Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters. May contain some similarities to the original anime/manga.
It's really a wonder
that I haven't dropped all my ideals,
because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out.
Yet I keep them,
because in spite of everything,
I still believe that people are really good at heart.
― Anne Frank
He sat at his desk, briefly scanning through some status reports and sorting them out. Vegeta-sei was restless; soldiers aching for battle, civilians antsy and the King himself wasn't any calmer either. It was him, Bardock that was burdened with the secret of the soon to come rebellion.
He had to admit though, his King sure as hell took his time to undertake action. But, on the other hand, Vegeta-sei was stronger than ever. Even though the lizard still held control over the planet, he wasn't as tyranny as he used to. With all the planets Frieza was controlling he found himself busy in other parts of the galaxy too.
And this formed the perfect opportunity for Vegeta-sei to fight back for what's rightfully theirs; their pride and their home. And their Prince.
The economy skyrocketed, the soldiers wore stronger than ever due to new fighting methods, armors and better nutrition. The Saiyan race was evolving, moving forwards. And it was happening right under Frieza's nose.
He only hoped, more than anything, that bringing back the Prince would too bring back his King and Queen. It's not something anyone every talked about – it was a taboo – but ever since the Prince was taken, the Royal House of Vegeta-sei changed.
Their Prince, as mighty as he was, had fallen. And he had fallen in the hands of Frieza. And along with the Prince, a piece of their King and Queen had been taken, too. But as prideful as they were, they never once showed any weakness to the outer world.
It was only when he was doing his guard rounds in the palace, deep in the night, that he heard the silent cries from the Queen's privates, and the comforting words from her King.
But no one talked about that. You clenched your teeth, balled your fists and marched on with your head held high. That was the Saiyan Way.
They were a proud race and they would die before they bowed. And that was why Frieza took away the Prince. To make the mightiest of them all fall. To make him bow.
To this day Frieza was still waiting.
Not long after the Prince was taken the King began a rescue mission, which failed. They had reached the flagship the Prince was taken in, even entered it, but the Saiyan Army had been no match for the PTO-Forces. Many Saiyans died, the King lost a leg. From that moment on Frieza held Vegeta-sei and it's Prince on a tighter leash.
But lately that leash had been loosening so much that if tried, one could escape.
Bardock was cleaning up his desk, readying himself to go home and return to his mate and house. A house once filled with four, now only remained two. He had long since given hope on finding his son Kakarot, but he just knew – in every fiber of his being – that his son was safe and happy. And he wouldn't have liked that any other way.
And then there was Raditz – the rascal. He was the spitting image of his mother, both in looks and personality. He was proud to have his son being the personal guard of his Prince. And he knew too, - even if he never showed it – that his son felt honored and was proud to have been seen as worthy of doing that.
The older saiyan rubbed his eyes tiredly, picked up the scouter to check the time and then put it in his drawer for safekeeping. Bardock was about to shut the drawer when the device abrubtly beeped loudly, indicating that there was an unknown ki signal nearby. But he almost thought he imagined it, because it was gone just as quickly.
Bardock felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up straight. The ki that was emanating from behind him almost filled the air with a crackling electricity.
It was oddly familiar, but yet so darkly unknown.
He turned around, a deadly ball of ki in his hand, ready to blast whoever trespassed head's off.
If he hadn't been a Saiyan, Bardock was sure he would have either hysterically laughed in happiness or yelled in utter horror. But he was a Saiyan, so instead, his eyes widened and his jaw fell open.
Bulma gripped Vegeta's arm tightly the moment she saw the crazed look on Goku's father's face.
And then Bulma Briefs gaped at the older Saiyan. Because Kami, Goku was the spitting image of his father.
Vegeta tensed slightly at seeing his father's old comrade. The bastard had aged, not very much but definitely noticeable to a Saiyans eyes. Then again, the last time he had seen him was twenty years ago. Twenty. Two decades he hadn't stepped foot on Veget-sei nor seen anyone else from his race except for his squad of idiots.
Bardock escaped from his daze when he realize the Prince – Prince Vegeta - was actually there! It wasn't one of those hallucinations he usually had with Kakarot and Raditz. "Prince Vegeta!" He gasped. He was no longer the little kid. The Prince was a full grown man, the doppelganger of his father. A true Prince. The bangs had vanished, the hair had grown more gravity defying. The biggest change of them all though, were the eyes. Obsidian, cold, hard, bitter, strong.
He was real.
And he was here.
He was here.
"PRINCE FUCKING VEGETA, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE!" The general hurried to the door of his private chamber and locked it with all the five locks. He then turned around to face the Prince. He only now realized that he wasn't alone.
His mind raced. Why would the Prince be here? And why would he visit him of all people? And how the hell did he get here without being caught? "If someone sees you we're all dead! How did you g-"
The Prince held up a gloved hand to silence the older Saiyan, Bardock shut his mouth and held the Prince's eyes intently. Bulma kept quiet besides Vegeta. This was definitely not her thing.
"We don't have much time Bardock so shut up and listen." And so Bardock did. When Vegeta spoke next his voice was lower and gruffer than usual. "I found your son on Earth, six months from now we're planning on fighting Frieza. We need you to set up an army with the finest men. Can you do that?"
Bardock's mouth fell open at hearing their plan. If he had been shocked earlier, now he was absolutely flabbergasted. Bardock wasn't someone who was stunned speechless easily, but at that moment he was at a complete loss of words.
All these years he – and all the Saiyans – had believed that their Prince would never be freed from Frieza unless it was the King's doing. And yet, here he stood, grown, strong, a true Saiyan, - A true Prince - ready with a battle plan. And lucky for him, the King had one to match.
And then, when the surprise subsided, his mind processed the other piece of information he was given and he couldn't help himself but react.
"You found Kakarot!" Bardock smiled at the news – actually smiled. "And of course I can do that, Prince Vegeta... but I am afraid I promised your father an army already." At this Bardock tried his hardest not to smirk.
At this Bulma looked at Vegeta, confused. And he looked back at the scientist, an eyebrow raised in silent confusion. "What do you mean?"
"King Vegeta is planning an invasion, one year from now," Bardock spoke, his tone hushed even though no one would be able to hear them from his sound-proof office.
"Why." Vegeta scowled at the older Saiyan. He had a habit of demanding rather than asking.
"To save you, of course. He failed the first time but it looks like he won't this time."
"The first time?" Bulma repeated softly. She turned her face once again to Vegeta. Her eyebrows were slightly pulled together, her eyes kind. She knew about what had happened to Vegeta, but she could not recall anything about the King trying to save his son.
Bardock cast Bulma an annoyed look, his chin raised like the prideful bastard Saiyan he was. He then turned to his Prince. "Yes, your highness." Bulma couldn't help but smile at how serious Bardock was when addressing him. It was funny to see that he was treated like the Prince he bragged about being. "The King went for your rescue short after Frieza took you. It cost him his left leg, my Prince. Ever since that day he brooded a plan to defeat Frieza once and for all."
And Bulma knew, in her heart, that this was probably the best news Vegeta had ever heard in his miserable life. Because after everything he went through, after all the pain and death and loss and bitterness, his parents never gave up. His father, the only he wanted nothing from but his respect. His father never gave up on him.
And that thought, that oh so seemingly simple thought brought tears to Bulma's eyes and she had to try her very best to not let them spill.
Vegeta's eyes caught hers then. And he saw the tears behind her glassy eyes and the only thing he could think about was how foolish this Earth woman was. Yet, he felt that pleasant warmth pool up behind his stomach.
Bulma knew it.
Right then and there.
Because Vegeta actually smiled and Bulma felt like the happiest woman in the Earth because he was happy. Because he knew that he was loved by the two most important people in his life.
Bulma cared of him, deeper than she initially thought.
And she knew she cared for him because his happiness was her happiness and his sadness was her sadness.
"What is of my mother?" Vegeta asked, his voice quieter than usual.
"She's still alive, Prince Vegeta," Bardock spoke with a nod of his head.
"Hn." Vegeta simply nodded, but Bulma felt him relax against her. "Why a year from now? Why not tomorrow?"
"Because Frieza will come to the planet for the first time in years, my Prince," Bardock said, "Your father has a plan to defeat Frieza and his men and we are all in it."
"July fifteenth, my Prince."
The atmosphere in the room grew thicker and more intense up to the point that goose bumps rose on Bulma's skin. She knew what this moment qualified as, she had been through a lot of moments like these and still this one was in a whole different league and had a magnitude of it's own. This was history in the making
Bulma turned her head to Vegeta, brought her lips close to his ear and whispered lightly, "I think it's best if we join your Father, Vegeta."
Vegeta looked back ath the blue haired genius, he nodded his head at her. He agreed with her.
Bardock looked between the two of them, confused and slightly pissed with this woman's presence. "Who is this?" Bardock's eyes locked with Bulma's and surprisingly enough she did not squirm away from his intense gaze, but faced it dead on.
Bulma rolled her eyes, then spoke, "I'm the beautiful, genius from Earth; Bulma Briefs - also Goku's best friend." She offered him her hand to shake, the Saiyan however just watched it in disgust. She quickly pulled her hand back and huffed.
"She's a friend of your son, do not mind her," Vegeta then quickly spoke, pinching the bridge of his nose. Sometimes he wondered how he ended up with this woman next to him and how in Kami's name she was a genius.
"Shut up, Vegeta! Without me this mission would be a joke!" Vegeta rolled his eyes at the woman, Bulma planted her hand on her hips, finger pointed at him – ready to yell at him.
"Such audacity!" Bardock barked then, effectively cutting Bulma off from speaking more – to which Vegeta was silently glad. "How dare you!" He walked over to Bulma, but was stopped by Vegeta's arm.
"Leave her be, Bardock. I've grown used to it. She's no threat anyways." He lowered his arm. "Tell my father that I will join him, exactly one year from now."
Bardock nodded in acknowledgment. "I will, Prince Vegeta." He bowed slightly. "Take good care of my sons," he then said, albeit hesitantly.
"It would be easier if they weren't such idiots," Vegeta responded, behind him Bulma couldn't help herself but smile – she agreed.
Bardock chuckled then looked up to his Prince again. "Try anyway." It was then that Bardcok's eyes lowered to Vegeta's tail, wrapped tightly around the human.
"Take care of yourself, Prince," he said, as he kept his eyes on his tail.
"Until we meet again, Bardock." Bardock caught Vegeta's gaze then. The older Saiyan bowed for his Prince, a smile gracing his lips.
"Until we meet again," Bardock said.
Bulma let of of Vegeta's shoulder and instead clutched his arm to steady herself from the dizzying trip from Bardock to the infirmary. When she was no longer dizzy and her head no longer spun, she let go of the Saiyan.
Bulma had seen many, many things in her life, yet she gawked at the sight of Vegeta-sei's infirmary. She had no idea how big the palace was, but if the infirmary was an indication, it must have been huge – CC was nothing compared to the prestige palace.
Twelve endless lines of beds were lined up in the room, Bulma couldn't see the end of it. Next to every bed was a small nightstand, every bed was covered in fresh, white linen. At the far right of the room several Rejuvenation Tanks were lined up, not as man as the beds, but still a lot.
The room itself was white – the typical hospital color. The floors gray, marble like, and the sealing was too far for Bulma to analise.
The Saiyans, she realised, were far from barbaric.
"Vegeta," Bulma gasped, turning around to get a better look at the infirmary. "This... is amazing." Her fingers were practically tingling from excitement – so much information, so much technology. It was heaven for an inventor like Bulma Briefs.
"Hn," was Vegeta's reply.
Bulma sniffed the air – it smelled of medicine and chemicals, nothing more.
"Why is it so huge?" Bulma asked the Saiyan Prince.
"In times of war we use this infirmary to heal the wounded."
"That makes sense," Bulma said, absentmindedly. Her mind was admiring the Rejuvenation tanks at the right side of the room – about twenty of them, round, perfect. Nothing like the colossal thing she had built. That was a copy, this was the original – the real thing.
To see such a thing, such technology in her grasp, rendered the woman speechless.
"Who knew that an infirmary would make you shut your trap," Vegeta spoke gruffly, waking Bulm from her trans-like state.
"Oh shut up, Vegeta!" Bulma yelled back, her voice bouncing off the walls of the huge room. "I'm just impressed, that's all."
"Of course you are. The Saiyan race doesn't only consist of warriors," Vegeta scoffed, trailing behind the human woman with his arms crossed over his chest. He felt proud – more so than usual. He had known Bulm for quite some time now and this was the first time he had seen her visibly impressed by something up to the point that she gawked.
"Yeah, I know that now," Bulma said as he eyes scanned the tanks in front of her. When she stood in front of it, she touched it, her fingers softly gliding over the slick, metal-like material.
She was in her element – this was what Bulma loved. Vegeta was yet again reminded of Bulma being a genius – literally.
Bulma pressed both her palms against the glass and began inspecting it, looking for some kind of opening or switch to open the tank. She wanted nothing more than see the inside. Maybe she would find some clues as to how to better her own tank – anything to help her friends out against Frieza.
Vegeta, as if sensing her confusion, closed the distance between the two of them in three swift strides, pressed his palm on Bulma's hand and pushed lightly. He removed her hand then and watched Bulma's face closely as the glass of the tank moved upward, like a door opening – only vertical.
Her eyes widened, her mouth formed into a shy smile. "This is amazing," she whispered under her breath. Bulma turned to look at Vegeta. Her smile widened until it reached her eyes and even her eyes sparkled.
Vegeta found himself captivated by her face, unable to look away. Every day he was being pulled in by her, more and more. Every day he built his walls higher, stronger and every day she broke them down. They had started off on the wrong foot – having sex and then getting to know each other.
Then again, they always did things the other way around.
Where normal couples flirted, they bickered, where normal couples whispered sweet things in each others ears, they made it a contest of who could press the others buttons harder.
Where normal couples kissed and cuddled wherever they could, they cuddled in the confines of the CC compound, at night when the masks came off and nowhere could see.
"Than you for bringing me, Vegeta," Bulm said, smiling.
Vegeta swallowed, nodded. "Hn" He found himself unable to say anything mean.
"I should probably hurry op, huh? Before anyone catches us."
"You probably should, woman."
With a nod Bulma turned back around and examined the tank in front of her. To Bulma the inside didn't say much to her. The structure wasn't used very much, that much she could tell. She sighed and then leaned back to close off the tank again.
She moved to the back, where the fluid was stationed in a special see-through tank. There was a small tap sticking out and a button next to it – presumably to open up the whole tank. Out of her pocket she produced a box of capsules, she took one out aad out came a test tube which she held under the tap.
Her hands shook slightly as she opened the tap. She filled the tube all the way to the rim and then closed it off again.
"Are you done, woman?"
"Yeah, I'm done." She held up the tube. Vegeta nodded and smirked. "I feel like we can really do this, Vegeta!"
"We can."
"I know – I know, but I feel like we can really win, you know – with your Dad and Goku and that kid – and you!" She stored the tube back in the Capsule and tucked the Capsule box back in her pocket.
When Bulma looked back at Vegeta, he seemed deep in thought. His eyes were glazed over, as if looing at something in the distance – out of his reach.
Bulma softly closed the distance between them, all the time keeping her eyes on him.
Her heart ached for him – ached. Though his face was still stoic, Bulma saw the hurt in his eyes. She could always read Vegeta through his eyes if he let his guard down.
If she could have taken all his pain and put it on herself, if she could have released him from all his burdens and place them on herself, she would have. She would have done anything to make him happy, because out of the few people in the universe that deserved happiness, Vegeta was one of them.
"Do you miss it?
Vegeta looked up. At first he wasn't sure whether Bulma was talking to him, but then he remembered that they were alone. "Miss what?"
"Home. This." She extended her arms vaguely around here.
"Saiyans don't have time for meaningless sentiments."
"It's not meaningless. You're not meaningless."
Vegeta hated how the woman seemed to always be able to bend words in such a matter that they got under his skin. He hated how she got under his skin.
"I don't care how annoying you think I am," Bulma said, though her tone was serious, Bulma smiled slightly at the word annoying – to her surprise Vegeta smirked. "I'm not going to just turn away from you – I'm not just leaving you."
And though Vegeta wanted to only feel indifference towards her words, he felt a strange sense of relief, too. To know that someone would be by your side, no matter what, was comforting. They were only words, but Vegeta knew – in the bottom of his heart – that Bulma would keep true to her word.
He wondered where the change had taken place – how he could have gone from indifference towards her, to relief, comfort – and dare he say – warmth, friendship.
Before he even realized it, Bulma stood in front of him, tugging at his arms. "Now lower your arms."
"Why?" The Saiyan Prince said, loudly and scowling.
"Because it makes me feel secluded and left out!"
"Left out of what?"
"Just – just do it, Vegeta!"
"Fine, woman, fine!" He sighed and let his arms hang behind his sides.
"This is better, see?" Bulma smiled. "We could almost pass as friends."
"Almost," said the Saiyan Prince, which earned him a glare and a hit from the women beside him. He smirked when Bulma immediately pulled her hand back and held it against her chest as she grumbled something like 'freaking Saiyans with their freaking bodies as hard as a wall' under her breath. "You hit me, woman." Vegeta wanted to roll his eyes at Bulma's behavior, but didn't. Instead he took her hand from her and examined it, gently, in his own hand.
"Is it broken, crushed?"
"How you are a genius, I do not know," Vegeta sighed under his breath. Bulma already had her other hand raised, ready to hit him again. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," said Vegeta, the tips of his mouth curled upwards in a half-smile. "Your hand is okay, woman, you will be fine."
He looked up to her and for a moment onyx and cerulean clashed.
Vegeta remained quiet, his gaze fixed on hers. "Okay, good," said Bulma, lowering her hand. "Now let's go get this piece of fabric and let's get out of here."
Vegeta nodded and lifted his left hand to his forehead.
Neither of them noticed their hands still intertwined next to their bodies.
Because it felt good.
I'm just going to skip the last part because it's too boring to write out and I want to work on some more character development. And yes, I know that Saiyans don't work with our months but I honestly had no idea how to specify the date T.T .
I realized just now that instead of disclaimer I put AN. And that for every chapter up until now *is too lazy to go back and correct it*. I wrote this chapter ages ago, so when I was reading through it the first time I wanted to gauge my eyes out. It was horribly written. It still isn't very good, but it's much better than it first was. I'm sorry for the long wait and the shortness of the chapter (it was even shorter). I didn't proof read, so I'm sorry for any mistakes!
I want to say thank you to everyone who's stuck with me and this story – it means a lot to me! Welcome to new readers and thank you soo much for putting this story on your alerts list and/or adding it to your favs. You guys have nooo idea how happy it makes me when I see a new follower or a review! It feels amazing, for real!
Much love,