, it's patching itself together..."

Naruto looked down, ashamed. "I don't know how, it happens every time I get you think it's weird?"

There was a stunned silence, and Naruto started to cringe as he thought he had lost yet another friend. He was a freak after all. Who would be friends with a freak?

Sakura broke out of her daze. "Weird? No Naruto, that is so cool! I wish I could do that!"

Naruto slowly looked to Sakura. " think so?"

"Definitely! You like have super powers or something!"

Naruto smiled the brightest smile. Finally he met someone who didn't cringe away from him or his unusual abilities.

"That's why I'm gonna be Hokage, believe it!" He pumped his fist in the air enthusiastically.

Sakura ruffled his hair, grinning. "I'm not sure about that. We still have that bet remember?"

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto protested childishly. Sakura only giggled in response.

She went back to collect the kunai that she got from the target. When she picked it up she noticed a name engraved into the handle. She cleared a bit of dirt and narrowed her eyes to read the scripture.

'Sasuke U.' The elegant writing stared back at her as she trembled in realisation.

'This is...this is Sasuke-kun's...'

She retrieved a cloth from her pouch and wrapped it around the kunai, careful to not even leave a finger-print on it. Once it was wrapped, she clasped the kunai in both hands and closed her eyes.

'I hope Sasuke-kun is alive and safe. Where ever he is...I'll get stronger to find him.' She sent her prayer in hope and determination. She then pocketed the wrapped kunai and picked up hers.

She turned to face Naruto, giving him a small smirk. "Ready to become my assistant when I'm Hokage?"

"You wish, Sakura-chan!" Sakura laughed and walked over to Naruto.

The two lied on the training ground with their chest escalating falling quickly.

" didn't get as many kunai on the targets as I did...I'm the Hokage now...and you'll be my assistant." Sakura laughed breathily at Naruto's comment.

"That's...where you're as you did." Naruto sprung up quickly on his feet and looked at her in shock.

"Where? I don't believe you."

Sakura, too tired to talk anymore, lazily lifted her finger towards a target. And she was indeed correct. There was Sakura's kunai embedded on the very edge of the target.

"Then who's the Hokage?" Sakura sat up slowly and faced Naruto.

"Well, we can figure that out once we fill up my stomach with some ramen."

"Ramen? Yes! We're going to the nice Ojii-san's place, yeah?"

"Of course."

Naruto extended his hand, helping Sakura get up. Both failed to realise that their hands were very sweaty and therefore when Sakura was halfway to standing up, she fell back on her back making an 'oof' noise.

Sakura's bewildered face set Naruto into a fit of gut-wrenching laughter. She then stood up and promptly slapped Naruto in the head. He gripped his head in pain.

"Ow! Sakura-chan! I was only joking!"

"Naruto you idiot!"

Naruto didn't see the smile that Sakura was making as she moved away from the training field.

"Sakura-chan! Wait for me!"

"Hurry up you fool!"

It had been awhile since Sakura had felt this happy.

Sasuke hated his current form. His body was so...weak. It was difficult to keep running long distances and most of the time Itachi had to carry him because he was incapable of many physical things.

His chakra reserves were poor as well. He could do little jutsu that he acquired over his experience of being a ninja. It was just plain pathetic.

'I have a long way to go...'

For about a month the Uchiha brothers had been travelling towards one of the hideouts Itachi was told the Akatsuki resided. Unfortunately this hideout was in the middle of nowhere.

Itachi told Sasuke it wouldn't be long till they reached their destination. Apparently the hideout was only a day away from their camping spot. Sasuke's heart raced in trepidation.

Would they really kill Sasuke, if they had no use of him? Possibly, but Itachi would never allow it. Itachi would probably leave before they had the chance to.

In Sasuke's previous life, when he was in Akatsuki, he seemed to realise that Itachi had been a vital piece in Madara's and Obito's plans. Without Itachi, Obito would find it harder to complete his insane dream of world peace.

'Obito, huh?'

He had heard Obito teamed up with Kakashi in order to defeat Madara, but both died in the process. Nonetheless, Sasuke would have to kill this masked man. After all, he helped murder his clan, and he brought the Shinobi Fourth War into place.

Now that he thinks about it, Obito hasn't made an appearance to him at all. Perhaps he is waiting to see what Itachi going to do with Sasuke. Perhaps he has already found out Sasuke has attained his Mangekyou Sharingan, and is planning to use him for his plans. What ever Obito does, Sasuke is going to make sure he will never be deceived and used again by him.

'I'll get trained by the Akatsuki, exact my revenge on Konoha and kill Obito. I'll make the elders suffer especially.'

"Uchiha Itachi you have come...and it seems that you have brought a guest with you." A man with orange hair and purple-ringed eyes...Sasuke realised. He was the man who obliterated Konoha and killed himself in order to restore it.

'What a fool, sacrificing himself to save that wretched place.' Itachi's voice broke him from his deep thoughts.

"I apologise Leader-sama, things have not exactly gone to plan."

"Is that why you have brought a young child then?"

"He is my brother."

Pein gazed at Sasuke. "He is no use to us, either you kill him or we do."

Itachi calmly replied. "He may be no use to you now, but he will in the future."

Pain rose an eyebrow. "How so?"

"He has attained the Mangekyou Sharingan."

A voice came from the shadows.

"Hmm, how interesssting." Sasuke knew that voice. He knew it well because he despised it.

"Orochimaru." Pein greeted.

Orochimaru bowed his head. "Leader-sama."

"Leader-sama, it is Sasuke's intention to become stronger and train the mangekyou sharingan. If you were to kill him, you would be removing a vital asset from your plan." Sasuke noted that Itachi was always good at persuasion.

Pein focused his attention on Itachi and Sasuke. "I shall see whether you brother is of use to us or not. For now, you will go to your room and wait till I assign missions. Your brother will start training tomorrow morning at 3am. You're dismissed."

Sasuke nodded, and slightly bowed his head, hearing Itachi thank Pein. Itachi then grabbed Sasuke by the arm gently and led them to his room. Itachi looked at his brother and smiled, ruffling his little brother's hair.

"Sasuke, you take the bed and rest. You need it for tomorrow." Though Sasuke disliked the idea of Itachi sleeping on the floor, he was extremely exhausted, and couldn't find the energy to protest.

"Nii-san, thank you." Itachi nodded in response and poked Sasuke's forehead. He put Sasuke to bed in only in a matter of minutes, he was sleeping soundly.

The next few years were going to be hell with training, but Sasuke, for the sake of revenge, would die a thousand deaths if it meant more power. If he didn't get his revenge in previous life, he now will.

A/N: Wow nearly 4K words...and I swear this is a strictly SasuSaku fanfic and there will be some Naruhina, I promise ;) Anyways, thanks for the reviews it means a lot to me when someone reviews! (also helps motivate!) Next Chapter there will be some more Sasuke and on his training. Unfortunately Sasusaku is going be eventual due to the fact that I made Sasuke a revenge-obsessed psycho. My bad. But don't worry there will be more SasuSaku moments coming up. You better believe it!

P.S: I'm a little bit pee'ved due to the fact that Kabuto was the mystery man that was with Sasuke in the new chapter of Naruto. Like I really didn't need to see Kabuto's stomach penis penetrating Sasuke's heart to heal Sasuke, you know? Like seriously no. It was Sakura's job to bring her man to life and then have thousands of children but whatevs Kishi. You keep on playing with my shipper heart.

Anyways, Rate, Review, etc, etc...