A/N: Hey guys~ Sorry for the late update. It's almost been a month! I got stuck on something, but I made it through and got this thing done. Hope you like it, because the plot got a little more complicated. Well, not really. Haha.

By the way, Hideki Ryuga is some actor from Death Note. Some actor that Sayu likes, but he's very minor. As for the other name mentioned, he's a very very minor OC. He'll only be mentioned in name. I tend to not like OC's very much.

Thanks again to my beta, UsernameUnderConstruction for doing such a good job. :D

Oh, if any of you guys are wondering, I'm going to Berkeley. Go Cal~

~Council President~

Chapter 5 - Yozora Shinkei

"I'm coming home,"

Those were his father's last words when they spoke on the phone. He was so upset at Mello's misbehaviour that he already planned to take the first plane back to Japan. It wasn't the best thing to hear for L, to say the least. He and his father weren't exactly on good terms with each other.

L tilted his head back down on his sheets and stared at the ceiling. The pencil his mother gave him fiddled across his long fingers as he held his hand up above him. If only his mother was still here….

He doubted that her presence would change anything though. His father would always be his father - unchanging and stubborn.

In the midst of his "what if" daydream, he heard the door open. L pulled his hand back down and turned to his little brother coming into his room.

"L," Mello walked in with his head low.

The blonde looked at him as if he had something to say, but refrained from doing so. L sat up on his bed and leaned back against the headboard.

"What is it?"

Mello walked over and climbed on the bed next to him.

"I'm sorry about, you know, not telling you about my detention."

L shook his head. "It's fine. I didn't give you a chance to anyway. But why did you get sent there for?"

Hearing the obviously bullshit (maybe half-true) answer Mello spouted out during their yelling with their dad that it was because his teacher just hated him, L wanted to know the truth. He wasn't going to punish his brother for it, he just wanted to know the events behind his actions. His brother didn't act without reason, although the reasons were sometimes badly based on his emotions. Still, L understood.

Mello fell into a frown just thinking about what had happened at school, but at the same time, a quick tint of pink dusted his cheeks.

"I was just sending notes to Matt!" he growled. "I wasn't even disrupting the class! And it's not like I needed to pay attention to the teacher anyway. I already know English!"

A small smile crept up L's face as Mello said the last part.

"You and me both," he couldn't help but relate to their more than similar situations. "My English teacher thinks I need a tutor because I don't do assignments," L explained and Mello let out a laugh.

"We need to go back to London," his brother smiled. "I'm bored here,"

"You wouldn't miss Matt?" L raised a brow.

The blonde let out a snort. "I'll make him come with us."

The statement wasn't said without promise. Seeing how their family had enough money to afford it, and with Mello's personality, it wasn't much of a stretch for him to actually do it.

L watched as his brother smile turn to a calm line, and he suddenly wanted to ask about Near. He knew about Mello, but did Near have the same… preference as his brother? He thought back about the video that ultimately made Light leave frustrated with a bright red face, and wondered about his youngest brother's reaction to watching it.

"Um," Mello spoke up. "These sheets are clean right?"

He looked down at the white bed covers, and L finally noticed how the blonde was sitting awkwardly at the edge of the bed. He only had half his body sitting down and looked like he'd jump out any moment if L said yes.

Mello fidgeted uncomfortably under L's gaze as he raised a brow at him. Connecting the video Mello was "coincidentally" showing Near with the actor that looked like Light the same time Light that was here was too easy. Like a good brother he was, he pulled Mello by the arm further into the bed and watched him struggle.

"Nope. These sheets are definitely dirty,"

Mello's eyes widened in horror. The blonde floundered on the bed springing off, but the raven kept holding onto him.

"I'm gonna go sleep now!" his brother yelled.

L tried hard to hide his smile and kept up his blank mask.

"Don't you want to sleep here like you used to? You can call Near to come here too,"

Mello jerked his arm free and ran to the door.

"I'm fine! Good night, L!"

He shuffled and closed the door shut behind him. The dark haired teen finally let out his smile as he left. Aren't his little brothers still so cute? Though, they were losing their original innocence a little….

He slouched back in his bed letting his muscles loosen. All of a sudden, he felt all the energy fly away from him. He let his body fall like a bag of potatoes on it's side and he just laid there. His arm stretched out lazily away from him, his eyes focused on the pencil that he still held in his hands.

Wouldn't it be nice if everything went back to the way it was years ago? If he could revert back time to when he was eight, and Mello and Near were five and four again, it would be bliss. He could see them so small and tiny again. And his mother…

L clenched his hand like a venus fly trap.

The world didn't work that way, L more than knew. He was stuck in the current time, and his only option was to trudge on.

Continue forward, and always be ten steps ahead of everyone else. That's how you survive.

L closed his eyes trying to stop recollecting old memories. Sentiments just couldn't die in his mind. At times like these, he wished he didn't have such a good retainment of all the details and all the small pieces of information he accumulated over the years.

But he couldn't forget, even if he tried.

The dawning moments have already begun to tick in L's mind for his father's arrival. It would only be a short while until he came home and confronted L again with his "responsibilities" as the eldest son.

The only son.


"What?!" Light jumped alert as he looked to sister coming down the stairs.

Sayu looked at him wide eyed until she came out of her initial shock and sighed, a hand on her chest.

"Jeez. You scared the heck out of me," she continued her original walk down the steps. "I didn't hear you come home, and I thought you were a burglar or something,"

Light relaxed his shoulders shaking his head and went on taking off his shoes by the door.

"How was tutoring by the way? she asked. "And how come you're home so late? Did something happen?"

"You can say that," he grumbled not really wanting to talk about it. "The guy also lives pretty far."

Light put his shoes away and entered the living room.

"But it doesn't matter. I won't be going back there anyway,"

"What? Why not?"

Light walked past her and headed up the stairs.

"I'm really tired," he brushed her off not answering her question. He really didn't want to. He couldn't. "I'm going to go take a shower."

Down below as he got up to the second floor, he could hear Sayu grumbling about something, but she quickly got over it and heard her going to the kitchen.

Light got to his room and dropped off his stuff on the floor next to his bed and began to take off his uniform. It was really distressing what just happened. Having to think of that… that video the whole way home in the train was nothing short of disconcerting. Light placed his finger through the loop of his tie and jerked it loose.

Who watches those things anyway?! It was sick! People who watched them needed to get a life!

Light threw his black tie on his bed as if it was a venomous snake trying to choke him. Though indeed, he felt like he was suffocating. There was a tightness in his chest and he felt like he couldn't breathe. A heat burned up his face, and when he looked up to see what was wrong with him, he saw himself in the mirror flushed and bitten with pink at his ears.

Light quickly looked away and headed to his drawer at the other side of the room to get a change of clothes.

So what if that was his first sexual encounter?! Sure, he's never had a girlfriend before, but that didn't mean he didn't what it means to do it. That's what sex ed. at school is for. But why was he this agitated? Why was he so affected by seeing two men doing it on a computer screen?

He grabbed a spare set of shirt, sweatpants, and underwear and shut his drawer closed. Light needed to calm down. He left his bedroom and headed off to the bathroom at the end of the hallway and shut it closed.

Maybe it was just the thought of having L letting his younger siblings watch it seemed so irresponsible for a big brother. Light stripped off his uniform shirt and threw it at the laundry hamper. Yeah, that was probably it. It was probably the look of the youngest sibling curled into a ball that made him so ticked, yeah? That was it. That was wrong of them to traumatize the white haired kid like that.

Light continued to undress and took of his pants and undergarments next. He then stepped into the tubbed and turned the knobs to hot and let the slowly heating water fall on him before it even got to the right temperature. As it slowly got hotter and hotter, Light let the water run over his skin for a little while letting the comfortable heat take over him, and he closed his eyes.

Thoughts of how he was going to explain to his teacher tomorrow about refusing to tutor anymore ran through his mind. How was he going to explain? He was going to stop just because the family was perverted?

The video replayed in his head, and he could hear the hungry moans grunting in his head. The two actor's faces became clearer in his impeccable memory and he could see himself caressing the pale skin of the other.

That damn Ryuuzaki! The brunet's brow twitched. How dare he choose a video that had an actor that looked like him in it?! He began to think about the lithe teen and the dark haired actor began to take in L's face. He could just imagine it, the raven gripping and crumpling the white bed sheets underneath him as -

NO! Light shot open his eyes freaking himself out of what he was just thinking. How could he?! In his own mind! Damn, that was just so wrong.

Light shook his head feeling all hot and bothered everywhere under his skin. Stop. Just stop. He told himself. His mind was just going crazy. Even in the tub, he felt suffocated. Feeling something wrong, Light slowly opened his eyes and looked down upon himself and never felt more embarrassed.

Holy - He bit his bottom lip before he could continue with that thought. He tried to ignore what he just saw, but with each passing second, it was becoming more and more painful holding it in.

Light opened his eyes again and saw that it was still there. He was hard.

But how?

Thoughts of the raven's naked form writhing in the bedsheets appeared in his head. Light could feel himself getting harder and clenched his teeth. Damn it! He leaned against the tile walls frustrated trying to think about something else. He waited for his erection to go away, but all he could muster in his head to get himself to calm down was L speaking fluent English. Hoping that the anger of being lied to would make him normal again, it only made the dark haired teen even sexier.


Light gave in and grabbed his shaft. He began stroking himself slowly feeling his length, and he drowned down a moan.

The redhead gritted the raven's name in his teeth. He better apologize tomorrow for doing this to him. The disturbing thought of the raven apologizing in English made him stroke faster.

"I'm sorry,"

Damn, it! Why did he have to go and lie to him? And why was it that he could only think of L speaking English now?


It sounded so foreign to hear him speak in Japanese now that he knew the truth. Light ran his thumb at the tip of his cock, and he could see pre-cum leaking out. He was nearing his limit already and he quickened his hand. Within a few shameless strokes, he let out a shuttering breath and let himself go.

The hot water created a heavy cloud of steam surrounding him, and he still felt so warm. Light stared at his own tainted hand at what he just done, but got to his senses quickly. He straightened himself up and continued to do what he originally came here for. He washed his hands with soap and washed himself everywhere and his hair. He rinsed himself with the now scalding water and turned of the shower.

Light's mind was blank as he got out and dried himself with a towel. The steam that filled the room fogged the mirror and he wiped the condensation with his own hand. He could see his own reflection at the small spot he cleared, but he couldn't look himself in his own eyes. Light finished redressing and got out of the bathroom.

Once he opened the door, he saw his sister coming up the stairs with a glass of water, and he froze. Sayu raised her brows as they stared at each other for a mock second, and he quickly jerked his head away.

"Go to sleep," he told her flatly and hurried to his room.

"What did I do?!" Sayu whined confused.

He rubbed the towel in his hair and slammed his bedroom door shut. His face heated up in guilt and he buried his face in his bed.

He couldn't even hold his gaze with his sister! But how could he, when he just desecrated their own bathroom that their whole family shared together?! He let out a small groan, and he had no one to blame other than his own lack of self control.

It was the actor he was thinking about, not L, Light told himself. He was still angry at that guy. That liar. Repeating it over in his head didn't help him any though. He buried his face in his pillow wanting to just suffocate himself, and thought about tomorrow.

Light walked briskly down the path to school that morning. For some reason, he didn't want to see anyone right now, he was feeling insanely self-conscious. He was nearing the school which he could just see up ahead and he quickened his pace until someone got a hold of his shoulder.

"Oh my god, Light!" someone turned him around and he stopped to look back.

Once he saw his friend's face, his shoulders relaxed half relieved.

"Ukita," he said his friend's name greeting him. It was just one of the guys at school, but he didn't know what he was expecting.

His friend gave a wide smile.

"You can't believe what I've just found on the internet!" he called out excitedly. "There's a guy that looks exactly like you!"

"A guy that looks like me?" he asked nervously.

A nervous pit in his stomach made Light suspect the adult vidoes, but he made sure not to show it. It wouldn't do good to look nervous when Ukita was probably not like that to search those kind of entertainment. He'd known the guy for enough time to know he wasn't that type of guy.

"Yeah," his friend nodded. "I can't believe I didn't notice it before, but he has the same exact face as you, it's scary! I almost thought it was you, and that you left school for an acting gig."

Please don't say it was that guy from the video… Light inwardly grimaced, but on the outside, he gave a small laugh.

"You know I wouldn't. I'm too busy for that kind of thing."

"Haha. Yeah, I thought so," his friend gave the same light smile. "That's the only reason why it made me doubt it was you when I saw the guy. Take a look,"

His friend took out a rolled up magazine from his pocket and showed him the front page. There, he saw a man with the same striking face as him, but with hair a slightly darker shade of brown. He was wearing a black suit and posing with some girl with long blonde hair, both of them looking at the camera as he held her waist.

A vein popped out the side of Light's head as he recognized the male actor. It was the same guy in the AV!

"It some new actor," Ukita explained. "His name is Yozora Shinkei, and he seems to be getting really popular because of his looks. He's filming a new drama called 'Oh My God, I Love You' with Misa Amane, and it's been getting some good reviews. Can you believe it? The Misa Amane. Man, I'm so jealous of that guy! He's handsome and he's getting the ladies! That guy's got it made! I wouldn't be surprised if he started dating Amane."

Light raised his brows and only rolled the magazine back up.

"Yeah," he absently handed it back to the other teen.

Deep in his throat, Light growled. Some "handsome" actor. Well, they did have the same face, so he'd give him that, but nothing else. He wondered what everyone else would say if they found out he was filming adult videos. Gay ones. And he seriously doubted he'd get with Misa if he was down enough to have sex with another guy on camera.

Light started wondering if they were doing it for real though. Some actors just pretended in bed, but then also, sometimes…. It didn't look so fake.

Ukita shoved the magazine back in his pockets and patted Light on the back.

"You know, if you did try to become an actor, I'm sure you'd get so popular that you'd even be able to top Hideki Ryuga," he grinned jokingly.

Light knew what he meant, but it was a different "topping" that he thought in his head.

Oh god… what had that video done to him? Ukita stared at him noticing an uncomfortable expression splaying on his face, and Light cleared his throat.

"I don't want to be late. We have to get to class," he turned back to the school and walked on ahead.

"Huh? But it's only 7:20!" The other teen gave him a look and chased after him.

Dear Lawliet,

I know I haven't written to you in a while, but how have you been? I'm sorry to be getting back to you so late, but I've been really busy. I even had to turn down a role for a new drama because I already signed a contract for another one that I'd be filming in Osaka. It's only for the first few episodes though. They gave my role instead to Shinkei which I'm glad. It'll help his popularity since his co-actor would be Misa Amane, and she already has a strong fan base.

But enough about me. I really want to see you again, L. We haven't talked in so long. How are your brothers? How are you doing with your father? Have you figured it out yet? And please don't tell me you've ran away, and that I'll be seeing you at my door some night soon. I'm taking a month off before I head off to Osaka, so if you have time, please call me so we could meet. My new number is xxx-xxx-xxx. I've been waiting for your reply to my recent films lately. Hope I see you soon.


Hideki Ryuga

L reread the message in his hands just to make sure every word was engraved in his brain and that he memorized the phone number down pat.

"This just came in this morning?" he turned to Watari.

The old butler nodded and watched as L took another sip of his sugar filled coffee at the kitchen table. His eyes ran over the white paper, and at Ryuga's handwritten scrawl. There was no date in the letter as they didn't want anyone to find out about their exchange of contact and trace it back to either of them. The consequences would be… quite unpleasant. It had their names written on them, sure, but if anyone were to investigate their matter, they could at least fake that these were letters written from long ago and that they had no association with the other person now.

L set down his cup and thought about missing school today to see the young actor. But with his already crappy attendance, he knew he couldn't miss the whole day. His dark eyes reflected the dancing fire of the the candle near his bowl of sugar cubes on the table as he stared at the flame. The household had started lighting up scented candles so it would smell sweet in the house; that was how their mother liked it. She had a strong affinity for sweet things, and they wanted to prepare for her soon to be arrival back from Switzerland.

Averting his eyes from the orange gas, L went back to the letter in his hands and folded it back into its creases. It was about time he should see Ryuga again. He dangled the paper right on top of the candle and watched as it slowly crumpled in flames.

"Ah~ He's so cute!"

The girls in his class couldn't stop giggling. They cast a quick glance Light's way, and when they met his eyes, they quickly looked away giggling even more.

"They look so much alike!" they squealed.

"Oh my god. It'll be like watching Light in a relationship if we watched that drama!"

"You're right!"

"Oh my gosh, it'll be like finding out how he dates!"


"Why can't just Light date someone though! He always rejects all the girls that confess to him. I've confessed at least three times, and he told me no."

A girl gave a gasp. "Do you think this is really Light, and he's already dating Misa Amane?"

The rest of the girls gasped in their little corner of the classroom and jumped up and down.

"How scandalous!"

"Maybe that's why he never had a girlfriend before! Because he already has one!"

"My gosh, of course Light would only date a model."

The teenage girls continued to spout silly nonsense and Light was itching to get up and burn that magazine into pieces. He rolled his eyes at how wild girls' imagine could be. It was beyond ridiculous.

What was so good about that Shinkei Yozora anyway? Couldn't they look at something else?

Light looked around to ask if his friend could go retrieve back that magazine he gave them, but saw that Ukita was nowhere to be found. Where did he run off to? Light continued to look around the room, and noticed an empty seat at the opposite corner of the fangirls making a realization he didn't care about dawn on him. The seat had been empty for last period, and he hadn't seen L the whole day either.

Not like he wanted to though. Light got up from his seat. In fact, he wanted to avoid that guy the rest of the year if he could.

He went out into the hallway and headed towards the cafeteria to get something to drink when someone called him from behind.


The redhead turned around and saw Takada catching up to him. She held on a concerned frown as she gave a look back at the classroom.

"They shouldn't talk about you like that," she settled her eyes back to him.

Light shrugged it off as they could still hear the girls scream and gossip even in the hallway. Annoyance pricked him at his nerves, but he didn't really care. The girls were pretty harmless, and they were cooing over him so it wasn't really that bad. He couldn't get mad at them at that.

"Everyone knows you could get a girlfriend," she smiled.

There was a tone of voice laced in her words as if she was trying to make him feel better, and Light pieced it together that she thought he left the classroom because of their mindless talk.

"I know. I'm just really busy," he hoped she wasn't feeling sorry for him.

They both knew that girls were crushing over him rampantly in their campus, but Light just didn't take any interest in them. It wasn't them that were wrong, it was kind of him. None of them really stood out for him to take any real notice. They weren't really ugly, maybe pestering, but none of them did anything that made him want to take initiative to be anything more than friends. None of them made him feel the way -

Light's eyes widened as his mind even dared compared romanticism with what he did last night in the shower. A hand suddenly tugged on his sleeve and brought him back again to his surroundings. Takada was looking at him intensely and he tried to act as if he wasn't spacing out.

"I know you're really busy," she said the words slowly. "but if you want, we should go to this cafe downtown that just opened after school. It'll help you relax."

She put up a hopeful smile, and Light couldn't help but feel there was something he missed her say while he wasn't paying attention.

"Sure," he gave her his smile back.

She brightened as if he just gave her a diamond ring.

"All right, I'll see you after school then," she waved. Light stared at her a she walked happily to her classroom.

The feeling that he might've made a mistake sunk down on him. He knew Takada liked him too, but he was hoping she wouldn't do anything about it…. It was just awkward to have one of your friends confess to you when you had to turn them down.

Light didn't feel like getting a drink anymore and went back inside the classroom. He just had to make it clear later.

The bell rang and continued the rest of the day. He went through calculus and econ. without thinking about it again, and he was blessed with focused concentration on the teacher's lectures. To say he was listening though would be lie. Most of the concentration he put up was staring at the board as the old men droned on about something he already knew or read ahead to.

Once class was over and the bell rang to end the school day, Light gathered his things and headed off to Matsuda's classroom. He still needed to talk to him about tutoring, and he didn't want to put it off till Thursday.

The rush of students jammed the hallway, but he was able to meander through and get to the English teacher's room before he left.

"Matsuda-sensei," he greeted the man as he came in.

The man turned around as he was just zipping up his bag at his desk near the board.

"Ah, Yagami," he smiled. "I heard."

"Hm?" he looked up questioningly. But he hasn't said anything yet. "Heard about what?"

"L told me that he got a new tutor. Once his father saw you, he immediately called to hire a new one because he was so angry,"

Light stood there with his brows arched high. Another lie.

"When did he tell you?" Light narrowed them back down.

Was L lying to save his own skin? That irritated him more than anything. He thought about the adult video and if he should just tell the truth to Matsuda, but he bit his tongue knowing that he wouldn't have told the truth either. It was too embarrassing, and irresponsible and fickle on his part to give up on a fellow student just because of that. And L wasn't even the one watching it, it was his brothers.

The English teacher slung his bag on his shoulder and answered him.

"He came here before the bell rang and left just a few moments ago. Just a few seconds before you came actually. You didn't see him?"

"No," he shook his head.

Matsuda gave him a soft smile. "I'm sorry if you got yelled at," the man apologized. "I should've talked to his parents first,"

"Um, no. It's alright," Light looked away. "I didn't get kicked out or anything. But um, thank you, sensei." he bowed. "I have to go."

"Alright. See you tomorrow," the man waved.

Light clicked his heels out the room and walked down the hallway. As he got further from the classroom, his steps gradually became wider and faster until he was briskly hurrying out of the building.

Damn, L! Why did he have to lie?! Getting a new tutor, and all that - what? Was he not good enough for the jerk?

He twisted his head scanning the school grounds for any signs of the panda eyed insomniac. The students had done well to clear the front of the school in less than five minutes as the school grounds were basically empty. In the front gates, Light finally found the messy dark hair and L's baggy form in his school clothes as a black car came by.

There he was! Light was about to run and catch up to him when someone else called his name.


He turned around and found Takada leaning by a tree as she was waiting for him to come out.

"You ready?" she asked coming over. "I'll drive us downtown so we don't have to take the train,"

"Um," Light gave another glance to where L was, but he was already getting in the car.

The door closed shut and Light missed his chance as the vehicle drove away.

"Let's go?" Takada tugged on his arm.

It took a moment for Light to stop looking at the disappearing car and give a nod to her.

"Then come on," she walked ahead of him and lead the way to the parking lot.

"Not yet," L replied when the driver asked if they were going home. "Go to Sweet Town. I want to go to Downtown today."

The man nodded and changed direction taking a different lane to the inner city streets. L looked outside the window as they passed several buildings by. It didn't take long until they got to the cafe situated in a place where not too many people came by. The man was able to park right in front of the little shop and another person in the car came out to open the door for him. Just as L stepped out, he saw a familiar person walking down the streets not too far off. The person lifted his head noticing him and hurried as soon as they saw each other.


L got to his feet and a man in a fedora walked towards him. He was wearing a light scarf that partially hid his face along with a black collared jacket. A smile formed under the shadow of his hat and his hand raised to take the fedora off. The dyed, dark jet hair was revealed underneath just as L expected, but the man was missing the make-up that brimmed the bottom of his eyes and the contacts that had made his irises so black.

"Hey," there was that suave, sweet cherry smile.