Manipulating Time Again

Chapter 10: Exceeding the potential

"Lets kill them Kimmimaro, lets kill them all," Jugo shouted as he drilled Lee into the ground again. It was Naruto, Lee, Yugao, Shino, Kankuro and Temari against Jugo and Kimmimaro. Naruto was conserving his energy while keeping the opponent occupied until Yamato successfully awakened the genin from the genjutsu. After the rest of the konoha arrived Naruto would go help the sandaime as planned.

"No Jugo. We must keep some of them alive for Kabuto senpai," said Kimmimaro as calmy as Jugo shouted with rage. Kimmimaro was currently fending off Yugao's sword and Temari's fan. Then he was hit an incredible punch from the puppeter.

"Thanks for destroying my puppets," he yelled to Lee, who was currently being thrown by Jugo. This was bad, they needed more backup. "Why the hell aren't you using any of your moves," he yelled at Naruto. These konoha ninja were frustrating.

Naruto escaped a blow from Jugo and retaliated with two swift bloxer style punches to Jugo's head, not that it did anything. "I can't fight right now, Kurama is experimenting with something and has taken away all my chakra minus what little I need to survive," Naruto yelled back "As for why he is experimenting NOW, ask him yourself."

Kankuro thought about 50 billion questions as he evaded Kimimaro's fingertips. Who the hell was Kurama? seemed like a good introduction but he didn't get a chance to ask it. Finally when Kimmimaro was occupied again, Kankuro got a chance to attack but instead he was grabbed by an extremely wet hand.

"Hope I'm not too late. Travelling exhausts all the water in your body," joked a 12 year old WAS ANOTHER ONE? Kankuro mentally yelled as he used his free arm to pinch the new one's head. But his head just liquidated and Kankuro's arm just slipped right through.

"Oh man, I hate it when people try punchin my head. 'You're gonna pay for that you brat," said Suigetsu. however before he had a chance to do anything a massive gust of wind turned him into water droplets and sent him to the wall, just like a blizzard. Kankuro also got caught in Temari's gust and flew 10 metres.

Over to Yugao however, Temari had stopped becoming backup which allowed Kimmimaro to use his free hand and attack Yugao. Yugao jumped back and threw a kunai to Kimmimaro who cut it in half with his bone. Then a massive shuriken came between him and Yugao just as he was about to catch up.

From the sunlight Ino and Ten Ten appeared and began to take on the trio. Kurenai followed stopping suddenly to attack suigetsu with a kunai, and her hair moved into Suigetsu's face which turned it into water again. Kurenai then realised what she was up against and prepared a genjutsu for the boy.

However the smartest of the trio - Kimmimaro went on the offensive and released that phalanges of his hands upon the konoha shinobi. Kurenai was interupted, before being called by a nervous Asuma "Kurenai, we need you against the jonin, we're outnumbered."

Kurenai hesitated and decided it was better to have a jonin take care of jonin, so she left throwing one last kunai at Suigetsu. Naruto realised that this was his opening to leave and did so by jumping up to the audience stands with kurenai.

"Tell me where Kakashi sensei and Yamato taichou is," Naruto asked her as he deflected a couple of kunai with his anbu katana. This was the perfect time to put the gear over the black suit.

In the kage box.

It wasn't a box anymore as the raikage had blown of the roof. "Sandaime-sama, please escape to the roof," said an occupied Kakaahi as he struck Kabuto with another kunai. The third didn't argue and fled to the roofs. The raikage had been a worthy opponent, the third had even been forced to take of his hokage clothing, something he hadn't done for a very long time.

Then he jumped to the side as a lightning enforced kunai slipped past the sandaime's neck. "Why are you doing this lord raikage, we are now allied countries," the third spoke in his wise elegant voice.

"Well Kumo decided that holding its alliance with Oto was much more beneficial to us than with Konoha," the 4th raikage said.

Kakashi came onto the roof too, appearing right infront of the sandaime. Kakashi coming to the roof practically brought the whole fight to the roof. This was bad, it looked like Kakashi was going to have to use his mangekyo sharingan.

"Bringing the fight to the roof was the worst thing you could have done. This just means that Bee and Yugito can transform and destroy the village," the raikage informed Kakashi.

Then he saw as Bee and Yugito transformed jnto their beast modes. While Yugito couldn't fully control her beast, she had fully transformed. As for Bee, he just had his octopus tails sprouting from underneath him. He was using it against the group, trying to grab hold of the ninja. They were evading the tails but only just.

"Shinra tensei."

Yes Naruto had arrived, perhaps he could take on the biju like he had done in the war. The 8 and 2 tails would be no match for Kurama. Then Kaashi was horrified as he found out who had performed the move as 6 figures with orange hair appeared infront of him. It was Pein.

His shinra tensei had held the 8 tails back but the nibi still had timd to attack, since it was agile. However it was also stopped by Konan, who just wrapped the entire beast with paper.


"I realise now that the akatsuki was a mistake. It is not I who is the saviour of this world," Pein stated. He could easily take on all of them.

"Quickly escape with the sandaime. Make sure he is not harmed. Quick, before we change our mind," exclaimed Konan who was struggling to hold the nibi stationery.

Kakashi took the signal and left with Tsunade and the third hokage. This was possibly the best thing that could have happened. However, before they reached the end of the rooftop they were approached by another pair in the same cloaks.

What was with all of these akatsuki members. "Kakashi senpai, I cannot allow you to go any further," Uchiha Itachi said taking his hand out of his cloak.

"I know who you really are, Itachi and I know you would do nothing to harm Konoha," Kakashi replied. He was confused to why Itachi was holding him back. Then he noticed it, the slight glint in his eyes. He was being controlled by Madara or Obito as he know knew. Which meant that Obito was somewhere nearby.

"I'll take care of Itachi and Kisame. Tsunade-sama take care of the sandaime," Kakashi said as he prepared an earth technique. Then after Tsunade and the third jumped away from the building, he collapsed the floor, which brought the remaining three onto the audiemce stands.

Then, Kurenai, Asuma and Gai appeared beside him, having already being exhausted by the other jonin. It was evident that they were just about to go and help Lee and the others.

"Kakashi, Naruto was asking where you were," Kurenai informed him "What is happening?"

"I'll explain the details to you later. For now we have to focus on defeating those two infront of us. Then we may have to take on Uchiha...," Kakashi said. He couldn't finish because itachi had thrown 4 well placed kunai. Thiswas anbu placement of kunai and could only be dodged if one was reflected. All Kakashi did was lift his arm to deflect the kunai with his gear however he felt the impact of Itachi's kunai. Itachi was incredibly strong.

'Gai, you are suited to fighting against the samehada guy, however I need you to defeat Itachi,' Kakashi thought 'what should I do?'

Well it was certain that he wasn't going to be able read a book during this fight.

Naruto fled after Orochimaru. He knew Nagato would be able to take on the raikage, Bee and Cee-Yugito. The easiest way to win was by making sure Orochimaru didn't perform the edo tensei. If Ororchimaru did, then things would get tricky.

Naruto could sense exactly where orochimaru was and knew exactly why he was there. He was going to use the shodai to literally crush Konoha with the forests around it. Naruto also knew that he planned to place all of them in a barrier while the shodai crushed the village, which was where the sound 4 came in.

Naruto smiled as he thought about Shikamaru and his team, which had been deployed to take out the sound 4 and now Naruto was going to take out Orochimaru. He had a ace up his sleeve too. "Yamato taichou, we are about to get there, once we do use the forest to immobilise Orochimaru so he can't use the technique," Naruto called out to behind him.

"I understand but stop calling me Yamato. Where the hell did you get that name anyway? Tenzo called back. Today was like a reunion of his old anbu team - Kakashi, Yugao and now Itachi according to one of Naruto's clones.

Then Naruto was nearly stopped in his tracks as a massive tree grew and elongated, twisting right at him. However Naruto had his sage mode on and simply destroyed the tree. This was bad, it seemed that Orochimaru had already performed the edo tensei, he must have been there all along.

Yamato successfully managed to follow Naruto's path and not be harmed, before Naruto came to a stop infront of a clearing. At which point Yamato stopped too.

"I wasn't expecting the uzumaki to be here but oh well, I guess this is a nice reunion," Orochimaru hissed. He was currently on top of Manda with the 1st hokage and some sort of woman. In front of Naruto stood Gamabunta with Jiraiya standing on top of him. Jiraiya had his hands pressed together and Naruto knew that he was summoning 'them'.

"Where is the second hokage - Tobirama senju?" Naruto asked him activating his byakugan. A strange aura surrounded the woman. He couldn't quite make out who she was because of the chakra.

"Tobirama? You seem to know a lot about my technique and for your information Tobirama and the 4th kazekage are currently reaching the third hokage," Orochimaru hissed back "As for these two. I'll guess you'll have to see what I have them for. Well atleast you saved me the trouble of coming and looking for you. Now I can just use the shodai hokage to take care of the kyubi."

"Naruto get away, don't let them take kurama," Jiraiya yelled losing his concentration.

"Don't worry Ero sennin I can take care of the shodai. He's only at about a quarter strength and I have Yamato taichou with me. I need you to take care of Orochimaru and that woman," Naruto yelled back.

Jiraiya looked like he was about to say something but he was interupted when a giant tree seperated him from Naruto. As for Naruto, he was leaping away heading for the clearest place he could find - that was not Konoha. He was going to have to seal the 1st hokage.

In the medical room.

The darkness began to fade away and the bleach white ceiling of the room began to seep in. That was right, he was in the arena medical room. Something caught at tje back of his head. Then as he heard the sound of a giant canon, he realised that the Konoha invasion was going on. It felt so wierd to have the memories of the future, it felt like he was in the past.

Slowly he got up, the medical nin were fast asleep in the genjutsu. Medical ninja weren't trained like normal ninja, they had a totally different ranking system. However there would be the rare academy ninja, who would go into medicine like Sakura-san and Tsunade-sama. He needed to get outside. He needed to help his friends.

He slowly began to walk. His whole body ached, the pain was incredible. However it was more of a good pain, like after you had done exercise or had a massage. It was different. He saw the light outside the hall and began to make his way there. He could see the vague hints of a battle going on like the casual kunai or body.

"Ey, stop wasting your time. Let me lend you my power, you're already exhausted," Shukaku said from within him. Power sounded like a good thing to Gaara right now. Then the hall crumbled away to sand and became his mindscape again.

"How are you supposed to lend me your power?" Gaara asked. He knew how however it was the first time he was doing this. It was like doing a backflip, he had seen the technique but he needed some reaffirmation. Then a seal in the form of paper appeared infront of him. He ripped the paper apart, ripping Shukaku's bonds while he was at it.

There was a small side of his brain that doubted that Shukaku had truly changed like he did in the 4th shinobi war. However the majority of him knew that Shukaku was good. Then from the pit came out a massive arm, with its fingers in the form of a clenched fist. To a third person it would've looked like Shukaku was trying to punch Gaara.

Then Gaara put his fist out infront of him and their fists collided. So this was what badass felt like. "Gaara," Shukaku said in a velvet voice "lets rock. No, no Shukaku had just ruined their moment.

Back in the real world Gaara's sand carried him swiftly across the hall to the outside world. His first reaction was hate for the bright sunlight. Still he could see that everyone was surprised to see him. Especially Temari and Kankuro.

Then he looked at his opponents - a orange haired monster, a gay looking water guy and the boy who he had fought once before. Kimmimaro. He also felt really strong, more powerful than he had ever been. It was time to show the world how much he had improved and how strong he and Shukaku really were.

In the forests outside Konoha.

Naruto was surprised. It was one thing to fight with Hashirama senju and something completely different to fight against him. Dodging and weaving all of those tree branches would really be the biggest pain, luckily he had sage mode on. Yamato, however, didn't.

"You seem to be a strong boy, having mastered sage mode," the shodai shouted from behind Naruto "I am sorry this is happening. I told Tobirama to abandon his stupid jutsu and now look what he has produced."

Orochimaru had allowed the shodai's emotions to continue to run. Unleashing the kyubi would do nothing to the shodai, since he could just control it. Then he thought about Kurama, Kurama wasn't the kyubi anymore. In essence he was another form of the ten tails. Maybe the shodai in this form, wouldn't be strong enough to control Kurama in that form.

"Kid release me and let me teach that little weasel a lesson," Kurama spoke from within him.

"I thought you had become good, whats up now?" Naruto asked. How confused could a twelve year old boy really get.

"I only like you and your father, now. I never said anything about liking anyone else. Plus he's in the edo tensei so what's the best he can do," Kurama replied "I also want to show you something cool you can do."

Naruto then went into full beast mode. A large portion of the forest was taken away as the large monster appeared. Naruto could swear that the shodai pissed himself. Naruto looked at his new gold Kurama cloak. He looked just like a shorter version of his father, just a bit more gold.

The shodai tried using the forest to immobilise Kurama. However, it didn't work. There was no way that this was the nine tails. Kurama readied a biju bombed and scattered the damage all across the forest, like a spray shot. It was way more powerful than Gyuki's had been. It was way more powerful than the old kyubi's had been.

The shodai had barely escaped it. This was truly the strongest opponent he had ever faced. Even stronger than Uchiha Madara.

"I am proud that Konoha has produced many capable ninja like you. I myself could never master sage mode," the shodai shouted at Naruto "I should warn you though, I can't be killed I have to be sealed."

Naruto reminded Kurama, who was below him "Don't waste your energy just get me close enought to seal him," He shouted. He grabbed out a scroll from his pouch and used one of the seals on it to summon a bigger sealing scroll. That would have to do. Next Naruto used his primary scroll to summon another secondary scroll, the size of Naruto himself. He opened the scroll and unleashed a baarage of weapons, something he had learned from the chunin Ten Ten.

The shuriken that came out of the scroll were up to 4 times as big as Hashirama. The barrage of weapons aimed at wherever Naruto aimed the scroll. This technique was useful, probably the only useful technique that he had learnt from Ten Ten.

Finally when the hokage looked like he was stuck, Naruto grabbed the other secondary scroll. Then he was horrified as Hashirama just used the forest to deflect the weapons and then used the same forest to attack Kurama. This amount of power was crazy.

Naruto used his version of the "kirin" to cut through the 15 or 20 trees, which eliminated Hashirama contact the wood and they jut fell to the ground.

On a rooftop in Konoha.

Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at the man standing infront of him - his predecessor. Tobirama Senju was amazingly strong and whilst Hiruzen was also pretty strong - Tobirama had taught him.

However the will of fire burned within the third hokage and he knew that the next generation would always surpass the previous. "Hiruzen... is that you? It seems I have been resurrected with my own jutsu," Tobirama called.

Next to him stood the yondaime kazekage. "What happened... how?," asked Gaara's father as his body prepared for battle "I can't control my body."

"The only way you can defeat us, is by sealing us," tobirama spoke. Maybe his brother had been right. Maybe he shouldn't have tried to make the jutsu.

"Suiton Water Dragon"

Then a massive dragon in the form of water flooded the rooftop slamming onto Tsunade and the third, trapping them like the water prison jutsu.

"Raiton missile,"

Tobirama then lifted his had and sent some sort of eletrical current into the body of the dragon. This made the whole dragon spasm and lose some of its water, however the lightning travelled up his body and brought great pain to Tsunade and Hiruzen. They twisted in agony, finally gasping for air in the water. Then Tsunade made a seal and plummeted out of the beast of water.

Then she used her arm to create a crack in the roof which ran all the way down to the technique caster. Tobirama lost his focus as he jumped away from the crack and all of the water succumbed to gravity and dropped. Hiruzen lay on all foors, panting.

"It does not seem my gold release will pair up with your water release," the yondaime spoke "We aren't that good of a combination."

However while he was speaking Tsunade came up and aimed right for his head with a solid punched. The gold inercepted, however and sent Tsunade arm into a fit. This was going to be hard.

On top of the arena audience stands.

The raikage looked at the six people infront of him, it was impossible to beat him. Yugito had been taken away by by the blue haired girl who controlled papers. So now it was he, Bee and the Kabuto boy vs this god.

He was amazingly powerful and if it hadn't been for Kabuto foreknowledge of the rinnegan user's technique they would be dead already. it had been Kabuto who had told him that the human path could take out your soul just by touching you. Currently they hadn't even defeated one of the peins.

The raikage tried to come at the 'deva' path- Yahiko's body- with all of his lightning armour enabled. The raikage was invisible to the naked eye for that moment as he went at intense speeds. Yes he was going to hit the annoying little ...

Then as his jab neared Pein's face he was horrified. "Shinra tensei." A went flying 20 metres away from the path, it was just like fighting the 4th hokage. However, now was bee's chance, he thought as Bee swiped the same path with his tail, while he was at a distance. From what they had learned by fighting was that the Deva Path had 5 second intervals between everytime he used his annoying jutsu.

However when Bee got close to the Deva Path, the Preta Path came in the way and began to absorb chakra from his tail. This was so annoying, this was when they were in six bodies. Imagine how strong they would be in one, practically invinsible.

"I'm sorry, I've told you everything that I could but I have to go," Kabuto shouted "My role is vital to Orochimaru's main plan."

The raikage just nodded, before dodgin another missile from the Asura path. He thought that Orochimaru's main plan was to destroy Konoha but he was dead wrong.

Pein tried to stop Kabuto from gettinf to wherever he needed to go however Kabuto just spawn a couple of clones and evaded the Naraka and human paths.

In the arena.

Gaara looked at the mass destruction he had caused to the arena. However he had formulated a plan. He used his sand to tell everyone, one by one, his plan and they all listened to him. They were going to win this.

The most troublesome guy was Suigetsu, who just turned into water when anyone hit him. Kankuro came right at him, punching Suigetsu through his chest. However his chest, as always, just turned into water while Kankuro's hand was in it.

Then, Ten Ten came at suigetsu, throwing as many weapons at him as she could. He knew physical attacks wouldn't work on him however mental attacks could. Suigetsu's body just kept spasmin into water, everytime a kunai from Ten Ten landed. it was incredibly frustrating.

Then as Ten Ten neared suigetsu, she ran right at him. Of course she went right through him, however just as she did, she turned around and held him in place. This allowed Ino to perform her magic.

"Mind Transfer Jutsu"

Finally they had one enemy taken care of. Gaara caught Ino's falling body with his hand and brought it right next to him, so that his sand would protect her too. Then he nodded to the group so that part 2 could start.

Suigetsu, or Ino, went after Jugo who was currently occupied with Lee. The boy was incedibly strong for his age. Jugo had the strongest attacks, so his attacks would do nothing against Suigetsu. They were going to use Suigetsu to tire Jugo out.

Then it was time for Kimmimaro, he needed to be taken care of too. However Gaara couldn't fight Kimmimaro here, he needed to fight him outaide konoha or too much damage would be done.

Gaara called Shukaku "Is there a way that we can bring Kimmimaro outside Konoha." Gaara stood in his position deflecting kimmimaro's bones.

"Switch with me Gaara," Shukaku said back "I'll carry him with my sand to the forests outside Konoha." Gaara didn't think that it was possible to physically move Kimmimaro, since he was so powerful but Gaara trusted Shukaku.

Then everyone watched as Gaara's body began emmiting Shukaku's chakra. Quickly bones overlapped that chakra and muscle began to follow until Shukaku was standing before the genin. "Fells nice to be out yo. Hey you, you're the bone guy who worships the pissy little Orochi-weiner," Shukaku yelled at kimmimaro, as arrogant as ever.

In his mindscape Gaara slapped his forehead. This wasn't going to be as smooth as Gaara had predicted.

"What did you say... about Orochimaru-sama," Kimmimaro replied back. Jugo looked across at Kimmimaro, he began to feel fear. No one should ever insult Orochimaru infront of Kimmimaro, unless they wanted the whole area destroyed.

"I say he's a little weiner. Did you know that he was once defeated by a brother of mine, while my brother wasn't even at a quarter strength. My brother was just playing with him, yo," Shukaku said back.

Then the ground began to shake as Shukaku moved through Konoha, trying to cause the lwast amount of damage he could. he passed the 4th kazekage fighting on his way, Shukaku felt the intent to squish but let it pass. Shukaku needed to take care of Kimmimaro.

Behind him Kimmimaro jumped up and began to slam 50 sharp bones jnto his back. Breaking and throwing each bone in perfect sync. Shukaku got annoyed and simply swung his tail send the human flying across a couple of buildings.

"Is that Shukaku fighting Kimmimaro," the yondaime kazekage exclaimed to the group "No, I'm sorry but I think Orochimaru is going to try and use me to beat Shukaku."

Orochimaru just smiled while he was just using manda to squish Gamabunta. The third hokage and Tsunade knew about nearly all of the nidaime hokage's moves however knew very little about the yondaime kazekage's. He knew that the yondaime was naturally gifted with the ability to seal Shukaku, however it would seem he was needed some place else - killing the third hokage.

"No, I know Orochimaru," the third spoke while panting, this fight was exhausting him "He is going to use the nidaime, if anything to try and seal Shukaku because we already know about his techniques."

The third quickly deflected another set of kunai sent directly to his face. This wasn't what an old man should be doing, especially after sitting for so many hours. Even so, Hiruzen began to perform some handseals

"I think you're right Hiruzen," Tobirama said as he performed seal and water began to lap beneath him "besides me and the 4th kazekage aren't compatible."

Slowly the water below him formed into a platform and began to carry him away. However he was stopped by Hiruzen's monkey summon. "As much as I don't like the idea of fighting you, I don't want Orochimaru to get his way," Hiruzen said.

"Sarutobi sensei, I don't think we should keep the nidaime and yondaime here either," Tsunade informed him "they can cause devastating damage to Konoha. Instead lets take them to Naruto and Jiraiya so they can also help us seal them."

Tsunade was currently trying to punch through the yondaime kazekage's gold dust. "How do you intend we bring the kazekage there," the third asked her, finding the logic in what she had said.

"Well they want you dead right," Tsunade begun. Somehow the third knew what was coming.

In the forests outside Konoha - Naruton Yamato and Hashirama battle.

"I'm sorry but it won't be that easy to get close to me," Hashirama said as "remember I can manipulate wood and we are in a forest."

Kurama had cleared a lot of the forest, however Hashirama just kept on making more. Since Hashirama was in the edo-tensei he had infinite chakra and couldn't die. So even when every atom of his body was seperated by Kurama's tailed beast bomb, Hashirama just reformed. This was difficult.

Naruto, through his sage mode, sensed a couple of figures coming closer. Firstly Gaara and Shukaku were coming, which was a good thing according to Kurama. Then there was the chakra of the nidaime hokage and the yondaime kazekage trailing Tsunade and Hiruzen. It seemed Tsunade, Gaara and the sandaime were bringing the party to him.

However he also sensed some other unusual chakra, some familiar chakra. It reminded him of someone, it was the woman's special chakra. He had seen it before though, it was very close to him. Could Orochimaru have reincarnated 'her'?.

"No way," Naruto said to Kurama while he used a lightning jutsu to stop Hashirama's wood getting close to Kurama.

Kurama batted his ear "what?" Kurama was already busy trying to catch the shodai in his beast bomb. It looked like he would have to show Naruto what he was working on.

"I think you are going to meet a very old friend of yours," Naruto smiled. Yes it was 'her'

End of Chapter.

Sorry about the nidaime's moves. I don't know much about his technique, so I just created some. As for Hashirama, I don't think Orochimaru would know how to perform Hashirama's stronger moves. So thats why I am not using them.

Not much author notes in this chapter because I plan to release an extra chapter by tommorow.

Hope you enjoyed it. If you need any explaining done, please tell me and I will edit the chapter so it works.

Special mentions to Krazyfanfiction 1, Bursting Rage and ACSkywalker for reviewing.

Other special mentions to ShadowhunterMashell and Chewie Cookies for being regiular reviewers. (Never done that before but decided I will start to)