((A/N: I'm still experimenting with writing more than just Elsa, so bear with me ^^))
"I'm going out! I'll be back before dinner!"
"Okay, just don't do anything crazy!" Elsa barely had time to finish her sentence before the last trace of Anna's cloak whisked out the door. It was a brilliant summer day, and it was only a matter of time before Anna got too eager to stay indoors. Elsa on the other hand, found herself heading to the library for an afternoon of leisurely reading.
"What am I going to do with her?" Elsa asked herself with a giggle. Ever since the weather had warmed up, Anna was hardly ever seen indoors, and Elsa was subjected to her coming home with torn dresses, scraped knees and bruises of all shapes and sizes. Of course, she would whine at Elsa, and complain about her injuries, but that didn't stop her from running back out the very next day.
Elsa found her favorite chair and propped a book up on her lap. It was a rarity that she was able to spend an entire afternoon not worrying about her duties as queen, but when they did come about, she made the most of every minute.
It wasn't until the sun began to sink that Elsa realized how long she had been reading; and how long Anna had been out without bothering her. She set the book down and listened, but there was no footsteps running through the halls or voices calling out her name ready to regale her in tales of adventure.
"Anna?" she called out, walking to the door, "Are you back?" Silence answered her, so she went out into the hall and headed to the entrance. "Anna, I swear if you're plotting something, you're going to get it." Elsa was just about to pull open the front door when it swung in on it's own, revealing a very tattered looking Anna on the other side.
"Oh Elsa, I'm so glad it's you!" Anna limped in and rested her weight on her sister.
"What on Earth happened to you?"
"It's nothing serious I don't think." She limped a few steps, Elsa guiding her up the stairs. "You know that big tree in the garden? Well I kinda slipped and fell out of it, and I think I bruised my leg really badly."
"Can you walk on it?"
"Sorta. I mean, I can, but it really hurts."
"We should take you to see if it's broken."
"No no no." Anna stopped and leaned up against the wall. "Please don't tell anyone about this. I've already been scolded for being careless."
Elsa sighed. "We can't just leave it. They'll eventually see the bump and the bruise."
"Not if we can get the swelling to go down." Anna replied, hobbling ever closer to her room.
"You know that we would have to get down to the kitchen unnoticed, and that's almost impossible in your state." Elsa opened the door to her sister's room and walked her to the bed.
"Well, there is one other way." Anna said with the faintest hint of a grin on her face. "You could always use your powers and make it like nothing happened."
"No. Remember last time I bailed you out?"
"Please Elsa? I promise I'll be more careful from now on. I'll only climb little trees!"
"That's what you said last time."
"Oh, c'mon Elsa! That was completely different! Pretty please?"
Elsa sighed, and was about to decline again when she caught a glimpse of her sister's face. The goofy grin, and the smile in her eyes said it all. No matter how often Anna went out, no matter how often she managed to hurt herself, she always knew that her sister would be there to mend things. How could she refuse to help someone she loved?
"Alright Anna, but this is the last time, understand?" Placing her hands gently on her sister's leg, she let her magic do the rest. In no time the injuries were barely visible. "Better?" she asked, knowing full well what the answer was.
"Oh Elsa, you're amazing!" And before she could react, Anna had jumped on her sister, and gave her a huge hug. "I won't forget this."
Elsa returned her sister's affection with a gentle hug, and a genuine smile. "I know you won't."