Sorry for the Well slow update folks, school has been crazy, well, here ye are. Please continue to R&R. Also, to the person that Asked if I was Scottish. I am, very. One of the many Glaswegians that exist on the globe, I just live in Australia :) Nick opened his eyes and smiled to himself as they fell on a sleeping Zoe. Her head was still on the same place on his chest as it was the night before. He lay calmly, watching her head rise and fall with each breath. Before too long, she too, opened her eyes and looked up at Nick. "Morning." She whispered. "Good morning. Shall we go downstairs and get some coffee?" He asked. Zoe nodded. So they got out of the bed, Zoe hing her silk dressing gown loosely over her shoulders before heading out of the bedroom. She stuck her head in the door of Nicole's bedroom and sighed. "What's wrong?" Nick asked, as he reached the top of the stairs. "She's gone out running again." Zoe replied simply. "That's a bad thing?" She just modded at him. "She usually goes at night time. She only goes in the morning after the nights that she's been unable to sleep, gotten up early and headed out for an early run in attempt to let some of her anger go and to relax a bit. I worry about her sometimes. She really only does this when she's stressed out about school or something. I let her though, I suppose its a positive way to let go of some anger." Nick nodded. "It is." "Yeah." They continued downstairs and headed into the kitchen. Nick picked up Nicole's Note. "Yep. She's out running." He said. "I told you. Does it say anything else?" Nick began to read. "Mum, I'm sorry, I couldn't sleep. I guess things are just bundling up quickly again. I don't understand why though, this always happens to me. The tiniest little thing and I work myself up to fever pitch and feel like I'm balancing the world on my shoulders. As you know, I needed to let go. I've just headed out for a run, I should be back soon. Love you. P.S. I'm happy for you because you seem happy with him, but be careful okay?" Zoe smiled. "We've got her blessing." She said, almost grinning. "What? That's a blessing?" Nick asked. "For Nicole it is. After last night, seriously Nick, what were you expecting? Shakespeare?" She sighed sarcastically. "Sometimes I worry about you." "Hey! That's so not my fault!" He protested, they were both laughing and very nearly didn't hear Zoe's phone ring. She answered it quickly. "Hello?" "Hi there, Zoe Hanna?" "Yes, who's calling?" "This is St. James' Emergency department. We've got Nicole in. We believe she was out on a run, however, upon crossing at the main junction in Holby central, she was hit by someone who had cut the red light." Zoe's heart hit the floor. "Oh my God! Is she okay?" "Yes, badly displaced leg, a broken wrist, some superficial cuts and grazes and two broken ribs. Their was some trauma to the chest but she is stable and she will make a full recovery. Thankfully, the driver was only doing the 30 mile an hour limit, they just hadn't seen the lights change." "Okay. Why isn't she in Holby? Its closer...?" "It was upon her own request, the paramedics obliged." "Okay. Thank you. We'll be in shortly." "Thank you." "Bye." She hung up the phone. "Oh my God Nick, we need to get to St James'" Zoe shouted as she began running upstairs to throw on some clothes. "What? Why? Whats happened!" Nick called, running after her. "Hit and run! Nicole was involved. Come on!" They dressed quickly, ran out to Zoe's bug and sped off to St. James'. The two doctors burst through the doors to St James' ED and ran straight to the desk. "Um excuse me, there's a line..." The receptionist started. Zoe cut her off, flashed her her badge and began to talk herself. "No, Dr. Hanna, Holby ED. You've got my daughter. Nicole. I just want to go through and see her, not be signed in, which is what the line is for." She rambled, slightly sarcastically. The receptionist nodded quickly before turning to a near by nurse and asking them to take Zoe through. They were led to cubicles, where Nicole was sleeping. She had a saline drip in her arm and was hooked up to the monitor. Instantly, Zoe picked up her notes and flicked through them. "What!" She explained. "What! What is it?" Nick asked, worriedly. "Tension Neumathorax." Zoe uttered. "When was the chest drain fitted?" "Just over an hour ago." The nurse informed them. "Then may I ask why I've only just been contacted?" Zoe started to shout. "She's just a kid! She's fourteen!" The nurse faltered. Nick touched Zoe's arm and whispered, "I'm going to find their lead." In her ear. She nodded and turned back to the nurse. "Erm, I really don't know... I think they were focussing on getting her stable first... Or something..." She stuttered. "And while your doctors were doing that, the reception staff should have been phoning me! Who's the clinical lead here anyway?" "That would be me." Came a voice from behind. Zoe's heart stopped. "Adam?" She uttered, spinning quickly. "Yes Zoe. Its good to see you." He said. "Mm, you too. I thought you moved down South?" She said. "I changed my mind when I was offered this position. Now, back to your daughter. She asked me not to call you, I told her I wouldn't for a while but then I had to. She wasn't letting me treat her until I promised her that much. I really didn't think you'd mind that... Sorry." He said. Zoe shook her head. "Don't worry. So you treated her?" "I did." "Thank you." "No problem. She should be waking in the next couple of hours." Zoe nodded. At that moment, Nick returned. "Adam!" He exclaimed. "Nick!" They shook hands and clapped each others backs quickly before letting go. Nick moved over to Zoe and took her hand. "No way! Are you two...?" Adam asked, shocked. "Yes." Zoe said. "My goodness! When did you get back Nick?" Adam asked. "Not long ago." Although, Nick knew what he was really asking. "Its gone for good Adam." He smiled as Adam heaved a sigh of relief. "That's great news."