pandaprince = Hong Kong = Leon Kirkland

camerupt323 = Iceland = Emil Steilsson

Thursday, 7th June 2013

pandaprince: hi

camerupt323: Uh, hi?

pandaprince: sorry, i dont know you, do i?

camerupt323: No, you don't

pandaprince: well then im leon - now you know me! so whats your name?

camerupt323: Weren't you told not to give out your name to strangers on the internet?

pandaprince: yeah but oh well, i already have

camerupt323: ...Fine, I'm Emil

pandaprince: thats a cool name! i like it

camerupt323: Is there any reason why you started talking to me?

pandaprince: because you have a pokemon in your username! i love pokemon

camerupt323: Oh, okay

pandaprince: is your favourite pokemon camerupt then? and why the number?

camerupt323: I generally like fire types. And 323 is Camerupt's pokedex number

pandaprince: wow! so you really like pokemon then?

camerupt323: Well, yeah

pandaprince: awesome! what game have you got?

camerupt323: The most recent one I have is Pokemon X

pandaprince: i have pokemon y~ dya think we could connect our games?

camerupt323: Possibly, but I don't know how

pandaprince: actually, neither do i ^^

camerupt323: So I'm guessing we won't be able to then

pandaprince: yeah ^^

pandaprince: what do you like other than pokemon?

camerupt323: Well, I like reading and writing, and I generally like films

pandaprince: whats your favourite book then? and your favourite film?

camerupt323: I like Harry Potter as both books and films. What about you?

pandaprince: i dont read that much, but i like avengers assemble~

camerupt323: I've seen that, I thought it was really good

pandaprince: hehe~

pandaprince: wait, have you seen the time?

camerupt323: Oh, it's 3am

pandaprince: yeah :P arthurs gonna kill me if he sees me up this late/early

camerupt323: Arthur?

pandaprince: hes my carer, anyway, goodnight!

camerupt323: Goodnight