Hello, and welcome to my first story! I know that this is short, but I wanted to get this story out and see if anyone would read it. As I said, this is my first story and I would completely welcome any reviews on how my writing is, or my story, or anything.

And I believe I am supposed to put a disclaimer that I don't own pokemon, so here I go.

I don't own pokemon!

"Well sir, this find, we should be able to continue your plans with time to spare."

"But have you found it!"

"Er, no sir, not yet. But my men are all searching for it."

"Hurry up and find it! The very future hangs on that find."

"Kate! Wake up!" sixteen year old Kate Jones woke to her ten year old sister jumping on her bed. "Your boat leaves today!"

Remembering the events of the day before got Kate to jump out of bed and run down the stairs. At the breakfast table, her mother was packing up a lunch with the help of a Raichu. "Alright, I have enough in here so that you will not go hungry, and a few of my cookies to remember me by."

"I would never forget you mom." Kate said as she gave her mom a hug. She turned to Raichu and gave her friend a hug too. "You make sure to stay out of trouble while I am gone." Raichu nodded through tiers.

"Alright Kate, I'll walk you to the station." Kate's dad said as Espeon walked up to Kate and the two shared a good bye hug as well.

"But don't you think it's a little weird?" One boy asked the girl sitting next to him, "I mean this is a very hard to get into school, but an empty desk? I would think they would fill all of them."

"Maybe the seat is being reserved by a transfer student." A blonde girl named Rythmi muttered to the gossiping students as another girl squealed.

"Maybe it's being reserved for a celebrity!" And with that the class would not be quiet until Ms. April entered.

"And here you are, The Ranger School." The captain said to Kate as they approached the dock. "Normally, I dock at Pueltown, but I guess there is a first time for everything."

"Thank you. " Kate said as she stepped onto the dock. Her day seemed to be going so well, until she took her first step. A loud bell rang and one thought entered her mind. "Great, I'm late on the first day."

"And you must be Kate." A man who was wearing a uniform walked up to her and guided Kate to the long set of stairs. "I am Mr. Kaplen, and today is now the most important day of your life, and I am the most important. You have to pass my tests in order to get into our prestigious school."