Note: G!P (Paige has a penis incase you don't know what g!p means). Don't like it, please don't read it.

And if you claim you don't like it, but keep reading then that makes you a closeted G!P lover.


let's set you free

Everything was going great.

Everything was going great until, "Babe, I'm ready." Until her girlfriend dropped that little word bomb a week ago. It was just like another other night, they were alone in her room. She was leaving little marks on Emily's neck, just little signs she was taken. Emily was moaning and writhing, her nails scratching at Paige's scalp. That's when she said it, three words. Not "I love you," that was easy, but that she was ready. Paige knew that already, she's not an idiot. Her girlfriend was practically fucking her stomach. Thrusting her hips against her, trying to get friction. Pushing her hand down toward the button on her pants. Yeah, Emily was being as subtle as an explosion and Paige got the hint.

"I'm not." It was such a lie. Paige was beyond ready in every sense of the word. And it killed her because — God — Emily was moving like she was being paid. She could feel the heat on her stomach and knew — she fucking knew — what it would feel like wrapped around her dick. Instead she was painfully hard and pressing into the mattress, out of her girlfriend's view and knowledge. That was the issue: the knowledge part.

She never told anyone about her…condition. Never bought condoms. Never displayed it proudly in skinny jeans as a way of giving gender stereotypes the middle finger. Her parents and her doctor knew, that was it. She never thought she would need to tell anyone, but then there was Emily with the all the appeal of a girl-next-door and a politician's mistress. Paige felt like she could tell her anything and wanted to tell her everything. Then she wanted to pound her into the mattress, but that was her dick talking.

She tried — she really did — a week into it. Then tried again a two weeks later, one month, three…but now it's been six months. Everything had been going great for six months, except Emily was "ready," willing and able, on the verge of begging for it.

She knew the moment would happen eventually, it was the natural progression of a relationship. Sex. Paige could think about it, talk about it, dream about it, but she couldn't do it. So she did the only responsible thing she could think of, she's been avoid her girlfriend for the past week.

It was inevitable that they'd end up here on Paige's couch, just the two of them. Her parents were antiquing in New England or at a business trip in Florida or where ever parents went when their kids wanted to misbehave. Emily's eyes were still tinted red, Paige's only hint she had been crying before she got there.

"Do you want to break up with me" she said in the lowest volume Paige ever heard her whisper.

It was a voice so low that Paige had hope it was just the wind and her own mind playing tricks on her. Not that her girlfriend had honestly been worrying about that for a week. But why wouldn't she after how Paige had been acting. She'd been an asshole, she could admit that. But how was she supposed to face Emily with this secret?

"Em, no — no, of course not." Paige turned to face Emily, but wasn't ready to be met with the girl's intense gaze. She wavered slightly because she knew that look. She knew and she was trapped. "I — I love you, but…no, not 'but' I love you period. There is something — some thing — I have to tell you about, though. I —"

Whatever it was could wait as Emily launched herself onto Paige's lap. This position was not allowed. Emily couldn't be there, unknowingly lined up on Paige's cock. Her protests where muffled by Emily's mouth, their tongues touching shyly at first, then swirled around each other. Emily counting each tastebud on Paige's tongue.

And Paige, she just hoped her compression shorts would hold up. Maybe Emily wouldn't notice. Maybe she'd believe it was just the remote for the television. Of course, her thought wouldn't immediately be, "Oh that's just my girlfriend's hard-on pressing against me." Because she couldn't stop it. Not with the way Emily's tongue was circling hers and now all she could think of is how that tongue would feel on her —

"Fuck, baby, you're so hard."

Paige's eyes flew open, her body freezing along with her spine. That was not the wind or her imagination. Her girlfriend knows and she's not running. She knows and she… she likes it.

"Relax, I've known about it for a while." She leaned down next to Paige's ear all the while slowly moving her hips back and forth along the girl's length. "I'm so ready for you, Paige — all of you, because — God — you already feel amazing." With more force than ever before Emily drop down onto Paige lap, wanting to make sure there was no confusion.

Paige was still stunned, at the words and the movement. Emily knew. Emily was grinding against her while these little breathy moans escape from her mouth. Her cock caught up with what was happening a lot faster than her mind did and it was screaming to be set free. Painfully throbbing, trapped inside the binding fabric. Just to test, just to see if all of this was real she met Emily's thrust once, twice, three tentative times and each time Emily's breath caught.

"Keep going. I want you so bad. You…you don't even realize how much." Emily was riding Paige's cloth-covered dick for all it was worth now. Trying — trying desperately — to get Paige to realize just how much. "Are you big, babe?"

Paige just shrugged. She didn't know. It's not like she could walk around naked in the locker room and compare sizes. Her doctor never looked at her and said, "Well, Paige, that's an impressive dick you have there." Besides, anything that's on the wrong body is big.

"Can I find out?" Emily lifted onto her knees and kiss Paige deeply. She felt her girlfriend's body relax underneath her and smiled, because Paige's brain finally caught up. Slowly, hesitantly, so as to not scare Paige she ran her hand down the length of her body and into her sweatpants. There it was, the thing that her girlfriend was so ashamed off, that made her feel less desirable. Emily loved it and hated it at the same time. It was Paige, another part of her, but it caused her girlfriend so much pain. Emily thought back to the times she would see Paige with a book over her lap, hiding in the corner, hoping no one would figure her out. How Paige was afraid to even hug her for a month after they started going out and how Paige would watch the swim team compete knowing she'd never be able to be apart of it.

She cupped the heated bulge and squeezed it gently. After tonight Paige was never going to feel unwanted again.