Me: So, this story takes place after Rise of the Guardians and The Last Olympian, which, for the sake of the story, happened during the exact same few days. Now, a few words from our participants.

Jack & Percy: elfqueen13 does not own Rise of the Guardians or Percy Jackson and the Olympians in any way, thankfully (feel staff and sword in pen form taken away).

Me: What was that, boys? (twirling Jack's staff and tossing Riptide up and down, smirking)

Jack & Percy: Ummm, nothing.

Me: Thought not. Anyhoo, let us begin!

Chapter 1: A desert, Pitch Black, and a broken staff

Jack POV

Jack Frost, winter spirit and Guardian of Fun, was doing just that: causing snow to fall and fun to come.

He flew through the United States on his way back to Burgress, when he came upon a desert. He hovered for a moment, debating.

'Should I fly over or go around?' thought Jack to himself. After giving it some thought, he decided to go over.

It was a very large desert, and he was soon in the approximate center, unable to see the end in any direction. Suddenly, he was blasted to the desert sand. Looking around, he froze. It couldn't be… it just couldn't. Yet it was, A Nightmare. And riding on its back…

"Pitch!" spat Jack, levelling his staff.

"Why, Jack, how lovely to see you again!" said Pitch Black mockingly. "I don't suppose you'd give some thought to joining me?"

"Rot in Hell!"

"Thought so. Get him!" the Boogieman cried. Whirling around, Jack saw Nightmares, more than he could ever hope to defeat. He held out as long as he could, but he was eventually knocked to the ground, his staff skittering away. He strained to reach it, only to have Pitch's mount place a hoof on his chest and press down- hard. Through a haze, Jack saw Pitch dismount and walk over to his staff. Jack began to struggle wildly, knowing what was coming.

'Not here!' he cried out in his head. 'Last time, in Antarctica, it was bad enough, but in a desert…'

Pitch snapped his staff in half and tossed the pieces to the sand. Jack screamed in pain as the wood broke, then blacked out, unable to take it any longer.

*I am a line break*

Me: Well, what do u think?

Jack: Well, this is what I think: WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?! And why a desert, you know I hate those places… (grumbles under breath).

Me: Exactly why I did it! And Percy, don't worry, you're in the next chapter. To all you readers out there: Stay tuned!