Arriving at a ice staircase leading up to her home, Elsa got off the horse and turned to the sled and checked the girl who had bled out a bit on the ice. she gulped, she whistled towards the stairs. something big got up from the snow and walked up to her.

she smiled at her guard, a big snowman who she had created.

"I need help moving her to a room upstairs, be very gentle, no need to hurt her more." the big guy nodded, picking up the red head carefully, almost impossibly so with his big hands and moved towards the stairs. Elsa nodded shortly, then ran to the horse and climbed up, turning it around completely before dashing the way they came. "I need those herbs." she mumbled.

when she got back it had just gone about ten minutes, wanting to get there as quick as possible and back. jumping off the horse she made her way in to the castle of ice and pretty much slided across the floor to another set of stairs and ran up them, and she didn't even slip, not surprising though, she hadn't slipped on ice since her childhood.

but this wasn't the time to think of something like that. she had to attend to the girl's wound and that fast before she died of bloodloss. coming to the room the snowman had left the red head she put down the herbs by a table and then ran for some bandages.

"Okay, so.. ugh I have no idea how to do this.. why did I agree with myself to do this now again? whatever." she ran back to the room, bandages in hand and a couple other things she thought she probably needed. "Here goes.." she mumbled and looked down on the girl's face, she seemed peaceful enough but a pain was also present. another flush came to her cheeks looking at her face but she shook her head and concentrated on the task at hand.

though she made sure to cover her hands with something before even touching the girl at all.

Teal eyes opened slowly, blinking equally slow. Had she looked up on a ice ceiling when she passed out? Slowly moving her head around, Anna realized that she was in a room made entirely of ice. Letting out a breath, she was too tired to even care at the given moment. She could be delusional, she did get stabbed pretty deep by those bandits. Maybe I should have listened to that old man.. she thought as she tried to move just a little.

There was a numb pain at her side, and with that pain she also noticed that she was on some kind of bed. Okay, she was defiantly not on a bed when she passed out. Though all she could really remember is that after the attack, her legs had taken her deeper in to the forest, despite the snowstorm. And then she just remember her vision turning black, and her face hitting the snow, then nothing. Her mind reeling, she barely noticed the steps of someone coming from outside the room.

The door opened, and when Anna turned her head, her eyes widened and she stared. In came a girl, or you could say she's a woman, but nevertheless, ice blue eyes were fixated on a bowl in her hands, and she pulled some platinum blond hair back in it's place. She was wearing a ice blue dress, it was beautiful, that's the only word that could register in her brain right now. A pale hand reached for the door to close it but a voice interrupted her.

"Is she gonna be okay?" it was a rather childish voice, and the girl smiled a weak smile.

"She's going to be fine. I hope, I haven't really done anything like this before." she sounded really unsure of herself and she started to drum her fingers on the bowl. And instead of closing the door like she intended, she left it open and continued to walk towards Anna. But as the ice blue gaze looked on the red head, she froze, seeing her awake. The two girls stared at each other for a good while, then the platinum blond almost dropped the bowl as she let out a gasp. Blushing, she stood there looking very weary for a time, then finally, holding the bowl in one hand, she raised a shy hand and waved. "Hi.."

Anna had her jaw slightly agape but slowly moving a arm up from the covers, she waved back.

"Hi." biting her lip, the girl cleared her throat.

"E-Ehm.. A-Are you feeling alright? I mean.. that wound was pretty bad.." Anna had totally forgot about her wound and slowly lifted the cover, which she now noted was blue, there was a bandage wrapped around her torso and stomach. "I.. I tried to patch it up best I could.. I mean.. ehm.." Anna looked back at the girl then slowly managed to sit, reaching out a hand.

"Thanks, I'm Anna." going on introductions so fast? The girl looked on the hand, then on her own. Frowning lightly at it she hid it behind her back.

"I.. I'm Elsa.." thinking that maybe she have something about dirt, Anna let her hand fall back on the bed. Elsa huh? Why does that name sound so beautiful? The red head smiled at her own thoughts and Elsa looked at her curiously.

"What you got there?" Anna asked after a moment of silence, nodding towards the bowl in Elsa's hands. Looking like she suddenly remembered something, Elsa walked to the table beside the bed and put the bowl down. It was filled with some green goo, that was the only word Anna could think of. she looked up on the platinum blond who had already stepped back.

"I was.. going to change your bandage.." she said, her hands behind her back.

"Oh.. well I can do it myself now if you don't feel comfortable with changing it while I'm awake." the platinum blond gave a short nod, walking back towards the door. "Wait!" turning around, the ice blue gaze fell on her once again. "Where.. Where am I exactly?" Elsa bit her lip, drumming her fingers on her hip as she tried to come up with a good enough answer.

"The North Mountain.. My.. Ice castle.." after that she turned and swiftly went through the door and closed it. Anna blinked a few times, trying to record what Elsa just told her.

meanwhile Elsa was on the other side of the door, surpressing a blush. Anna was the first person she'd talked to in years, and she seemed nice. and the platinum blond couldn't help but think the red head was.. interesting. groaning at her thoughts Elsa started walking towards the stairs towards her study.

Anna was finally done with treating her wound, and she'd seen that Elsa had actually done a good job. so slowly getting up, she managed to reach the door and open it. her mouth fell agape and her eyes widened at the sight. halls of ice spread before her, there was details of ice as well and as she walked through the halls, she arrived at a big open room with a fountain in the middle, frozen water spreading from it in a beautiful pattern.

staircases that lead up to a balcony over the fountain held another pair of stairs behind it. she didn't quite know where her savior was, and neither did she know how this construction had even been made. though she suddenly felt a tug at her jacket and looked down, the face of a smiling snowman met hers.

"Hi!" Anna blinked, the shrieked, not really fit for a warrior I know, then accidentally kicked the poor snowman's head off. it glid over the floor and the body flailed with it's stick arms. "oh sorry I think we got off on the wrong foot!" the head shouted and the red head gulped while she ran to fetch it.

"S-Sorry, it's just.. y-you're a snowman." she said as she put his head back on.

"Thank you, now I'm perfect! Let's start this thing over. hi, I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs!" she blinked, her mouth opening and closing as she tried to find the right words to say. his arms motioned for her to speak and somehow she managed.

"H-Hi, I'm Anna.. Sorry if I'm being rude but.. you're a snowman." Olaf nodded.


"Snowmen aren't suppose to.. you know.. do what you're doing.." the snowman tilted his head and stretched his arms and moved his fingers.

"They aren't? oh.. I don't know, I've always been able to do this since Elsa built me and I've just lived up here with her to give her the daily dose of warm hugs before going on exploration with Marshmellow." Anna nodded slowly but then her breath hitched.

"Wait what? Elsa.. Elsa built you?" Olaf nodded again. "How?" he shrugged.

"Like when she built this castle. oh you should have seen it though, it was so pretty, and you know what? when light hits the ice just right it makes colors! It's real amazing at night." Anna gaped, Elsa had made this castle?

"Wait that would mean... Elsa's the.. the sorceress of the north mountain.."

"Sorceress of what now?" but Anna shook her head.

"N-No.. nevermind.. Olaf do you know where Elsa is?"

"Yeah why?

"Can you take me to her?"

"Yeah why?"

"Because I'd like to thank her." the snowman smiled and wobbled towards the stairs.

"Just follow me!" she did as told and the two travelled two sets of stairs. and at the top was another big room, though this one was open and a big chandaler hung above them. the floor had the shape of a snowflake incarved in it and Olaf ran over to one of the three doors in the room. "She's in here, reading I think." Anna gave him a nod then knocked on the door.

hearing a loud thud she cringed, that must have hurt. but soon the door opened revealing the platinum blond who had a book in hand.

"Hi." the red head greeted and Elsa stared at Anna for a while, almost like she was surprised to see she was still here.


"Hey.. I eh.. I wanted to thank you for saving me. I would probably be dead right now if it wasn't for you." a small tinge of red covered the pale cheeks but she nodded.

"It's nothing.. Are you feeling better?" her voice had taken a rather polite turn which surprised Anna little but grinned.

"Yeah.. though I doubt I'll be able to do more then move around a little for a couple days." Elsa grabbed the door handle tighter, and forced the words she wanted to say past her mouth.

"You can stay here for a time. the village is at least an hour from here on foot, and the nearest house of any sort would be half hour walk. it's not that warm in here though so it'd probably be better if you-"

"I'd love to stay here, the cold have never really bothered me." Anna interrupted all of a sudden, surprising herself as much as the platinum blond. "I mean, as long as it isn't a bother or anything." Elsa shook her head.

"It's fine. just.. ehm.. I should probably show you around.." Elsa mumbled under her breath as she went back into the room to put her book down and while she was at it grabbed a pair of gloves which she slipped on to her hands. alright, not only had she helped a stranger, but she was inviting her to stay? how crazy was she?! if something happened she would be able to do a lot more damage to Anna then any stab wound could.

"Olaf go and take out Marshmallow okay?" Elsa instructed and the little snowman went up and hugged the girl's legs before wobbling off.

"Ehm.. Heard you.. Made him and this place.. Is.. Is that true?" Anna asked as they walked down the stairs. she noticed Elsa stiffen and retraced. "You don't have to tell me, I am just a stranger after all and I don't want to invade on your personal space. I was just wondering.." the girl visibly relaxed again, but still, Anna could see that she'd struck something she didn't want to talk about.

Anna took this time though to inspect the platinum blond closer. her ice blue dress sparkled and moved just as elegantly as it's owner. she could now notice how there were signs of small freckles on the pale cheeks which she thought was cute. Elsa couldn't possibly be the sorceress everyone's talking about. because if she was, then she'd frozen the king and queen, and possibly killed the princess.

but looking at the platinum blond, Anna couldn't bring herself to believe those accusations, especially not if they were directed to Elsa. but she could also be thinking this because right now her eyes had stuck to the girl's hips which were swaying in a rather, ladylike manner, or Anna would use another word but right now her brain forbid her to think so of a girl she just met.

but Elsa was the opposite of what Anna had expected when she ventured up here. she thought the sorceress would be a heartless person, but if she was, then why did Elsa save her? not making head or tails of anything, her eyes trailed further down, noticing how the dress split just below the waist, showing off slim legs. the warrior knew who she prefered to fall in love with, and damn, why did this potential ice sorceress need to be so god damn-

"A-Are you okay? You're kind of.. red.." Elsa's voice pierced her mind and she looked up, ice blue eyes looking at her with slight concern. and by then Anna also noticed that they'd stopped walking, wait did she ask something?

"Huh? Oh.. I eh, I'm fine." she hadn't even realized she'd been blushing this entire time! Elsa looked at the warrior for a time, and Anna, trying to come up with some kind of excuse, said what first came to mind. "A-Aren't you cold? I-I mean I don't want to pry but walking around in.. well.. that doesn't seem so appropriate in this cold weather.. in here no less.." the platinum blond bit her lip, looking away from the red head and crossing her arms over her stomach.

"The cold never bothered me.. not like it bothers others.. so I don't really freezeā€¦" she trailed off at the word, a flash of pain in her eyes. Anna quickly realized that she should try and change the subject.

"Hey, is there an outside?" she asked.

"Yeah.. down the other pair of stairs. I'll show you.."

Me: alright I'll cut off here otherwise this thing might go on for forever.

Anna: hey, you updated this one! Good job!

Me: yeah thanks, just so you know I have no idea how I really want Elsa to act, shy, hid away, distant, more energetic? I think I'm doing a mix of all those right now. And you're easy Anna, awkward warrior that find the mysterious Elsa attractive.

Anna: hey you make me sound like a creep..

Elsa: you're not a creep Anna, it's okay. But hey, review with thoughts and ideas, if you don't feel like reviewing then you're free to send Wolf a PM.

Me: btw thanks for the reviews on the previous one! I'm glad you liked it even though it was just a short thing. And like I said in the previous one, this story is based on the drawing 'Wounded Frozen Warrior' made by Iman-Maliki on deviantart. But yeah, don't feel like being perverted today so sign this one off Anna.

Anna: roger that! Bye-Bye! X3