Hotch had been back to work for a week before the team was called to Kentucky to help the locals apprehend a man that stabbed four patrons in a pharmacy. When watching the video, the team noticed that the attack was unprovoked but he did not react until he was touched. Three of the four victims died from their injuries and they were sure there would be other victims if they didn't find him fast.

The team discovered the unsub's violent and traumatic childhood and Hotch was getting emotionally involved. He was still doing his job and no one said anything, but they made sure they all had his back. This was the first case that Reid had been allowed to travel and he spent much of the case quietly watching Hotch.


On the plane home from Louisville everyone was quiet. Most were sleeping and Morgan was listening to his music on headphones. Spencer went to talk to Hotch who was sitting alone in the back of the plane with some paper work. "Permission to speak freely?" he asked in a whisperer.

Hotch nodded, he had a good idea where this conversation was going. Reid continued, "I'd like to talk to you as a friend, not as a subordinate."

"I already agreed for you speaking freely" he said sounding annoyed.

Reid hurriedly continued, "Do you remember when we were on our way back from West Bune, Texas and you told me that I had put myself and my team's lives in danger and I needed to trust all of you?"

Hotch nodded as Reid said, "I can tell you word for word if you want me to."

Again Hotch sounded annoyed, "That won't be necessary. I remember what I said and now you are trying to tell me that I'm not living up to my own words."

"I'm not trying to upset you Hotch, I know you had a better reason to do what you did today than what I did with Owen, but you still could have gotten yourself killed." Reid said almost timidly.

Hotch nodded again and sighed, "I know. I should have listened to my own advice, but at that exact moment, I didn't care about me. I just wanted the boy to be safe and Darrin Call to have the chance to confront his father."

Reid was silent for a few minutes thinking on how to say what he wanted to. "Hotch, I know you don't need to go to the movies like I did," he said using the private wording they had used for Reid's AA meetings, "but you might find talking to Bob helpful anyway. He is a great listener, understands the stress of the job, and he lost both his wife and son. Hailey and Jack are still alive, but right now they are out of your life. I'm sure you don't want to talk about it with any of us; and having some shrink deciding if you can do this job is not what you need. We all know you can do this job, but sometimes it helps to have someone to talk to that is not involved and where there is no written record of the conversation."

"I'll think about it," sighing again and looking at Reid. "I like Bob and I know he has helped you, but I'm not sure I want to talk about any of this."

Reid nodded. As he stood up to leave he said, "You know you can talk to any of us, but I just wanted you to know there is another option if you decide you want to talk to someone off the record."

As he walked away Hotch called, "Spencer." He turned around surprised by the use of his first name. Hotch smiled slightly and said, "Thanks." Reid nodded and smiled back.


One week after they arrived home from Kentucky Spencer was scheduled to have the screws removed from his knee. Dr. Kimura referred an orthopedic surgeon she knew who worked out of Walter Reed. Fortunately a complete General Anesthesia was not needed. The surgeon was able to use a light sedation to put him to sleep and he did not need any prescription pain meds afterwards. The surgery went well and his knee was healing nicely. All it needed was time to repair itself. He was cleared to go back to work two days later.

A few days after that, the team was called to Rossi's hometown on Long Island, New York. There had been three victims shot in the head execution style and the local police needed help. When Hotch told Reid he wasn't cleared to travel, he nearly whined, "Why can't I go? It was a simple surgery, I should be cleared by now." Hotch held his ground and said that neither Dr. Kimura nor his surgeon had given permission yet and his decision was final.

Spencer had not had his final check up, but he knew he was well enough to travel and didn't think anyone would find out. After the briefing while the team was on the jet, he took an early lunch break. After leaving Dr. Kimura's office, he was cleared for travel, but it was too late for this case. He went back to the BAU and was determined to show Hotch that he could be helpful and he should have let him fly.

He and Garcia both helped the team find the killer. He was already at home when the team was heading to a hotel for the night. It was too late to leave. When Spencer told Chelsea everything that had happened on the case, she shook her head at him. "I know you and Garcia have worked very well together in the past. It sounds like you threw a bit of a temper tantrum at being left behind and tried to one-up Garcia." He started to pout and she laughed. "Did you really want to spend the night in Long Island that bad?"

He realized she was teasing him and leaned down to kiss her saying, "I guess there are advantages to not being able to fly."

Author's Note: I really enjoy writing about Spencer and Chelsea and I hope you enjoyed it also. I have tried to stay as true to the timeline in the CM universe as possible.

I already have some new plans for them and I am starting to work on the next book.

April 24th - I just posted the first chapter of the next story. It's called "What the Heart Wants"