Thank you all so much for reading and supporting me! I can't tell you how much it makes my day to know that so many people enjoy my writing! As promised-here's the next installation of The Online War. Please comment with reviews! *I don't own Intelligence or her characters*
Previously on The Online War:
Riley was tortured more for information on Rudi
Gabriel and Jameson followed a lead given to them from Jariah, the pub owner.
Riley is still being held by the Russian mob and doesn't know Gabriel and Jameson are close to finding her.
"Are you sure it was Gabriel? Did the other agent identify himself? Ah, Jameson, yes that makes sense. Ok thanks Jariah. Chekov will be over soon with the packages and money." The man in black who was watching a now sleeping Riley Neal smiled.
"Call Titan. Make sure he was a virus ready for Agent Vaughn for when he shows up, and also have our agents ready to take Jameson out after Gabriel leaves. Riley isn't getting any help out of here until I find out where she hid my daughter."
"Da." A lower agent, visibly terrified, ran out of the observation room and went to do what he was bid. The man in black smiled to himself, laughed, then walked out of the room into the cell-like jail where his prisoner was waiting.
"Good morning Ms. Neal. How are we today?"
"Go. To. Hell." The man noticed it was hard for Riley to breathe - he made a mental note to tell the doctors to check her lungs. She couldn't die yet.
"Ah, I will soon I'm sure. Now, lets try a simple game of yes or no. I ask a question, you answer with the appropriate response, da?" Riley nodded, it was a start.
"Good. Now, do you know Rudi Witcha?"
"Do you know Rudi Witcha?"
"No." The man sighed and rubbed his face with his hands, trying not to lose his patience.
"Ms. Neal, you gave my daughter Veronika a new identity, Rudi Witcha. Now... where is my daughter?"
"I don't know. I've never heard the name Veronika or Rudi Witcha - even if I had I wouldn't tell you." Sighing, the man let his hand fly and clearly connected with Riley's face. She cried out in pain, and the man sort of felt sorry. She hadn't asked for the torture, but then again, all she had to do was give up his daughter. It wasn't that difficult of an arrangement.
"Well, you can sit here a bit longer... I'm sure Agent Vaughn will find you soon. Dead or alive is now up to him. I will kill you in 24 hours Ms. Neal. Good luck." The man walked out, leaving Riley silently wondering about her fate.
"Jameson we're no closer to finding her than we were hours ago. Where the hell is she?"
"I don't know Gabriel... but I got a call from Lillian. She wants you to stop searching for Riley and to go find Titan." Gabriel stopped pacing around the hotel room where they were and stared at Jameson.
"Why... why would she say that?" Jameson put his hands up in surrender and sighed. He had told Lillian Gabriel wouldn't move on until Riley was safe, but she said Gabriel had too.
"I told her I would take care of Riley - I promise you I'll find her. But, Gabriel... an online cyber war against the U.S? Riley would agree you need to go and help CyberCom with this. This is exactly what the chip was designed for. Without you, we will lose. I swear, I will find Riley and bring her back to you - I know how much you care about each other Gabriel." Gabriel had tears in his eyes, from Jameson's moving speech or the fact that some other man had to find his love, Jameson didn't know or ask. It wasn't his place to.
"Yeah... you're right. I'll leave in the morning. But Jameson, please find her. I can't... I can't live without her anymore." Jameson walked over to his friend, partner, and brother in arms and held him. It wasn't romantic or brotherly, it was needed. Gabriel needed to know he wasn't alone and Jameson was the person Gabriel needed to know it from.
"I'll find her Gabriel. You have my -." *DING* Both boys seemed startled and looked at Jameson's computer screen.
"Incoming call from a blocked I.P address. You ready?" Gabriel nodded, already starting to trace the call.
"This is Special Agent Jameson of U.S Cyber Command. Who is this?"
"This is the man who has your agent, Mr. Jameson. Hello to you as well Gabriel - hope you're doing well." Jameson looked to Gabriel to try and figure out how the man knew he was here, but Gabriel was in the cyber world, so Jameson just went on.
"Where is Agent Neal?"
"She's not doing to well honestly, Agent Jameson. However, you can help change that poor girl's life right now! You tell Agent Vaughn to find me Tritan, and you get Agent Neal back safe and sound - aside from the damage we've already done to her." Both Jameson and Gabriel were furious, they hurt their friend and sister agent. All Hell was going to break loose when Lillian found out too.
"Why do you want Tritan?" Gabriel tried really hard to keep the pain and anger out of his voice, that would only give this man the satisfaction he wanted.
"He is an important part of our... business deals. We lost track of him a few days ago, then he declared cyber war - he is an idiot I do apologize - and now here we are. I must also warn you, I've only given Agent Neal about 23 hours left to live. If you don't have Triton by then Agent Vaughn, you will get your girlfriend back in a body bag. Good day gentlemen." The internet call clicked off, and Gabriel screamed, not having enough time to fully track the call.
"Gabriel calm down. You know what he wants. Go back home, find Triton, give him to them, and we get Riley back. It's a fair trade and Lillian will go for it. Ok? We know she's still alive. Hold onto that." Jameson was trying to hold his own temper at the people responsible; he couldn't lose himself in front of Gabriel.
"Go sleep. I'll wake you up in about 10 hours - then you'll fly back to CyberCom and get this son of a bitch. I'll take care of things here on the ground. We'll find her Gabriel. Have faith." Gabriel nodded, the call and crying fully wearing him down to next to nothing. He let Jameson guide him to a bed, and he was out before he could even fully close his eyes.
I'd like to thank all of you readers - everyone said option 1 and so here it is. I hope you all enjoyed it and are eager to know what happens next! Please comment with reviews and what you think happens next! Thanks guys!