Inside the quiet town of Twinleaf, the sun was gently rising; giving light to a brand new day. Inside a certain house a blunette slept peacefully, curled up under her blanket, her deep blue hair spread out around her. Her door slowly opened a little and a Glameow strutted into her room. The cat-like pokémon jumped onto her bed and walked over to the girl's face. Glameow bent down and licked the girl's face, trying to coax her awake.

"Glameow…go away…I'm trying to sleep," she groaned, swatting the cat away. She pulled the cover over her head in order to hide.

"Dawn, it's time to wake up," the Glameow sighed, gently shaking her with her paw.

"I'm tired," Dawn groaned. "Ash and Brock just left a week ago. Can't I be a little sad and sleep in?"

"Come on, your mother has made Oran berry pancakes," Glameow coaxed.

"Fine," Dawn groaned, throwing the covers off and sitting up. She stretched and climbed out of bed.

"Finally," Glameow huffed, jumping off her bed. "I'll go tell Lady Johanna that you've woken up." With that the grey pokémon strutted out of Dawn's room, leaving her alone. The blunette sighed and went to her vanity, quickly brushing her hair. She quickly got dressed, wearing a white shirt and blue jeans. Dawn ran down the stairs, placing in her hair clips.

"Morning!" She greeted.

"Good morning Dawn," Johanna smiled, setting a plate of Oran berry pancakes on the table.

"Good morning Dawn," Umbreon greeted, walking past her.

"Morning Umbreon," Dawn smiled, walking over to her seat and beginning her breakfast.

"Dawn, are you feeling alright?" Johanna asked, placing pokémon food bowls down. Glameow and Umbreon walked over to them and began eating.

"Just fine," Dawn smiled.

"Are you sure," Johanna asked. "You haven't been wearing much color lately."

"I'm fine," Dawn smiled, finishing her coffee. "I'm going to go on a grocery run, need anything?"

"Yes, the list is on the fridge," Johanna nodded.

"Alright," Dawn shouted.

A small blue penguin pokémon balanced a grocery bag on its head.

"Are you sure you can handle that, Piplup?" Dawn asked.

"O-Of course," The penguin answered nervously.

"You know, I could get take someone out if you need help," Dawn told him nervously.

"I'm fine, Dawn! I swear!" Piplup squeaked.

"Alright, if you say so," Dawn muttered, facing forward once more. A person pushed past her quickly, making her almost drop her groceries.

"DAWN!" Piplup screamed. Dawn looked at her side to see her pokémon gone, the grocery bag was on the ground, the produce out of the bag.

"Piplup!" Dawn gasped. She threw her groceries down and chased after the thief. "Get back here! That's my pokémon! Give him back!" Dawn pushed past people, following the thief quickly.

"Dawn! Help me!" Piplup screamed, though his voice was muffled.

"I'm coming Piplup!" Dawn assured him. "I won't let you out of my sight!" Dawn declared. "I want to keep my pokémon safe, but what can I do? No! Now's not the time to be worrying! I have to save Piplup!"Dawn felt something hit her, but assumed it was the air. She took a hard step and her eyes widened when she shot into the air. She flipped through it, landing in front of the thief sloppily. "That's my pokémon…" she growled, glaring at the masked man.

"Not anymore, sweetheart," he muttered, starting to run another way.

"Oh no, you don't!" Dawn growled. She rushed at him and quickly punched him in the back. The thief let go of Piplup and turned around, muttering confused things. Dawn picked up her pokémon.

"You're under arrest!" Officer Jenny shouted, slapping handcuffs on his wrists. "Sorry it took so long to get here. But you were amazing."

"Thank you," Dawn smiled.

"You were great out there. But, I've never seen you before," Jenny muttered.

"What are you talking about, officer?" Dawn asked in confusion. Dawn caught a glimpse of her reflection in a store window. "Huh?" She gasped, staring at her reflection in shock. She wore a tight white dress with a pleated skirt. Around her waist was a loose gold ring. There were grey leggings underneath and she had white boots with gold highlights that covered her knees. She had on a short-sleeved gold half-jacket with white pockets over her dress. She also had on white gloves that matched her boots. Most shockingly was her hair. It was pure white with grey streaks and reached her waist. She had a grey diadem in her hair with a gold gem in the center. Piplup stared up at his owner in awe. "What happened to me?" Dawn whispered.

"Is there something wrong?" Jenny asked.

"No, no, I'm fine!" Dawn said quickly. "I'm going to go home and make sure my Piplup is alright. Thanks for catching the bad guy!" Dawn quickly ran off, clutching Piplup tighter.

"Dawn, what happened to you?" Piplup asked.

"I don't know!" Dawn said with worry lacing her voice.

"Mom!" Dawn cried, entering the house and quickly locking the door behind her. "Mommy! I need help!"

"Alright," Johanna called, climbing down the stairs. She froze when she saw her daughter. "Dawn, what happened to you?"

"I don't know!" Dawn cried, rushing over to her mother. She threw her arms around the older woman's neck. "One moment someone was kidnapping Piplup and the next I was like this! And I can't turn back!"

"There there sweetie, we'll figure this out," Johanna assured her. "Come on, maybe you need to calm down before turning back. If you're freaking out like this it may be keeping you in this state."

"That's another thing, what 'state' is this? What have I turned into?" Dawn whimpered.

"Don't worry about it, sweetie, we'll figure this out," Johanna assured her.