Jude sat in the lounge looking around at the other patients. She was having an easier time remembering names now and was beginning to feel like her old self. The only difference was she would never be Sister Judy Martin again. No, they took that away from her. First, Dr. Arden and Mary Eunice framed her for the death of Frank and then they murdered Mr. Goodman when he was able to discover the truth that Arden was actually Dr. Hans Gruper. Finally, the Monsignor stripped her of her clerical duties and had her institutionalized at Briarcliff. The last fact hurt her worse than the first one. She trusted Timothy, thought that he was going to save her, and thought they were going somewhere together. After all she loved him and would do anything for him. She still felt that if she could get him alone, she could convince him that she was innocent of the crimes that committed her. She just couldn't have Dr. Arden or Mary Eunice around. Off in the corner sat Lana Winters alone.

Jude approached and sat in the chair opposite of where Lana was sitting.

"Do you have any cigarettes?" Jude asked Lana. Without saying a word Lana tossed a pack of cigarettes over to Jude that landed in her lap. Jude knew that Lana had good and bad days, just like everyone else, but what was different was that she was responsible for Lana incarceration. Jude removed one of the cigarettes; asked one of the orderly's to light her smoke, and took a long drag.

"So, Lana Banana, what is the first thing you're going to do when you get out?" asked Jude.

Lana slowly turned her head towards Jude, staring at her for a moment. "When I get out? When am I getting out? Thanks to you, I am stuck in here, with you! Isn't that ironic?"

Jude took another long drag on her cigarette and exhaled. "I told you before; I am going to get you out of here. I know you don't belong, Kit doesn't belong, and there are probably others that don't belong. I have a plan an idea. I just need to put it into action" remarked Jude

"So, what is your plan? Are you just going to plot some daring escape so that we are constantly on the run or are you going to hand over the keys to the front doors?" asked Lana.

"My plan involves your release, signed, sealed and delivered, and I know who I am going to go to, to get it" replied Jude.

"Oh yeah, and who is it that is going to get to sign my release, Dr. Arden?" asked Lana

"No, someone who is above Dr. Arden, someone who has the authority to release anyone he chooses" answered Jude.

Lana just looked at Jude. "The only other person who can sign for my release is the Monsignor. Do you plan on just walking up to him and say, excuse me Timothy but can you just sign your name here on the dotted line?" Lana said with a sarcastic look on her face.