AN: I know I said I wouldn't be writing any more of this big fic but I got roped into it by the one who first inspired the prequel so, I guess I'm back, my darlings. Reviews mean the world to me, and keeps the engine chugging along. This time we're going for a loop. Hold onto your seats!

Disclaimer: I don't own any part of Frozen, don't work for Disney and this is a not for profit fanwork. Thanks for reading.

"Petra, darling, your father has business elsewhere." Elsa cast a withering look at her husband over her shoulder as he readied his travel bags.

"But it isn't fair! It's my birthday, and I want him to stay home!" The seven year old stomped her feet, already beginning to sulk.

"He's very busy, you know that." Elsa found herself watching how Hans did not even cast a guilty glance in their direction, as she attempted to placate the child.

"He's never home long enough though, Mumma.. Couldn't you make him stay?"

"I.." Elsa brought her hand to her throat, half afraid she would give in, and even more fearful that Hans would refuse.

That was when Hans at long last looked their way. His gaze locked onto hers for a beat, and then she tore her eyes away to compose herself.

"Petra, he's a busy man. Isn't that right, darling?" She caught his gaze once more as the servants began to load his bags into the carriage waiting outside.

"Of course." Hans absently waved a hand, to direct the servants.

"He'll be gone for quite a while this time." Elsa added through early gritted teeth, the bitterness not going unnoticed by the child.

"Mumma—?" The child's green eyes were fixed on her emotional mother's face.

"Petra, sweetheart, go play with Gunter for a bit. Your father and I need to talk." Elsa put her fingertips to her left temple, one arm still crossed over her chest.

Petra's eyes grew wide. Whenever they needed to talk, it was always something important, and the way her mother looked right now meant she was angry at something. She got out of there as fast as she could, hiding down the hall to eavesdrop.

"Who is it you're going to see this time?" Elsa's voice was dangerously low as she stepped toward him.

"I'm going to the Southern Isles, you know that, Elsa. I'm busy, after all. You said it yourself. 'He's a busy man'." His tone was ever so slightly mocking, cutting in its own way. He didn't bother contesting it, knowing she was suspicious of him either way.

"What could be possibly so important there that couldn't be dealt with at it's own pace, after your only child's birthday?" Her voice was shrill and she knew it, but she didn't dare stop. "You've been neglecting the both of us, Hans. This secrecy needs to stop-"

"Elsa, please." He cupped her face in his hands to cut her words short, embroidered blue gloves perfectly fitted to his shortened few fingers.

"Hans, I—" She closed her eyes and covered his hands with her own.

He kissed her, just a quick romantic peck on the lips.

"Just have a little more faith in me." He whispered to her, breathless. "I love you." Elsa opened her eyes, peering up at him, "But my faith is wearing thin, and it's only so much I can believe until I can't believe anything you say anymore."

Hans only kissed her again, deeper this time, and released her face. "I'll only be gone for two weeks, three weeks tops. I promise you."

There was a weight in the pit of her stomach as she let him go, watching him leave.

He's gone for two months this time, and Elsa grew worried at first until she resigned herself to the fact that Hans had to have left her for good for a woman who didn't freeze everything over in the bedroom the morning after. She knew it would come to this eventually, but Elsa didn't know it would hurt this much. Petra missed her father most of all. It all but broke her heart to see the child upset this way.

"Mumma, why isn't Daddy home yet?" Petra had asked her one morning, before her lessons. It took all of Elsa's self control not to just burst into furious screaming and freeze the castle over again.

She maintained control, breathing still ragged. "He's just been busy, Petra. He will be back home before long, I promise." She wondered to herself whether her promises were in vain, and whether or not her child was losing hope in Hans ever returning either.

"Do you really promise?" Petra looked up at her; the trust in her eyes was too much for Elsa so she had to avert her gaze.

"I promise."

The tiny redhead ran to her mother and hugged her tightly. "I love you, Mumma."

She smoothed down her hair, squeezing Petra tight.

Elsa whispered into her sweet smelling hair. "I love you too, darling, and so does your father."

"He doesn't seem like it." There was truth to her statement, and Elsa sharply looked at her daughter's expression.

"He does. I know he does, Petra. He works hard to make sure we are safe." She clutched at Petra's shoulders.

The child lowered her gaze. "You could do that, Mumma. I've seen how you can use the ice to protect us."

Elsa smiled despite herself, and held Petra close to her. "I don't want to have to resort to using my powers, sweetheart."

"Daddy always said not to be afraid of using your powers though!" She insisted, stamping her feet.

"I know, Petra, but he meant you." The slight smile dropped from her lips quickly. "There are people out there who will try to make you think you're a monster, and you're not."

"Did that happen to you?" She asked Elsa softly.

There was a long period of silence. "Yes."