Percy Jackson, son of the sea is hurt! He is required to stay in the infirmary for 6 months to heal fully. Is Percy getting hurt a bad thing or a good thing? Will it bring him closer to his father? Find out now! (oh and should I continue this series?)
Back story on Percy
(Percy and his mom, Sally Jackson had moved to a small house on the corner of a busy road due to being in debt. ) Sally stood at the kitchen stove preparing her and her son's supper as 2 rooms down Percy worked on his homework, struggling. Next door to them a large construction site was being worked on at that moment as a small sized cement truck inched the corner the truck hit the curb tipping the cement truck over and smashing into Percy's bedroom!
Percy laid crippled on a Hospital bed his face still masked in horror but passed out. Percy's hair was covered in dirt while his ribs were bandaged with his arm bent the wrong way and scars running down his face he looked absolutely pitiful laying there oxygen mask and all though he couldn't help it. The room was completely empty except for a chair that in it sat no other than the God of the Sea, Poseidon, staring at his son with a face of sadness and anger as his son laid there not waking up he didn't say a word. As he sat there closely watching his son (He's in human-form btw) in came a human Doctor with a white uniform on and a clipboard in his hands he sighed as he saw the father and the son in the room. The god of the sea lifted his eyes and looked at the man "Will he live" he managed "Yes but you should know he will be here for at least 6 Months" the man replied. Poseidon sighed and looked at his son "I'll leave you" The doctor said before exiting the room slowly.
(Percy pov)
Percy opened his eyes slowly 3 days later breathing heavily but wincing at every breath for his ribs felt as if being poked with a knife every time he breathed. He tried looking around but couldn't for it was blurry and he yelp at the movement. But he could hear The voice came quietly and at first he wasn't sure where it was coming from as it spoke "Percy!" he knew who had spoke his name, his father. His mind was racing with thought as a blurry image of his father stood over him. He tried to speak but with a mask and it hurting to move his lips he could only watch. He strained to look down on his body and yelped at his appearance. He felt a hand on his shoulder his father spoke in a soft voice but it sounded filled with pain "Percy lay down your in no condition-" his fathers voice trailed off He laid back down relunticticly and was out of breath at the short movement. His ADHD kicked in even at that moment as he moved his good arm to his waist feeling of the bandages occasionally picking at the sticky side. His eyes moved across the room trying to take in everything as they landed on his father his father spoke "Can you speak?" all that came out of his mouth was a very muffled "Not really" but his father seemed to understand and nodded his head.