Hello world, it's supermariogirl! Here's the new story. I came up with the idea of Svetlana becoming a normal person, and thought I should write a story about it. In my opinion, Svetlana is one of the most underrated characters in the Total Drama series, and she really doesn't get enough credit. Also, this story doe not take place in the same universe as Five Years After. So anyways, here we goooo!

The Disclaimer Song:

I make stories for me and you,

But I own nothing so please don't sue! Dum!

It was a normal day like any other. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, the trees were treeing. Mike and Zoey were watching TV, when an advertisement for the Olympics came on. Mike gasped.

"Yes, it's zat time again! Zose silly competitors zink zey have ze best moves, but ze are no match for Svetlana!" Svetlana cheered, and the gasped as Mike returned to normal.

"She really likes the Olympics, doesn't she?" Zoey said.

"Yeah, it's her favorite time of the year. Well, every two years. She loves watching all the competitions." Mike said. "The others think it's a waste of time, but not her."

"Well, I don't why she wouldn't like it, I mean, have you seen all the medals she's won?" Zoey replied.

"Yeah, she's a real prodigy. I kind of feel bad though. She's tried to enter the Olympics several times, but they always turn her down, mainly because on the outside, she's underage. That doesn't stop her from trying."

"Of course, she's a pretty determined person."

"Yeah, she's the most optimistic person I know. She'll live her dream someday, I just know it."

"You really think so?"

"I know so."

Meanwhile, Svetlana was daydreaming about the Olympics when Vito came up to her.

"Ey yo, why do like the Alimpilics so much? It's kinda dumb." Vito told her.

"Vhy do you have to be so negative, Vito? Also, it's pronounced 'Olympics' not 'Alimpilics'." Svetlana scoffed. "You're just jealous zat you have no skill."

"Well, tough luck toots, it's not like you can pack your bags and leave. I know it sucks to be trapped inside some dork's body, but life ain't fair."

"I can alvays dream."

"You just give up, do ya?"

"I do not plan on giving up my dreams. I am not a downer like you are."

"Ah, whateva, Twinkle Toes. I'm gonna chillax for a bit." he replied as he walked away. Svetlana sighed.

"Zey just don't understand." she thought to herself. It was hard being a woman in the body of a guy. There were so many things that she wanted to do, but couldn't. She never got to have the experience of being a normal girl. She wanted to go shopping, become a gymnastics teacher, wear makeup, and maybe even have a boyfriend. She giggled at that thought. She knew it would be impossible, but that never stopped her from dreaming. "I vish I could be normal like everyone else."

Aaaand that was the first chapter. Sorry if it was short and boring, the next chapter won't be boring. Anyways, see you next time!