Hello, all!

Just another quick, ten minute drabble I did awhile back and forgot about (X'D) based off of the concept of silence. Nothin' too serious, I'm afraid.

I hope you liike and shout out to X-Feli-Chan-X as today is her birthday! Go check out her fics, people. You know you want to ;)

Silence presses in all around them, a heavy and ominous presence filling up the already small room. The two of them stand close together, completely still, completely silent as they strain to hear if danger has passed.

Well, at least Roy was. Ed, on the other hand, was more waiting for Roy to tell him it was safe for them to go; which he hoped would be soon, because all of this silence, and this darkness, and this waiting was really kind of a buzzkill.

Ed fidgets uncomfortably and chokes back a startled grunt as he immediately feels Roy pulling him tighter to his chest to keep him still. He can feel the Colonel's heart against his ear and wonders if it is fear or arousal that is making it beat so hard. He wonders what story the man's eyes would tell if only he could see them… If only it wasn't so dark.

Not only is it hard to keep still, it's also hard to keep his breathing quiet after what they'd been doing just moments before. And damn if he wasn't starting to get bored in here, too.

He squirms again and feels Roy stiffen against him. Okay, probably fear after all: probably. Not that the bastard would ever admit to it, anyhow. Ed doesn't get what he's so worried about, though –what sort of nutjob goes snooping around in broom closets in the middle of the day all Sherlock Holmes-style, anyway? But, he knows on the off chance that they were discovered in the compromising state they were both in, it probably wouldn't bode too well for Roy's position as Colonel. And if it weren't for him, Roy would never be in this situation in the first place, so Ed supposes he owes it to him to play along and wait.

And after what feels to Ed like at least an eternity, Roy relaxes a bit and breaks the silence. "I think it's safe now."