Hope & Lightning drabbles for the soul, starting with A.
[slight spoilers for LR]


She loves him very much, even if she doesn't show it much. Lightning had never been a very touchy feely person, even with her sister before their parents had died. Lightning was simply a person who best showed her affection through words or subtle actions that went unnoticed most of the time; Serah had often had to watch for those small moments of affection that her sister would drop on her randomly and savor them to the fullest, for they were rare.

So it was no surprise to the younger Farron when her sister had told her over the phone about her new relationship with their close friend, Hope Estheim. After their old lives were done, and once they had been reborn into the brand new world fashioned just for them, Hope had reverted back to his physical age of twenty-seven, and it didn't take much math to figure out how much of a chance he had with Lightning. Because, even if she'd never admit it, the rest of the group knew that she had a soft spot for the man, ever since they had met on Cocoon all those years ago (And, let it be said that a certain raven-haired Oerban won a certain bet between the group).

Yes, Lightning had been shy on the phone when telling her sibling of her new and first relationship, however anyone could spot the hint of excitement laced under her words. And, the same can be said for Hope, who immediately went to Snow to tell him of his new relationship.

That had been months ago, now, and the two still remained as close and they had been since they were l'cie. In everyone's eyes, they could easily tell he adored her and she adored him. It wasn't very loud, it wasn't very extravagant, but it was their own journey that will tackle together, shoulder to shoulder and hand in hand.

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