"You, my friend, are in deep shit." The redheaded man took another mammoth sip of his espresso, and Kristoff cringed at the sight while wondering how his friend could stomach nearly inhaling the bitter drink. The two men had met together in Kristoff and Anna's usual date spot per request of the blond.

"Look Hans, I know that you think of Anna as some conniving fox, but she'd never do that to me. I've never even seen her so much as take a look at any other guy." The burly blond heaved a defeated sigh and slumped down in his seat. "Maybe she's getting bored of me. Heaven knows that's happened with every other girl. I don't know; I guess I just thought that Anna would be different. But no matter how I twist it around in my head, I know she's been distracted whenever we're together lately. It's always about her sister every time we talk. 'Elsa' this, 'Elsa' that." The blond man scratched the back of his neck. "I don't know what to do, Hans."

Hans rested his arms on the table between the two and placed a comforting hand on his companion's arm. "Hey, calm down. Geez Kris, didn't know you were freaking out this much." His face morphed into one of understanding as his thumb circled around lazily on Kristoff's forearm and consciously traced over the toned muscle beneath Kristoff's skin. He pondered about just what to say to his conflicted friend when an idea struck.

"How about you go and have a house date—at Anna's house." He nearly choked on the vile name. "See what's happening at home; if she keeps talking about Elsa, maybe some family shit is going on. I know for a fact that you aren't the reason that Anna's been distracted. Hell, I'm popular as fuck, and I still think that you're more interesting than all the sexy-ass girls who cling to me."

Kristoff scoffed and smacked the redhead's hand away. "Thanks for the compliment, but I think that your enormous ego managed to kill your statement." The two chuckled, and Kristoff's face grew determined."But really, thanks Hans. I can always rely on your advice. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date to plan." The familiar lopsided grin that always put Han's mind at ease appeared. It was just too bad that this time, the smile only brought upon a sense of frustration and unease within the usually ever-calm man. He waved goodbye to Kristoff and finished off his coffee, tossing the empty cup into the trash angrily while making his own exit out of the café.

Elsa slammed the refrigerator door behind her as she sauntered into the living room with a cold glass of milk in one hand and a novel in the other. She'd planned on getting some reading in that Saturday afternoon since it'd been a while. Recently, her mind was too plagued with thoughts of Anna that she couldn't exactly focus her thoughts on anything else. It was only because Anna was currently out that Elsa could settle down enough to relax and do some long overdue reading.

The platinum blonde barely got past reading a page when the front door opened and the voices of her sister and her boyfriend streamed into the building. So much for trying to read in peace. Elsa heaved a sigh and stood to leave for her room, not really enjoying being reminded that her sister was indeed already taken. Not that you have that much more of a chance if she wasn't…

Before Elsa could finish her journey upstairs, she was met with the couple walking into the living room, hand-in-hand. Hey eyes knew what her priorities were and without hesitation, scanned the strawberry-blonde's body. Anna was wearing a loose white tank with some obscure band logo tucked into a pair of baby blue high-rise jeans (which, by the way, hugged her hips oh-so deliciously). Elsa forced herself to tear her eyes away from Anna before getting caught ogling her baby sister and instead rested her eyes on Kristoff. He was dressed in a pair of sports shorts and an ordinary red tee-shirt. Nothing worthy of note, Elsa noted. Though the older girl really shouldn't judge since she herself was only clad in a black tank-top and grey shorts.

Elsa's eyes flicked back to look at Anna when the strawberry blonde started talking.

"Oh, hey Els! Kristoff came over to hang out. We're gonna watch a movie together in here if that's alright with you." Elsa's eyebrow nearly twitched in annoyance as she continued to watch the couple walk with their fingers entwined to the couch she previously occupied before she realized that she had been asked a question. She sputtered.

"Oh uh, that's fine. I was actually planning on leaving just now, so you guys enjoy." Before she even took a step, her sister's voice interrupted her again. This time it sounded a bit distressed.

"Wait, Elsa! Do you want to watch with us? I mean, we've got enough popcorn to spare, and it's not like the couch isn't big enough for the three of us…" Elsa turned to see a solemn Anna twiddling her thumbs—one of her habits that'd come out when she was nervous.

Not wanting to be the cause of Anna's distress, Elsa considered staying. She weighed the pros and cons. The pros: Being able to be near Anna, being able to talk to Anna, being able to share popcorn with Anna, being able to watch a movie with Anna… The cons: He was here. Elsa shrugged. The pros far outweighed the cons, and she made her way over to the couch, sitting beside Anna on her left while Kristoff was seated on Anna's right.

"Sure, I'll watch with you. What's playing tonight?" Anna's face brightened by 210%.

"I was thinking Tangled while Kristoff here would rather watch The Pacifier." Anna clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes. "How about you be the tie-breaker, sis?" Anna nudged Elsa gently on her side while the older girl chuckled at her sister's suggestion.

"Well, Tangled has always held a special place in my heart." The platinum blonde lazily slurred the words, but in reality, she honestly did love the movie. It took nearly half a year for her to be able to get all of the songs out of her head.

Obviously, Elsa had made the right choice, as Anna let out an excited 'Hah!' at Kristoff's displeased reaction to Elsa's choice and jumped from the couch to find the disc on the disc shelf. It only took a few seconds to locate the movie, and the strawberry blonde hopped over to the player set below the flat screen, kneeling down to insert the disc. Elsa stared daggers as she watched Kristoff's eyes widen at the sight of Anna waving her butt in the air and seemingly putting on a display, but the older sister couldn't help it when her own eyes started to wander as well.

Oblivious to what was going on behind her, Anna returned to her seat on the couch only to make a loud exclamation when she realized that she didn't pop any popcorn yet and excused herself to the kitchen to do so with haste. This left the two remaining movie-watchers in awkward silence as the movie began without Anna.

Elsa fidgeted on her seat while Kristoff raised a hand to scratch the back of his neck. However, not being able to bear the quite any longer, the burly blond spoke up. "So, how are things going?"

Elsa jumped at her sister's boyfriend's voice, not expecting for him to talk to her, but she quickly recovered. "Things are fine. How about you?"

Kristoff nodded, accepting Elsa's curt response. "They're okay. I mean, it could be better, but things aren't that bad."

The conversation came to an abrupt end, and the two were once again left in uncomfortable silence. Just when things were starting to feel unbearable, Anna returned with an enormous bag of butter-flavored popcorn and plopped into the middle of the couch.

She leaned over to Elsa and whispered, "What'd I miss?" Elsa caught sight of Kristoff with an irritated expression on his face but chose to ignore him. "Not much; you were only gone for what? Three minutes?" With that Anna quieted again and took a handful of popcorn and proceeded to stuff her face.

It was about halfway through the movie when it had been very obviously clear to Kristoff that Anna didn't have any plans to scoot any closer to him at all. His girlfriend was currently feeding her sister popcorn, and the two were giggling like young schoolgirls with their faces too close together for comfort. The large teen folded his arms and tried to refocus his attention on the television screen instead of on the two girls to his left.

He knew it was stupid, but he felt jealous of the older girl. She was practically stealing his girlfriend right in front of his face! Then again, maybe that's what siblings behaved like. Kristoff wouldn't know, having had grown up with no siblings. Still, was it normal for sisters to be this… clingy? Against his better judgment, Kristoff subtly looked at the girls again without turning his head.

Anna was now leaning her head on Elsa's shoulder; their sides were nearly morphing together with how close they were sitting next to each other. There was even a nearly two-foot gap in between him and the other two girls. When he caught sight of how the two weren't paying attention to the movie at all and were instead whispering softly into each other ears and occasionally giggling, Kristoff had had enough.

He stood up quickly and went over to switch the lights on, succeeding in catching the two girls' attentions. "I forgot that I had to go grocery shopping today, so I'll be leaving now… See you tomorrow Anna." With that, the blond took heavy steps to the front door and slipped on his shoes, preparing to leave when he felt a hand grasp at his arm. Knowing who it was, he turned around to see Anna looking slightly confused.

"What's wrong Kristoff? Did something happen?" Kristoff slowly exhaled. So Anna really wasn't aware of why he was leaving? She wasn't aware that she hadn't said a word to him after the movie had started when they were on their date together? Maybe Hans was right. Maybe coming over for a house date did answer some of his questions.

"Look Anna, I want to be honest with you. This was supposed to be our date. Yet you were spending the whole time hanging onto your sister almost like…like she was the one you were dating!" It felt like a relief to let out his thoughts, but Kristoff couldn't help it when his voice hitched a bit at the end of his sentence.

Anna looked bewildered and let out a light laugh. "Yeesh, Kristoff. You should lay off on some of that porn you've been watching." She chuckled until she realized that Kristoff was looking not at all amused, and her eyes widened.

"Wait, you're not serious are you? Kristoff, we're sisters! That's just gross." Anna huffed and crossed her arms, various thoughts ran through her mind involving thoughts of Elsa, but she forced them away as Kristoff's voice rang in her ear again.

"I'm sorry Anna; I know I sound crazy. It's just… I need some time to think, okay? I'll see you in class though." With a forced smile, Kristoff walked off to his truck and drove off towards home

Anna didn't bother knocking as she stepped into Elsa's room. It was a few hours after Kristoff left and the sisters were left to finish the movie in uneasy silence; neither of the two knew what to say after the situation that'd occurred. The parents had come home, and the family had dinner together, as they often did. The two girls had left for their own rooms afterwards, needing to tend to their own business. After the strawberry blonde attempted to finish the weekend's homework with no avail, she decided that talking to Elsa might make her feel a little better.

The younger girl's eyes moved around the room until they settled on Elsa. Her sister laid on her stomach, immersed in her novel that Anna remembered seeing in her sister's hand earlier that day. Seeing as the blonde was distracted, Anna crept up behind her, wanting to give her sister a scare. She couldn't help it when her eyes wandered to the words on the book Elsa was reading.

Anna's eyes widened when she realized what she was reading. "'She threw her head back and uttered a guttural moan', huh?" At Anna's voice, Elsa jumped and nearly smashed the top of her head into Anna's chin. The older girl whipped her head around and closed her book with a 'thud'.

"Anna! When did you get here?" The blonde was taking shallow breaths, and Anna wasn't sure if it was because of being scared shitless by her intrusion or by what she was reading. Maybe it was a bit of both.

"Just wanted to come talk to you. But what are you reading?" Anna quirked a brow and watched with amusement as Elsa's face flushed a bright pink and her pupils darted every which way that wasn't near her sister.

She cleared her throat unnecessarily and gave an answer in a quivering voice. "Look, it's not what you think. This really is a decent novel; you just coincidentally managed to catch a glimpse of a particular scene. Trust me, Anna: this-this scene is really important in the plot progression. I've read this book before so I know that-"

"Shhh, shhh, shhh, it's okay, Elsa! I was just teasing you!" Anna grabbed a hold of Elsa by the shoulders and had to hold back a smile that was threatening to come out. Elsa was so cute when she tried to defend herself.

The blonde pulled herself up into a sitting position and coughed, trying to regain some of her dignity and composure. She decided to not go back onto the subject beforehand, fearing doing do might send her into a heart attack.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Anna sat down on the bed and took her sister's hands in hers. The strawberry blonde immediately sprang into what she wanted to say. She talked about Kristoff—about how she might have fucked up everything (while carefully skimming around what Kristoff had mentioned about her and Elsa acting like a couple in front of him—it was too weird of a subject to breach) and how Kristoff deserved so much more.

As much as it pained Elsa to listen to this particular rant, she stayed by her sister's side, providing comfort when a lull in her sister's rant allowed her to and generally listening. If Elsa was honest with herself, she was actually feeling a little glad that the couple was fighting. However, the immediate guilt from feeling fortunate of Anna's plight that followed afterwards doused all feelings of mirth. When her younger sister started tiring from overworking herself, Elsa carefully moved her up further in the bed and draped a blanket over the now dosing girl. She flicked off the lights and got back onto the bed, leaning down to kiss the unconscious girl on the forehead and whispering a soft 'goodnight, Anna'. Then, she burrowed into the bed next to Anna and falling into a comfortable sleep.

AN: Yeah... I sort of lost internet connection, so my promise of the chapter being available "next week" turned to "next month". Oops.