Hello everyone! Welcome to the Snow King, sequel to my story the Snow Queen! I hope that you all enjoy this story as much as you like my previous one. If you haven't read the Snow Queen, please do before reading this one as it might be a little confusing if you don't.

This is taking place a little over 5 years after the end of the Snow Queen.


Chapter 1: Problems (Jack's POV)

"North!" I yelled, throwing open the door to his workshop, not even bothering to close it as it bounced off the wall. Elves hurried to get out of my way, shoving and pushing each other as I didn't even try to avoid stepping on them. Luckily, I didn't and Phil glared at me as he closed the door. I flopped down onto the couch with my head in my hands and fingers gripping my hair when North walked in.

"Jack?" He asked, concerned. "What is it? Where's Elsa?"

"Elsa's fine," I assured him. "She's at the Ice Castle with Olaf right now." I groaned. "She's actually the reason why I'm here - I've got a problem."

"Problem?" North repeated. "Well, you know, Jack, all good relationships have their issues. You stick with that person through the rough patches and the easy ones - that's what being in a relationship is all about."

"What?" My head shot up before dropping again. "No, no, it's not like that, I mean ... we have our issues, but we work through them alright."

"Then what's the matter?" He sat down next to me, resting his elbows on his keens with his hands clasped together. I didn't say anything. "Jack, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," I said, standing up, unable to sit still. "Nothing is ... wrong ... exactly. Elsa and I are great. We're great. Everything's ... everything's great."

"But you said you have a problem..." North reminded me slowly. "Are you no longer interested in her?"

My eyes widened and I spun around in shock. "What? Of course not! I love her now more than ever." I couldn't blame North for being confused. I would be confused, too. The words coming out of my mouth weren't making any sense, then again, the thoughts going through my head weren't exactly coherent either. They were muddled by doubt and nerves.

"Did you see Pitch?" North continued.

I shook my head. "No, it's not that serious. Well ... it is serious, but it's not that kind of serious... Do you know what I mean?"

He stared at me with a blank look in his eyes. "No."

Letting out a sound of frustration that had more to do with my confusing thoughts than North's lack of comprehension, I sat back down and my leg started to bounce up and down rapidly with my inability to remain still for any amount of time. I think Elsa has been noticing my abnormal behavior as she's been giving me concerned looks and constantly asking me if I was alright for the past few weeks. Can't say I blame her: I probably looked like I was going to have a nervous breakdown any moment. Mostly because that's how I felt.

"You ... you wouldn't happen to know anything about..." I hesitated and chickened out. "Nevermind. It's not important." I stood up again and started pacing.

"Obviously you feel it's important for you to be so stressed over it," North observed, shoving a glass of eggnog into my hands. I didn't drink it. "Come, drink and talk to me. In plain English, if you don't mind."

My fingers closed around the glass, but I didn't drink from it. The mere thought of this subject tied my stomach into knots, ruining any want of food or drink. Silence rang loudly in the room as I stared at the liquid pensively. I came here for advice, but now that I was here, I didn't know how to ask for it.

"Jack," North said patiently, still watching me from where he was seated on the couch. "I can't help you if you don't tell me what the problem is."

"I want to propose to her!" The words spilled from my mouth before I cold stop them and North's eyes widened in shock.

"Propose?" He repeated, thinking about it before nodding slowly. "It's been ... what? Five years since you first met her?"

"Five years and a month." I corrected him. He raised an eyebrow but - thankfully - didn't question my precision.

"Well, it's only natural to start thinking about marriage when you've been with someone for that amount of time. Do you have a ring?"


"Do you have a date to ask her?"


"Any plans?"




He blinked, looking at me incredulously. "Do you have anything?"

I sighed. "No."

To my surprise, he started laughing. And I'm not talking about a few chuckles, either. Oh no, this was full blown laughter that continued for a good five minutes. He finally calmed down, wiping a tear from his eye as I scowled at him.

"Sorry, Jack," he said, still chuckling to himself. "But it's no wonder why you're so stressed out; you don't even have a ring!"

"That's why I came to you," I explained. "Do you think you could help me come up with some ideas? I keep drawing a blank." I looked at him hopefully, but he shook his head.

"Unfortunately, Jack, I think your best resource is you."

"Me?" Did he not hear what I just said? I got nothing!

"Yes, you. Think about it, Jack; you know her better than anyone. Perhaps even better than she knows herself - it'll mean more to her."

"But I've been thinking about it for a month," I argued. "And I don't even have an idea. Can you at least help me with the ring?"

Again, North shook his head. "I wouldn't be any help, Jack." My head dropped in defeat and he stood up to clap an encouraging hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry. You'll figure it out. The worst she can do is say no."

"That's what I'm afraid of," I muttered under my breath as I set the full glass of eggnog down on a table and walked out of the door.

*_*_* At the Warren *_*_*

"Bunny?" I called, looking around the green landscape and taking care not to freeze anything. Normally, I would take great joy in irritating him in such a way, but it would probably be wise to try to stay on his good side. "Bunny, you here?"

"Of course I'm here, mate," a familiar voice grumbled from behind me. "Where else would I be?" I turned around to see him hopping up towards me. Eggs ran around my feet and I quickly jumped onto the top of my staff to avoid stepping on any of them.

"The eggs are looking good, Bunny," I said, looking down at he colorfully painted ovals below.

"What do you want, Jack?" Bunny asked, crossing his arms over his chest. I bit the inside of my cheek.

"I want to ask Elsa to marry me."

"Okay... What does that have to do with me?"

Groaning in exasperation, I ran my fingers through my hair. "I don't know! I was hoping you would ... you know ... give me some ideas or something?"

"Are you kidding me? What do you think I know about proposals? It's nearly two months before Easter and I've still go millions of eggs to paint! Go ask Tooth."

He hopped away before I could protest, leaving me to climb off my staff once the eggs were clear. Maybe I needed some new friends, I thought as I flew off towards Tooth Palace.

*_*_* At Tooth Palace *_*_*

At the Tooth Palace, all of Tooth's fairies buzzed around me, hurrying in and out as they placed teeth in the appropriate boxes and grabbed a quarter before heading out to their next destination. Luckily for me, Tooth was working from her hideout tonight, listing off cities faster than I could keep up with. How do women talk so fast?

"Jack!" She said when she noticed me landing on the tile floor. Baby Tooth flew around my head a couple of times in greeting. "What are you doing here? Is something wrong?"

I frowned. Perhaps the Guardians should start seeking each other for other reasons except trouble. "No. Well ... yes? Ugh ... I need some advice ..."

"Okay ..." she said, looking at me expectantly.

Taking a deep breath, I said, "I want to propose to Elsa."

My hands clamped over my ears as she let out a loud squeal, making all of her fairies look up from their work. "Oh, Jack, that's wonderful!" A smile formed on my lips at her enthusiasm, but quickly disappeared when she continued. "Do you have the ring? Let me see! How are you going to ask her? What are the plans? When are you going ask? Tell me!"

"Err," I hesitated, rubbing the back of my neck. "No, I don't know, I don't have any, and I don't know."

She looked at me with a blank expression and blinked. "You don't even have a ring?"

"Well, it's not like I can go to the nearest jewelry store and buy one," I said defensively. "I was kind of hoping that you could help me out with some ideas?"

"Hmmm..." She tapped her chin as she thought with a pensive expression on her face. "Good point..." Just then, one of her fairies flew up to her and squeaked. Her eyes widened. "I'm sorry Jack, but I can't help - I'm super busy. Apparently there was a fight at an orphanage and dozens of teeth got knocked out. I'm sure she'll love it, whatever you decide!" And she went back to work. I sighed, resting my chin on the top of my staff. I really needed some new friends. If Tooth was this busy, Sandy was definitely busy. Not to mention, I would have a hard time understanding him if I did ask. Who else could I ask?

A thought struck me and I immediately took off to the sky towards the Ice Castle.

*_*_* At the Ice Castle *_*_*

I landed on the balcony as per usual and walked inside. It was nearly dark. Elsa poked her head out from her sculpture room and smiled when she saw me.

"There you are," she said, walking up to me. "I was wondering what was taking so long."

"No worries," I assured her. "I just had to make a couple of detours on my way back. Where's Olaf?"

Her brow furrowed. "He's outside with Marshmallow. Why?"

Panic sparked in me as I thought frantically for a reason that wasn't the truth. "No reason," I lied horribly, stepping around her. "I'll be outside with Olaf."

"Alright..." I heard her say to my retreating form skeptically. Thankfully, she did not press the issue as I raced down one of the twin staircases and flew through the ice doors.

Marshmallow and Olaf looked up at me, exchanging a look between themselves before Marshmallow returned to his usual disguise as a snow covered boulder. Somehow, I still don't think he's too fond of company. Olaf smiled up at me.

"Jack!" He cried. "You're back!"

"I wasn't even gone for a day." I laughed, then became serious. "Olaf, I need your help and I need you to keep this a secret from Elsa. She can't know," I paused before glancing over at the hiding snow monster. "That goes for you, too, Marshmallow. Got it?"

A low rumble sounded through the air and I took that as his affirmation. Olaf looked conflicted.

"Secret?" He repeated with a frown. "I don't think secrets are good for a relationship."

"Well this one is a good secret, Olaf," I assured him. "Trust me. I'm going to ask her to marry me."

Obviously, those were the magic words because Olaf's eyes just about tripled in size and he gasped, smiling. "Really?" He said. I nodded. "Oh! I just know she's going to say yes!" In his excitement, he began to cheer and dance around. I quickly hushed him, glancing at the Ice Castle behind me to make sure Elsa didn't hear. Unfortunately, I saw a figure in one of the windows that could only be Elsa.

"Be quiet, Olaf!" I chided him. "Secret, remember?"

"Right!" He agreed, clamping his stick hands over his mouth. "Sorry!"

I grinned. "So, could you help me come up with some ideas?"

Okay, this wasn't my best chapter. I'll admit to that. I liked the first couple of chapter to the Snow Queen better, but I hoped that you all enjoyed it enough to keep reading. It gets better - I promise!

Thanks for any reviews, favorites, and/or follows.
