So this is my first fanfic...ever. I adore Elsa and my roommate has an unnatural obsession with Loki, and thus the Elki ship was born. I know it's not a popular ship, but it's got potential. Anway to whoever might be reading this (if anybody is), I hope you enjoy it and please offer me comments and criticisms and what not because I'm new at this.

Shoutout to Sunnyontheheights for the cover art (she worked really hard on it)! You guys should check out her stuff if you love Loki (:

Anyhoo, enjoy!


Dear Papa,

Anna is still so sick. I don't know what to do anymore, and I'm losing hope. There's nothing we can do, Papa, and I feel so helpless. My magic is spiraling out of control and it's growing harder and harder to handle the menial tasks of the kingdom with Anna lying ill in the next room. It's times like these when I really wish you were still here. I know you couldn't find a cure any faster than the wonderful people of Arendelle, but even your presence was so healing. Whenever you were around when I was younger, I felt like I almost had the power to completely control my magic. You gave me hope and encouragement. I could use some of that right now, everyone could. Tell mother I love her and miss her, too.

Love Your Daughter,


"Oh, Anna," is all I can choke out. I approach the wheezing lump of blankets that is my sister.

"Elsa? Is that you?" She struggles to lift her head.

"It's me, Anna. Don't sit up, your cough might start up again," I reach out to brush a strand of bright auburn hair from her forehead. It's the only part of Anna the illness has failed to dull and distort. How long has it been since the first incident? Four months? I remember the mortification in Kristoff's eyes as he rushed her into the foyer.

"I don't know what happened," he exclaimed, "We were out rowing on the fjord, when she started coughing. And then there was blood. She seems okay now, but I made her come in anyways. I didn't want to risk it."

"I am okay now, Kristoff! Put me down I'm going to be fine. It was just a cough-attack jeez no need to flip out," Anna brushed herself off and proceeded to walk to the dining room, but before she took two steps collapsed on the ground in front of me.

"Anna!" I brought her head into my lap and checked it for any bumps from the fall. I placed my hand on both sides of her face; her skin was burning hot. Her eyelids fluttered slightly, but she did not wake. Trickles of blood were puddled at the corners of her mouth.

"Kristoff, hurry let's get her to her bedroom then I need you to quickly run for the physician."

That was our first encounter with Anna's illness. Since then she has seen every physician in Arendelle and not one has had a single idea as to what could be ailing her. And it's only getting worse. Just last week, I was sure we lost her.

I was sitting at her bedside watching her sleep and listening to her struggling breath. It was chilled outside, but I made sure the servants maintained the fire in Anna's room. The cold certainly couldn't help her, which is why I was also very cautious when touching her without my gloves. The constant worry was making it so hard to control the power. I would often awake in the night to a full-blown snowstorm in my room.

Occasionally her breathing would drop off or become wheezy and painstaking, but it always returned. Until one time it didn't. She inhaled shallowly and slowly. Poor Anna, I thought. I don't know how she manages to breathe like that during her waking hours. My thoughts were interrupted by the absence of the raspy exhale I had grown accustomed to as evidence of Anna's living. I listened intently for it, but it did not come.

"Anna, honey, I need you to wake up." I rose and gently and shook her to wake her up, but she didn't respond. "Anna! Wake up!" I checked her pulse. It was present but very slight.

"Kristoff! Lane! Come quickly!" I called out. No less than half a second later Kristoff and the nurse came crashing through the door, still in nightclothes but very awake.

"She's stopped breathing!" I struggled to contain my building anxiety. The last thing we needed was for Elsa to freeze the room. Kristoff and Lane rushed to Anna's side.

"Anna." Kristoff firmly grabbed Anna's shoulders to lift her into a sitting position. "Anna I need you to wake up and breathe!" He was choking back tears and panic was evident in his expression.

"Lay her down flat, now." Lane firmly commanded. She grabbed a contraption from the nightstand that resembled a turkey baster; and next thing, she's forcing it into Anna's mouth and squeezing the bulb. With the release came an intake of bright red blood into the tube of the tool. She quickly emptied the fluid into a bowl on the nightstand. I gasped at the sight of the blood, but understood her purpose. Lane continued this action twice more until there was no more blood in the tube after release. She then commanded Kristoff to sit Anna up again. She leaned her forward and then brought a swift open-hand hit to Anna's upper back. I cringed at the gesture, but was immediately flushed with relief as Anna finally took in a gasping breath and was thrown into a violent coughing fit.

Tears I hadn't noticed before spilled down my face and I begin sobbing at Anna's side. She was coughing uncontrollably, but at least she was breathing. We all remained with her for the rest of the night, making sure her breathing didn't stop again.

I had never been so terrified in my life. I almost lost her. My Anna. My love. My eyes sting with tears from just the memory. I don't know how much longer she has. She's getting worse every day, and I can't even cope with the thought of losing her. No one can. The kingdom is in panic and frantically searching for a remedy, but it's been several months and we've found nothing. How can we treat an illness we know nothing of? Not even the trolls are able to help. I let out a quiet sob at this hopeless realization. What can I do?

I go to sleep that night with a heavy heart and a tired soul. Even my magic has lost its will. It no longer wakes me and I don't struggle to control it. It's as if even it is mourning the imminent loss of my dear Anna.

My dreams are strange. I dream of an old folklore story Papa used to tell Anna and me before he separated us. It was the story of the Norse Gods. They were kind but judgmental beings. They could be cruel, but they were also capable of using their strong powers for much good. The main god in particular, Odin the Allfather, had powers greater than all the others. He could heal any ailment with a twitch of his staff, and he was often open to doing so even for humans who were willing to pay the price. The prices varied, but Odin was an honest god and always gave the humans what they deserved for what they gave him.

I wake with a gasp. I sit up and stare thoughtfully at some snowflakes suspended in the air above my bed. My magic is awake again. My heart pounds in my chest as the idea hits me. I jump from my bed and dress quickly. I don't care if it was just a silly bedtime story; I have nothing else to lose.

"Kristoff, wake up!" I shake the sleeping giant who jumps up from his seat at my icy touch.

"What? Is something wrong?" He asks sleepily.

"No, in fact I may have an idea." I quickly explain my plan, and receive the anticipated response.

"You're insane, Elsa. Norse gods? Really? I think we should just stay here and spend as much time with Anna as we can instead of rushing off chasing fairytales." He starts to walk away, but I grab his arm.

"You may be living in this castle with us because my sister loves you and she's ill, but perhaps we've gotten too comfortable with each other. I am still your queen and you still have to respect my authority. I won't tolerate your disrespect. You can either come with me to the North Mountain, now, or leave and don't come back," I glare into his eyes. It's hard for me to be mean to the boy, but I desperately need him to cooperate with me.

"Fine," he retorts, "Front gate, five minutes."

We're rapidly flying up the mountain. Kristoff is quiet beside me. All I hear is the whistle of the wind and the beating of Sven's hooves on the icy ground. I feel so alive, the most alive I've felt since Anna became sick. I love the chill and the wind in my hair; it makes me feel powerful and hopeful. In less than an hour we reach North Mountain.

I gently pat Sven's head as I dismount the sleigh, and make my way towards the peak.

"This is so stupid," I hear Kristoff mutter when I pass by him.

I pause and give him a sharp stare, "Stupid, Kristoff? There's nothing else we can do. We've tried everything! It might not work, but I can't risk not trying! You think it's a stupid fantasy? That I'm chasing a fairytale? Look around you! I have the magical ability to control ice and there's an alive and very animated snowman watching over Anna right now in our absence! If that doesn't make you believe in magic and fairytales, then I don't know what to tell you," I take a deep breath and try to calm my frustration. "Please, Kristoff. I just need your faith and support."

He looks down, seemingly embarrassed at his behavior. "I'm sorry, Elsa. I'm just so worried for Anna. The thought of losing her scares me so much I'm sickened. I feel so helpless."

I walk up to him and take his hands in my own, "You don't have to feel helpless. You can appeal to the gods with me. We can try together. I know this will work, Kristoff. It has to." He nods, and says nothing more. Together we finish the walk to the peak.

We kneel at the ledge where my ice castle once stood and look out over Arendelle. The fjord glimmers in the distance and I can make out the outline of the castle. The view is beautiful, but I can't enjoy it. Not yet. Not until I'm sure Anna is going to be okay. I close my eyes and think about how to start my appeal.

I take a deep breath and speak, "Great Odin, Allfather of Asgard and all the heavens, I pray that you hear my cry. My dear sister Anna, the purest most beautiful soul in Arendelle, is deathly ill. She has very little time left with us. I beg, great Odin, that you hear my prayer and use your powers for the worthy cause of restoring her health." I open my eyes. The scene is just the same as it was. My heart sinks but I close my eyes again and continue to speak, "I'll offer you anything I have. Anything the land of Arendelle can offer that you may find worthy of your possession. I offer you my riches, my kingdom, my-my powers. You can have everything, please just save her." The breeze suddenly picks up and the chill in the air increases. I open my eyes to a vastly changed scene. I can no longer see the fjord: a plume of grey clouds blocks my view. It looks like the beginnings of a heavy rainstorm, but there is no rain or lightning, only wind.

Kristoff and I stand and hold each other for balance. The wind grows stronger over the next few minutes and it's hard to stand without stumbling. Suddenly there's a startling clap of thunder, a brilliant flash of lightning shoots from the sky and strikes the ground behind us, and as suddenly as the wind began it stops. The air is still and the dark clouds vanish from the horizon, again revealing a clear autumn sky. Slightly shaken, Kristoff and I turn to face the epicenter of the lightning strike. We both gasp in suprise at what we're met with: a tall, aged man with white hair and broad shoulders stands before us. He is old, but far from frail. He stands tall and majestic, his presence seeps power and authority. I swiftly bow at his feet and drag Kristoff down with me, forcing him to bow as well.

"Great Odin, thank you for hearing my prayer," I begin to say.

"No need to call me great, Odin is sufficient young Elsa, Queen of Arendelle. Now, rise both of you. Let us talk." At his words we stand and follow him to Kristoff's sleigh. "Take me to the sick one you told me of. Anna is her name, yes? I've heard of her. A kind and beautiful heart she has. It would be a pity if the Earth lost her." Without hesitation Kristoff and I follow Odin onto the sleigh and quickly begin the ride back to the castle.

"Sick she is, indeed." Odin gently places his large hand on the side of Anna's face, "She doesn't have much time left; you called at the right moment."

Kristoff and I silently watch as Odin paces about Anna's sleeping figure, keeping his eyes locked on her face. "She is lovely. I'm sure she looks even more beautiful in full health." I feel Kristoff tense at these words. I quietly elbow his side; now is not a good time for his notorious jealousy.

"She looks quite like you, Miss Elsa." He walks over to me and takes my face in both his hands. Kristoff starts to protest these actions, but I quiet him with a stream of ice to his foot. Odin examines my face carefully seemingly in deep thought.

"Excuse me, Odin, sir, I greatly appreciate your compliments but can you heal her? You said she didn't have a lot of time and-"

"I'm getting there Miss Elsa, be patient. She will live long enough to receive my healing, I am considering the terms of our agreement," he interjects.

"Of course, sir! I swear I will give you anything. I will pay you anything," I assure, "just please heal her. What is it that you desire, Odin?"

"You are an exceptional specimen, Elsa. You are a human, but are gifted with great powers and great beauty," he turns his back and again begins pacing Anna's bed. I'm beginning to grow frustrated with his continued words of compliment. I wish he would just get to the part where he states his price.

"You quite remind me of one of my sons; misunderstood, strong, and also born with powers of ice." I don't see the point of this speech and my feelings are growing more urgent. I'm losing my patience.

"Sir, what do you want from me in exchange for the healing?" I finally blurt out.

"You have his lack of patience and angst, as well I see." Defeated, I collapse into a chair beside Anna's bed. I lean my head in my hands and hold back tears of frustration.

"I have decided on our terms, Miss Elsa." At this I look up, anxious to hear the price.

"Anything, Odin. Anything." He smiles at my words.

"I have observed you from time to time, Elsa. You have a good heart and peaceful demeanor. Both you and your sister have the gift of bringing out the best in people, and that is a rare gift indeed. Your powers only make you even more exceptional." He wants my powers, I think. He can have them. I'll give him anything.

"You can have my powers, sir. Take them!" I state urgently.

Odin lets out a deep laugh and replies, "It's not your powers I'm interested in, Miss Elsa. Magic of earth is nothing compared to the magic the god's posses," I furrow my brow in confusion but he continues, "It's you I'm interested in."

"Me?" I ask, "What about me?"

"You will make a fine wife for my troubled son, Loki," he states with a smug smile.



I stand dumbstruck at his words. I expected to pay in earthly riches or power. That's what he always asked for in all the old stories. But, a marriage to his son? That's...odd.

"He is a handful, but a handsome lad with a good heart deep, deep down inside there somewhere," He sits in a chair on the other side of the bed, opposite me. "He's been on probation for the past few years so he hasn't been out mingling with the women lately, and I'm not certain he'll ever find love. He can be quite...well he has a bit of a...his personality is a tad strong and...I guess you'll see eventually."

"Excuse me? Probation?" I choke out. "He dangerous?"

"Well not per se. He'll be down here with you, so I will greatly limit his powers, of course. He will be almost no more than an average human, like this blond thing beside you gaping rudely at me," Odin gestures at a shocked-looking Kristoff who snaps out of his daze and quickly averts his eyes to his shoes.

"So a marriage to my son in exchange for your sister's healing. Those are my terms. Of course I will give you two a few months to become acquainted down here, then there will be a great marriage held up in Asgard with the whole kingdom. It will be a delight." He stands and walks to me, "So what do you say, Miss Elsa? Do you accept my terms? Is your sister's life as much value to you as you claim it is?"

His words break me from my shock. I look up at Odin and extend my hand, "Deal! Yes just please heal her!" He firmly takes my hand and a golden ring of light encompasses our grasp. It shines brightly for a second then disappears in a flash.

"This is a binding contract, Elsa. Any breach will result in grave consequences," he looks he deeply into my eyes.

"I understand," I say barely audible.

Odin stands over Anna, staff in hand and speaks an enchantment in a language I'm not familiar with. Kristoff and I stand together silently watching him work. A faint glow encompasses Anna's body and her skin appears to be regaining color. Her lips become pinker and the rose in her cheeks slowly floods back. She is soon glowing so bright it's almost painful to look at and we avert our eyes. There is a sudden bright flash and then the glow is gone entirely.

I look anxiously at Anna who is still asleep, but glowing with more health and beauty than ever before. I run to her side and stoke her cheek. Her skin is a healthily warm and soft. I tear up out of pure happiness. Kristoff joins me on the other side of her bed, feeling her skin and enjoying the evidence of her now perfect health. Soon we both can't contain our gleeful laughter and are embracing her tighter than I can imagine is comfortable.

"Umm, guys," my heart skips a beat at the sound of that beautiful voice.

"Anna!" Kristoff and I exclaim in unison.

"You know I love these moments so much, but I really can't breathe," Anna struggles to say.

"Shh Anna let us have this. We almost lost you. You have no idea the scare you gave us," Kristoff replies in a shaking voice.

We savor a few more moments in the embrace before Anna removes us by force. I turn to thank her healer, but Odin is gone. Something shiny rests on the dresser and I walk to it. It's a ring, with a magnificent blue diamond encased in intricate folds of white gold. I gasp and pick it up to study it closer in my hand, that's when I notice the paper it was meticulously placed upon. I put the ring down and pick up the paper. It's a strange parchment material with one line neatly written in the exact middle of the page:

A week from today, your courtship begins.

_Odin of Asgard

"What's going on over there?" I hear Anna ask over my shoulder. "I'm starving, Elsa! Is there any chocolate?"

I shove away my worry about the note and ring and turn to face my now-healthy Anna, "Of course, Anna. Let's celebrate your health with some chocolate."