Due to popular demand, I wrote Cheese Sandwich's reply. :)
Dear Pinkie Pie,
You're the super-de-duper-iest of all the super-de-duper-iest-er! You're funner than fun, Miss Pinkie Pie! And thanks for the compliment, you flatterer. ;)
And, you know what, Pinkie? I've had the same exact feeling as the one that you described. Fluttery heart, red face, the whole kit and caboodle! You know when I sang you that song; y'know, about how you helped me be the super party pony I am?
Well, I kind of left out something. Something that I probably should've left in. It was really important, but I guess a little shyness from my colthood has stuck with me.
I've always had that weird feeling around you too, Pinkie Pie! From the first day I met you til' the day we partied together, and even now as I'm writing this, I've felt that way about you!
And I think...
I think...
I think that funny feeling, um, I'm pretty sure it's called...love!
And, um, thank you, Pinkie...for the offer to show me around Ponyville personally. That's the best offer I've had in...forever! I promise; cross my heart and hope to fly, that I'll come back to Ponyville. And when I do, be ready to give me that super special tour, okay? :D
Stay Cheesy!
-Cheese Sandwich :D
P.S. I can too! Party Planner Pal Pinkie Pie Party Planner Pal Pinkie Pie Party...Pinkie...Pal...Party... Er...
P.P.S. You don't have to remind me to eat cake, sister! Believe me, I eat bunches and bunches of it! Haha! :)
P.P.P.S. Thank you so much, Pinkie Pie! That's the best thing anypony has ever said to me in my whole life, I think! :)
P.P.P.P.S. Forget about you?! How could I ever forget about you in a million trillion years?! You're the most memorable pony ever! And I'm not joking at all, so don't think that! You really, truly are! I'd be a lucky stallion if I could be half as memorable as you are.