Note: Ye Gods, it has been an age since I've touched any of my writing. Life, don't ya know it. Well I'm bound and determined to reclaim some 'me' time, and decided to start with this little fic, because if there's something I love, it's friendship fics, and there just aren't enough in any fandom.
Chapter 4.
As the tea service was used by the majority of the seven, Ezra could feel himself wearing thin and wishing he felt comfortable enough to slump, ever so slightly, to release some of the tension which had built up ever since his mother's arrival. Aware that several sets of eyes returned to his person regularly as he attempted to enjoy his hot beverage, Ezra refused to relax any further in public. While Buck's earlier affection and friendship was gratefully received, the barb Nathan delivered earlier in the evening still stung the gambler's heart and worried his mind. He decided to make the most of the evening before retiring for the night.
Buck observed Ezra throughout dinner and tea, and noticed Chris, Vin and even JD giving the fancy dressed gambler considering glances as well. They constant, if varied observation seemed to put the younger man off his feed a bit, Buck noticed. Though Ezra ate lightly at most meals, he ate regularly, Buck had seen, often snacking much like Vin, and he had never truly turned down food unless he was feeling poorly. Buck had heard Vin explain his 'grazing' habits in the past, that how food had often been hard to come by as he grew up place to place, and so he never refused food, and always kept some with him wherever possible. Buck wondered if he and Ezra had more in common with their rearing than he'd thought.
Noticing things were wrapping up and the tea service was just about finished, Buck resolved to stick with Ez for the night. Hope he don't mind a friend bunking in with him Buck thought absently. He didn't feel it would be right to leave Ezra now, unsure of their friendship or Buck's determination to be a better friend to Ezra.
Once his compatriots had finished with their tea, Ezra gently packed up the delicate service, and transported it over to the bar, ducking behind the large timber piece and taking himself off into the kitchen, where he cleaned and put up the tea set til its next use. It never ceased to amaze him that small ritual always brought him some peace of mind, even as rattled and unsettled as he was this evening. Taking a fortifying breath, the young man straightened his clothing and stiffened his spine, determined to not show any weakness if possible. Buck may have seen his lapse earlier, but he didn't want the rest of his colleagues to see such cracks in his façade.
He wondered briefly if Buck would continue to be so caring, if it was wise to let him any further into his heart than he already had. But damned if he didn't want to accept some of the friendship and easy affection the rest of the seven regularly showed each other, yet which he had, til this night, only really received sparingly or when he'd been shot. He paused, wondering if he had inadvertently put himself at higher risk subconsciously to fulfil the intense yearning he'd had for any positive contact at all, since the band of men had come together after the Seminole village incident. Shaking himself, he stepped out from behind the bar and strode over to the table, noticing once again Buck's eyes upon him.
"Well gentlemen, I shall bid you all a good night. As Mr Jackson noted, there is an appalling lack of sheep fit to be fleeced this evening, that is, of course, unless you all would like to put in your hard earned funds for our law keeping services?" he finished his comments with a sharp edged grin, subtly delivering a return barb to the freedman, who prickled predictably at the slight.
Seeing Nathan get his hackles up, Chris stepped in "Hell no, Ezra. I've got plans for my money this week and they do not include lining your wallet with my cash. Maybe next time" the stoic gunslinger offered with a wry grin. HeHe quickly come to enjoy the odd games that the cardsharp played with their group. Surprisingly the offer came up rarely, even less since EzrasE mother first visited the dusty town of Four Corners. Rising from the table himself, the man in black nodded to his fellow peacekeepers, giving a speaking glance to both Buck and Vin. Whatever was going on with Ezra, and Buck, would be spoken about tomorrow. For now he'd take Bucks reassuring nod as a given that he had tonight handled. The rest could wait, but Chris had a feeling things were changing.
Buck waited for the others to disperse before he subtly followed Ezra up the stairs and into his quarters. The fact the younger man didn't show any real dissent to Buck's showed how unsettled the gambler truly was. Buck smiled sadly, thinking how it was unfair that Ezra could handle such appalling treatment by his mother yet simple kindness could tip him over the edge. Shaking himself, Buck reminded himself that he would see that that changed now, for good. He'd teach Ezra what friendship, kinship really was.
The tall man watched as Ezra undid his cufflinks and safely stored them on the dresser, removed his coat and used his dust brush to disperse the day's layer from his rich burgundy coat before hanging it neatly. He leaned against the closed door and smiled at the younger man's fastidious nature, care displaying itself in every action.
Finally finished, Ezra stood, the urge to fidget under the lothario's gaze almost overwhelming. He didn't know what to say or do, at a loss for a way to handle...whatever it was the tall man was doing here in his rooms. He began to think again of his mother, and relief washed through him that he hadn't had to face her again tonight. Sadness and a bitter feeling washed through him as he thought of how his mother insisted on telling stories about 'their' past, as though she had ever spent a significant amount of time with him as he grew up. As always when he thought of his mother, polarising feelings washed through him. A terrible ache that he wished he would be enough for her to be proud, to love him, and an anger that he had been made feel so unwanted, was so unwanted for so much of his life, always looking in from the outside of people and their families, yearning for the chance to belong and matter to someone. Nenad made attempts over the years, but nothing had come close, and disaster had struck more than once.
The young man gasped as his friend came forward and grasped his shoulder comfortingly, lips trembling as the simple touch overwhelmed him. He'd had more human contact tonight than he had in years, excluding the Seminole village children, who had freely gifted hugs to him. It was that thought that had a tear rolling down his cheek as he began to cry silently. The hand that grasped his should pulled him down and into the strong hold of his friend, who sat them on the large bed behind him. "I'm sorry" he murmured sadly, "I don't-
"Don't worry bout it pard, I've got you. You jis let ole Buck handle things tonight. That's what friends are for. I've got this" the older man assured him, folding the smaller man in his arms securely. Raised in a cathouse, Buck was always demonstrative, and his time in the army and with the rangers solidified his feelings of brotherhood. That feeling overcame him now, along with a fierce determination to make this man, his brother, know that same feeling of kinship.
AN: hooey! Please excuse any and all mistakes, this is unedited. Reviews are loved and cherished.