Wow, mega fail. Instead of a valentines fic, I gave you guys that random drabble. o.o
Keiko: Oh btw we have a youtube it's CreepySilentOtaku and our vids are…so-so?
Anyways, I randomly thought of this when I saw the word cute.
Summary: Tsuna asks Hibari to define cute and give him an example. 1827 fluff? Another Drabble =_=
Disclaimer: If I owned KHR, 1827 would happen. And 8059. possibly 182769 or 592780. Dunno
sorry if it sucks
Define Cute
"Ne, Hibari-san?"
The couple were sitting in Tsuna's room and were taking a break from studying. Well…Tsuna was studying and Hibari was just helping.
"Can you define cute for me?"
"I said can you define the word cute for me?" The prefect faced his herbivore who was looking at him with those big caramel eyes. "Why?"
"Just tell me." Hibari sighed.
"Attractive, especially in a dainty way (I just looked up the definition)." It was silent for a while until Tsuna spoke up.
"Can you give me an example of 'cute'?" Hibari raised an eyebrow. "Why are you asking these questions anyway?" Tsuna looked at him with those goddamn adorable puppy eyes. "Pleeeeease?"
"…" He sighed in defeat. "Fine. An example would be…" he stared at Tsuna and smirked. "You." Tsuna blinked and- hey, his face is now an interesting shade of red.
"M-me? Why w-would you t-think that H-Hibari-san!" The younger stuttered. The skylark chuckled and rested his forehead on Tsuna's. "Because you are my cute herbivore." And he pressed his lips against Tsuna's and pulled away.
"I think Hibari-san is cute…" Tsuna mumbled softly but Hibari still heard it and he scoffed. "I'm not cute."
"Eh? You heard that?" He nodded.
"Oh…um..." Awkward. Hibari chuckled and ruffled Tsuna's hair.
"Let's get back to studying."
What is this. What- Hibari is like OOC even tho dis is a Drabble I want the characters to be IN CHARACTER ughhhh fail =_= MERP ok whatevs
Rei: Ooh hey can you guys answer this question in the reviews?
"What is your example of cute?"
Keiko: I'm saying its Tsuna in a bunny outfit
I wanted to say that
Rei: I like Tsuna in a cat outfit!
Tsubasa: I think Tsuna as a girl…?
Review please. No really I think Tsuna wearing a bunny outfit is really cute and adorable…is cute and adorable the same or different?
Akio: Don't flame us.
Kyo: YouTube: CreepySilentOtaku