Sorry if I messed up my English.

Hope you like it.

December 1995:

She was so tired of this song. She wished she never had to sing it ever again, but she knew that this was the song everybody wanted to hear. She grabbed the microphone and ran out to the screaming crowd.

Let's go to the mall everybody!

The whole crowd sang with her and of course she loved it. It was something most people dreamed of, but she didn't feel like herself anymore. She didn't want to be Robin "Sparkles" anymore. She was tired of it.

Everybody come and play, throw every last care away. Let's go to the

She felt dizzy. This was not the place she wanted to be at the moment. She stared out at the 20 000 people who watched her every move. Suddenly she felt nervous. Usually she didn't feel nervous because she was so used to perform in front of people, but now in the middle of the song she started to feel it.

I went to the mall with a couple of friends, I had the whole week allowance to spend. I want hoop earrings to the...ehhh..

Crap! She messed up the rap. She forgot the whole thing. She just did some stupid dance moves and waited for the chorus to come. She felt like a complete idiot and she didn't like it at all. Why did this have to happen to her on her first concert in USA? Her first concert in New York City.

Let's go to the mall today, today, today...

She finished the whole song with a fake smile on her face and decided to get out of there as fast as possible.

Tears came out her eyes like a waterfall. She didn't know who she was anymore. She didn't think she'd ever known who she really was. She'd always been thought to be someone else by her parents and she'd had enough of it. She didn't want to be "Sparkles" anymore.

She walked towards the public restrooms with a hoodie over her head. She knew this was a risk because anyone could notice her. She went into the ladies room to find all the toilets occupied, so she decided to do what her father had told her. She went into the men's room.

She walked quickly in to one of the available toilets and locked the door behind her. She hated public toilets. They were filthy and reeked and everybody could hear you.

Before she knew it she started sobbing. This was the worst place she could possibly let out all of her feelings. The guys in here would probably start to wonder who the hell had locked himself in and cried like a girl in the public restrooms.

She tried to stop, but she couldn't. Her mind couldn't stop thinking about what she really wanted in life.

She heard someone entered the room. The person knocked on her door and she felt like she was about to lose her breath.

"Are you alright in there?" The guy asked.

She didn't want him to know she was a girl, so she decided to not answer him.

"Hey, don't be shy. I know who you are. I saw you when you walked in." The guy said.

Oh crap, he already knew who she was. He would probably pull her out of the restroom and scream "ROBIN SPARKLES USED THE MEN'S ROOM!"

Suddenly he pushed a piece of paper through the crack of the door. She took the paper and read "Let's get out of the"

She couldn't help but smile and for some reason she felt she could trust this guy even if she didn't know what he looked like.

She slowly opened the door and thankfully he was the only one in there.

She looked at the blonde teenage boy with shiny blue eyes. He held out his hand "The name is Barney." She took his hand and answered "Robin...Robin Scherbatsky"

To be continued ;)