Okay, I was getting bored, and this popped into my head. So, this happens before the New York Case but after the Elsa attacks history. Mostly fluff and funny in the first few chapters but will get darker...

I searched through Mr. Canis' music. "Dumb, stuiped, oh come on you can't be serious!" I sighed. My father seriously had no good music. A shiver ran up Red's spine. "Do we really have to do this? I'll rather deal with Puck." I sighed again. "But Puck has all rap. Trust me."

"Get back here fairy boy!" Sabrina's voice rang down the hall as Puck ran past Canis' room's doorway, a grin plastered on his face. Sabrina raced after him. She stopped and gasped for air at Canis's bedroom doorway. "Which way...did...he go?" "That way." Sabrina nodded. She ran off.

That's when I heard it. My father scream. Red, Puck, Daphnne, Sabrinna, Jacob, and I rushed down the hall to the stairs to find my father completly unconsios and sprawled out on the stairs. Salvia-glue like stubbstion covered the stairs. Jacob started his way down the stairs. "Stop! You can't go that way! You're slip like Mr. Canis!" I yelled, grabbing onto his shoulder. Yes, I call my father Mr. Canis sometimes. Is that sooooo wrong?

"We'll have to find another way down. Relda, Hank, Veronica, Pinoccio, and Elvis probably didn't hear him. They are dealing with Basil after all." Basil wasn't easy. He screamed at night, day, praticly anytime you don't really care for a baby screaming in your ear time.

Jacob, Red, and the rest of the gang left in search of another way down. I, however, stayed. After I made sure they were gone, I grabbed onto the rail and begun my way down the stairs.

I almost slipped twice by the time I was on the thrid stair. Suddenly, Mr. Canis started to shrink. His hair grew longer and brown. By the time he was done, he was my age.

Still all covered in goo, he got up and looked me over. Canis smiled. "Hi. I'm Tobias Clay."