AN: Hey look I'm back! It's the beginning of the end, guys, and its all downhill from here! Thanks for reading, and please review!

Disclaimer: I own literally none of the things in this fanfic other than the ocs, but even then they're based off of ideas given to me by my friends.

"Kristoff, I know you're here somewhere!" Elsa called out, into the wind. "Anna's worried about you!" She attempted to wave the flurries away from her face, but to no avail. Her own powers had no effect. "Kristoff!" Elsa's voice cracked, as the wind picked up exponentially. "You can't just leave Anna alone like that. You can't leave me like that!"

The wind began to blow her backward further, Elsa's clothes becoming encrusted with frost. She wasn't sure if the frost was from her or from the wind itself, but it didn't bother her so much as weigh down her dress. "Kristoff!"

It was getting dark, and Elsa still had not come across any sign of him. Anna must be getting worried back at the castle. Then she realised something and her heart sank. She didn't even tell Hans where she was going.

She had to stop for a moment, and catch her breath and maybe wait until the storm cleared up or something. Elsa's head was pounding, and she was sure it was from the stress or something. A hand flew to her forehead as she leaned against a rimed birch, the branches all iced like windchimes. Elsa's eyes drifted shut; she was just going to rest them for a moment, she promised herself.

It had to have been hours later, Elsa recalled as she woke, feeling as if she had frozen solid. For a moment she was sure she was back in that ice castle she had constructed after the coronation so long ago, but then she realized. No, she was in some kind of fortress made of ice, but it seemed more crude, more of a prison than a spire. Was this Kristoff's creation?

"You're awake. Good." A familiar voice called from the doorway. Elsa turned slowly toward the door, shifting beneath a thick horse blanket.

"Kristoff? What is this?" The queen sat up, clutching her stomach as it roiled.

"Did you come here to bring me back to Anna?" His voice was different, sonorous; each word was echoing independently.

"Yes! You left her without another word! How could you just leave a note and then run away from your responsibilities?" Elsa stood, wobbling on suddenly shaky legs.

Kristoff rushed forward to help her stand, hands resting intimately on her waist as she glanced up at him before pushing him away as far as she could despite the fact that she could barely remain upright on her own.

Elsa's eyes fluttered closed and remained closed until she felt a coarse hand, one colder than her own skin, touch her cheek.

"I knew you'd come for me, you can feel the pull too."

"The pull?" She felt dizzy, her eyelids heavy as she couldn't help but lean into his touch, exhaustion weighing on her like a boulder.

"I need you, Elsa. We could do so much together." Kristoff brushed his lips against hers.

"No.. I can't, I don't want to." She felt as if she was falling asleep right there. How had Kristoff gotten so close to her in such little time.

"But you must. I have something to show you." He guided her out the door, and down the hall a short way. Elsa didn't pay attention, unable to open her eyes for very long, her head rolling on her shoulders slowly.

"Mumma?" There was a quiet shuffle somewhere to her left, and Elsa's eyes snapped open instantly, recognizing the voice. "Petra!?"

"Kristoff, how did you bring Petra here?" Elsa crouched automatically, gathering her daughter into her arms, examining her quickly to see if he had hurt her.

"I have my secrets, the same as you."

"Don't give me that excuse, Kristoff! You took her from her home!" Ice crackled up Elsa's sleeves and she felt strength flow back into her veins at the emotion she was showing, Whatever power had been keeping her withered like that was losing hold over her. Or it could have been the child, she wasn't sure.

"Elsa, I-!"

"No! Don't you dare say another word to me!" Elsa rounded on him, gathering her skirts in her hands, Petra protected behind her.

"I gave you a chance to accept, Elsa…" Kristoff's eyes glowed a lighter azure than she had ever seen as he narrowed them. "You give me no other choice."

"No matter what you do to me, I won't let you touch Petra!"

"I don't want her! I never wanted her! She means nothing to me!" Kristoff swiped at the air with a broad hand, the wind picking up. "She looks just like him!"

"Why did you take her?" Elsa spread her arm behind her to keep the child away from Kristoff, horrified at his words.

"I knew you wouldn't be willing to leave without her."

"Willing?!" She focused all of her energy on Kristoff in one scathing look and moved toward him, intent on using her powers. "How dare you use my child against me!"

"If you stay, I'll let her go." He caught her wrist easily, squeezing it with an inhuman strength Elsa had not realized he possessed, somehow preventing any ice from gathering in her hands. "I'll even bring her home myself."

"I…" She attempted to tug her hand free of his fist, expending a considerable amount of effort but getting nowhere. He had her trapped. Elsa let her head hang. "You leave me with no choice."

As soon as Hans had realized Elsa was missing, he asked the servants, only to discover she, as well as Petra, had been gone for almost two days. Two days and he hadn't even noticed. What kind of husband and father was he?

Hans couldn't stop himself from preparing Sitron and riding into the woods to try and find her tracks. It was almost as if she had hidden her tracks from him. That is, until he discovered a pair of tracks that were obviously belonging to a man. He had to follow them for as long as they went on. It was sundown when he came across an immense building carved entirely of ice, with a sledge bearing the mark of Arrendelle tied up at the gate. That meant only one thing. Elsa had run off with Kristoff. There was no other explanation.

Clasping his jacket to himself, and gathering his sword from the scabbard at his hip, Hans hunched his shoulders and proceeded to attempt to get inside. It was difficult going; the floor was slick, Elsa must have set it up to prevent him from coming across them. She had to have, there was no other reason for there to be ice everywhere, hindering every step he took.

"Daddy!" The redheaded child ran to her father, seemingly unhurt and free.

"Petra?! What-" Hans stood in the doorway, taking in the sight. Elsa was in a constructed ice cage. Why couldn't she just use her powers to get out? What was she doing there in the first place.

Kristoff spun where he stood, reflective white blue eyes staring with a palpable amount of hatred to where Hans was climbing the stairs.

"You're not taking them from me!" A gust of snowy wind nearly sent him head over feet back down the frozen stairs. Hans only managed to remain standing through grabbing hold of the walls.

"Stop this!" Elsa yelled from where she was imprisoned, her voice wavering. "Kristoff, please!"

Kristoff reeled as if he was struck at the sound of his name echoing off of the translucent walls around them, hands over his ears, as Hans ran to the cell constructed out of ice.

"Tell me he didn't hurt you."

She shook her head. "He didn't. I didn't let him."

He cupped her face in his hands as best he could through the bars. Elsa leaned into his touch, as he ran his thumbs along her cheekbones.

Closing her eyes, she muttered:

"It's the crown. Knock it off his head and he'll be powerless."

"I need to get you out of here first." Hans began to look for the lock so he could try to smash it open.

"Don't worry about me, Hans. Get Petra first, and then you can get me out."

She kissed him, pulling his face to hers through the icy bars. "Where are the keys?"

"I don't know. With Gunter I think, if I had to guess."

He looked up at her. "The boy's here too? What about Anna?"

Elsa shook her head; "No, he and Anna are both at the castle.. The servants are with her."

"I have to go back then, there's no other option.." He took her arm in his hand, squeezing gently. "Elsa, I will come back for you, I promise."

"I know you will. I trust you."

"That's good to know." He grinned.

"Don't start. Just get Petra out of here. Bring her to the castle. I'll be alright for now."

"I wish I could believe you."

"He wouldn't dare to hurt me.. He wants me to love him. I-" She looked away, sighing softly. "It's the crown. It's my fault. I made it for him, I-"


The queen glanced up at him, face pallid. "Just go. Get her out of here as fast as you can, before its too late."

He looked her up and down, eyes wide. "How can I-"

"Go!" She kissed him deeply through the bars, before she shoved him away.

Hans stumbled a little before catching his footing and looking back at her. "Hurry!"

He swung his sword at the bars, but it seemed to be like rock. The only thing that he managed to do was shatter the steel. It was colder than anything he'd ever encountered, save Anna all those years ago. But that was impossible. Was Elsa's ice capable of doing it again only to inanimate objects. The ice should have snapped easily, instead of rendering the sword brittle and broken.

"There's no time for that, Hans, just go!"

Elsa turned back toward her brother in law, where he was almost curled up, hands clasped over his ears and the crown as if his temples pained him, the crown being held on with one hand. She almost pitied him, if it weren't for the fact that he held her captive.

Kristoff soon recovered from whatever had been bothering him, snarling in Hans' direction like an animal, but it was too late. He had escaped back down the stairs, leaving behind the destroyed sword, and gathering Petra in his arms, nearly tumbling headlong to his death as he ran.

He turned back to Elsa, looking nothing like his regular self. There was something else there, a jealousy turned vicious. "I'm going to kill him, and there'll be nothing in my way."

A shiver went down her spine and she knew it wasn't from the cold.

"What about Anna? What about my sister?" Elsa called, grasping the bars still. "You can't just leave her alone in the castle!"

"My son's with her, isn't he? He can rule." This wasn't Kristoff anymore. It was someone new, someone cold like a glacier on a mountain top.

"Gunter is a child, Kristoff! What is wrong with you?"

Kristoff stared at her, not truly seeing her but seeing through her. "He will be old enough to rule soon enough."


He turned to go, closing the door behind him. "We're finished discussing this."

Elsa fell to her knees, still gripping the bars.

"Kristoff! You can't just leave me here! Kristoff!