Ok, a new chapter! I hope everyone likes it!

Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon.

Dear Kate,

We found a house! It is in a little village by your school. We should be there in a month or two!


Kate read the short letter in the classroom while waiting for Ms. April. She could not help but be excited for this. Her family was going to be here, well before her graduation.

Ms. April walked into class with a small box which she put on her desk. "Class, first of all, that Mantine that Crawford went to rescue during our class last week, just finished its recovery." The class all clapped for the Rangers. Kate turned to say something to Keith, only to see that he was not there. 'He was at breakfast, and walked with us to class. Where is he?' Kate wondered. "Since everyone is on such a happy note, let's continue with a special class. Today will about the teamwork between an Operator and a Ranger. Keith, Rythmi, you're up." She called them up, but she now noticed that Keith as not here. "That's odd."

Ms. April shook her head, "Alright Kate, you can take his spot." Rythmi and Kate both got up to the front of the class where she gave them both stylers. "These have the voicemail system up and will allow the two of you to demonstrate how Rangers and Operators work together.

"Oh, this is so exciting! Go to the other end of the classroom so we can try this out." Rythmi suggested. Kate, just as excited, ran over toward the door when it burst open.

"Hey, no running!" The familiar mantra of Mr. Kincaid rang as he walked in. "Sorry to disrupt your class Ms. April, but I have to speak to you about Keith," Kate, who was next to Mr. Kincaid, and the door, slipped out while Rythmi turned on the styler so Kate could hear what was going on while she looked for their friend.

"He is running late today, I do not see how this is a matter to be interrupting my class." Ms. April said, sounding annoyed, and angry.

"This is not a matter of attendance. This is a matter of theft!" Mr. Kincaid continued. "The stylers we had stored in the Staff Room are missing, and the only student who is not here seems to be Keith." Kate rushed at that for the dorms, hoping he was looking for some work he had to turn in. She only made it to the stairs when Sparky shouted at her from the main entrance.

"Mr. Kincaid!" Rythmi shouted, which carried over quite well over the styler. "Keith is not like that!" Kate reached Sparky who rushed off across the courtyard.

"Hm, he runs in the hallways, sneaks around, how can he not be guilty?" He asked.

"Isn't it your own rule to not accuse someone without proof?" Ms. Aprils voice now sounded really angry. "How about you go look for them instead of accusing my students." There were some footsteps and a door shutting before another voice came through. "Kate? Tell me you found him." Ms. April asked as Kate approached the gate to the school.

"I think Sparky knows where he is, and I'm following her." Kate said quietly as she spotted the redhead. Before she could catch his attention, she saw he was blocking someone else from leaving.

"I'm not letting you leave with those!" He stood his ground blocking the man who was holding a bag. Keith spotted Kate but didn't draw attention to her. "Now, give them back."

"I don't think so kid. You have no idea who you are dealing with." The man growled as he pulled something out of his pocket that shined in the sunlight. Keith stiffened as Kate noticed it was a knife.

Keith had no Idea what to do at this point. If he tried to signal to Kate, she might get hurt, or they might both get hurt. But, if he did something, then only he would get hurt. "You're still not leaving with those."

The man gave an evil grin as he stepped forward with the knife, ready to attack. Keith now put his arms up to defend himself. The man started his attack with a jab aimed at Keith's abdomen, that Keith managed to dodge, but not without nicking his arm with the blade. Before the man could manage another attack, electricity hissed through the air as the man felt its shock. He dropped the knife and the bag fell revealing a handful of stylers.

"Keith!" Kate shouted as she ran down to him. He turned to her, but felt a little weak. She looked at his arm and gasped, taking off her jacket. He looked down to see quite a bit of blood. He hadn't even realized how bad it was. The knife was a lot sharper than he had realized. "We have to stop the bleeding." She looked at her jacket sleeve and then to the blade and grabbed it to help tear the sleeve.

"How did you learn how to do this stuff?" He asked as she tied up the wound to try and stop the bleeding.

She didn't answer at first, seeming to be thinking of an answer instead of concentrating. "You pick up a lot of little tricks as a trainer." She looked at the unconscious man. "Keep an eye on him Sparky, until everyone else gets here."

"People know if here?" He asked, starting to get lightheaded.

"You missed the lesson today." she said and motioned to the bag of stylers. "We got to use those. I called Rythmi when I saw he had a knife."

"Kate, Keith!" Rythmi called as her and Ms. April was running down to meet them. Keith could see them talking, but couldn't make out the words. He felt like he was in a fog as he passed out.

"Keith?" Kate asked and checked his pulse. He was still breathing, but he has lost a lot of blood. "I think an artery was nicked." Kate said looking at her teacher for help.

"Let's get him inside and call someone to help." Ms. April said as she looked at the man on the ground. "And call the Rangers; they have some trash to pick up."

"Alright, he should be fine." A Ranger from the Union said with a Gardevoir stepped out of the Staff Room, which was turned into a makeshift hospital room. The Gardevoir was a healer, and was easily able to patch up his wound. "Just make sure he gets some water to recover the blood he lost."

Kate and Rythmi went in to check on him. He was awake in the cot in the corner of the room. "Hey, what did I miss?" He joked as he held up his bandaged arm. "I got my first battle scar."

Rythmi shook her head as Kate walked to the chair next to his bed and sat down. Rythmi would have joined Kate, but the door opened as Ms. April asked her to step out. "You were really brave today."

Keith smiled, "Well, I only saw two options, and the other had you possibly getting hurt." he paused, "I didn't want you to get hurt."

Kate was speechless. No one had ever put her before themselves before. Before she could even think of a response, Rythmi walked back inside and to the bed.

"The Rangers have the man and are questioning him, but they have no idea yet why he tried to take the stylers." She informed them, "But the important thing is that you are ok," She added.

A man stood, stairing out the window of a tall building, when the office doors opened. "Sir, our operative failed at stealing the Ranger stylers. Without them, our scientists will not be able to reverse engineer them." The man nodded to his assistant.

"Is there anything else?" He asked, not turning to face him.

"The men at the dig site, they have found a new room. They think they are approaching the stone." The assistant now took his leave as the man stood in thought.

"That should be the last box." Kate's dad said as he sealed the box. This was the beginning of a fresh start for his family, and everyone was excited. Jenny kept running around, thinking of things to do with Kate, while Raichu and Espeon were adding their own ideas.

"Ahead of schedule?" Kate's mother asked as she walked into the room full of boxes.

"Between planning, those three have been a big help. Besides, this way, we can surprise Kate." He said as he started to load the boxes onto the truck.

Ok, I know, it's different from the game, but I hope it is a good different. As much as I wanted to add the slakoth falling on him, it seemed too goofy, and I wanted the story to be a little more serious, just a little. And, I want Kate's training background to be more in the story, so the pokemon will actual be using moves instead of just ranger clears.

Please feel free to review!