I Don't Know How I Feel.

Woop! Last Chapter Dance! I hope you enjoyed this story. I had fun writing it and I have told all of you this before but I love reviews! Please review as much as you can! I will be writing more stories soon. I have a lot in progress so watch out for The Writing Hurricane! (If I was a super hero I think that is who I would be.) Enjoy! Disclaimer: I don't own Hey Arnold! but when I do…you guys are the first ones I will tell. (:

"I think I love you," Arnold said quietly with a blush rising in his cheeks. Helga could have died right then…but that would have ruined the whole show so she held it together and decided to just faint instead. Arnold caught her as she fell forward into his arms. He sat her on the chair and made sure she was sitting up straight and made sure she wasn't going to fall forward in her seat. He took this time that she blocked out to register his feeling towards her. He didn't know what he was going to say when she woke up so he thought about…what else but…her?

He looked at her. She wasn't gorgeous. She wasn't ugly. She wasn't perfect. She was just…Helga. He didn't know how he felt but he knew he cared for her deeply. He looked at her pink bow. She had worn it ever since she was four years old. He had always thought it was kind of cute. He always thought she was kind of cute. He remembered he had always been curious towards her. He looked at her unibrow. It was not the cutest thing about her but he knew he couldn't imagine her without it. He knew what he would say when she woke up. The nurse walked in the room and saw Helga.

"Oh my, why is Helga passed out?" She asked Arnold. Arnold shrugged trying to seem casual when nothing about this situation was "casual," not even a little.

"She just…fainted. I don't know why…she just…did. I think she was…umm tired…yeah that's it! She was tired. I hope she wakes up soon," Arnold explained to her. Nurse Marissa looked dumbfounded. Why would she just pass out? Any normal person would ask that question. She decided to let it go.

"Alright…umm…I will wake her up and get her set up but in the mean time you go to your grandpa. He said he was going to get the car ready so you go with him and I will send her out when she's ready," Nurse Marissa instructed. Arnold nodded. He opened the door and decided to wait in the hallway for Helga. He just couldn't leave her. He was so shocked at the feelings he had at that moment. He needed to think.

'Why did I say I…loved her? I mean I care for her but…do I really love her? This romance stuff is so confusing! Maybe she won't remember it and she'll think it was a dream. I hope so anyway. Then I will have some time to think. What am going to do if she does remember though? She will ask so many questions. She might…punch me or something. No…I don't think she would do that. I don't know!'

Suddenly the door of the room where Helga had been started to turn and it slowly opened. He saw Helga coming out and he hid behind a potted plant. He heard Helga's voice. He suddenly thought it sounded nicer and almost…happy?

"Thanks Nurse Marissa, I will keep that in mind. Oh and thanks for helping me with my arm and stuff. Bye," Helga said as she closed the door gently. She had a lovesick smile on her face and she sighed as if she was at total peace. Arnold raised his eyebrow. He saw she was about to pass the plant so he held his breath. Helga passed and she stopped. Arnold gulped. She then sneezed a little. Arnold sighed with relief. Helga then suddenly looked behind the plant and stated, "Hey Arnold."

"Umm…hi," Arnold waved shyly. Helga chuckled. Arnold stood up and swayed back and forth kind of nervous. Helga rolled her eyes and pulled Arnold by the wrist and took him into a janitor's closet. She locked the door and clicked on the light.

"Look, let's not make this so awkward. You said you loved me. Why?" Helga asked.

"Well…I care about you and well…I don't know if I love you but it was just in the moment and I went for it," Arnold explained. Helga sighed.

"You mean like this?" Helga asked as she pulled her football head angel forward and kissed him passionately. She held him close and put her free hand on his oblong head. Arnold was startled. He let her kiss him. He responded but just slightly. He had never really kissed a girl let alone on the lips. Helga (after about a minute or so) pulled back and took her hand off his head. "That was in the moment. Arnold…you don't…love me and…I don't love you. I like you and all but you're just not my type. I would like to be your friend but I am a bully and you're a goody two-shoes. People wouldn't accept it. I don't want to burst our bubble but this wouldn't work out, ok? Do you understand? Let's just keep our relationship…professional," Helga explained. What Arnold didn't know was how much this pained Helga to say. She wanted him to love her but she knew she had a part in why he said what he did. She messed with his mind by telling him that she loved him when he thought he was asleep. She knew him loving her had to be the real deal or no dice for her. She wanted him to love her the right way.

Arnold took this in. The kiss, the explanation, and the fact she said she couldn't love him if she wanted to. This was a lot to take in at nine years old. He didn't know how he felt or if he really loved her so he agreed with her.

"You're right Helga. I should know that you don't love me. One question though?" Arnold asked. Helga nodded. "Why did you kiss me?" Helga sighed.

"I kissed you to make a point. Did you feel anything when I kissed you?"

"No," Arnold lied. He felt a lot but he didn't want her to know he loved her…or at least thought he could love her if he wanted to…which he did. Helga sighed and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Exactly so let's get the heck out of dodge and go to your Grandpa. I know he is probably wondering where we are," Helga said. Arnold nodded and put his hand on the door knob. He quickly stood up on his tip toes and kissed Helga on the cheek. Her cheek went hot. She was about to say something but Arnold had opened the door and was walking out of the urgent care's doors. She quickly followed him and got into Phil's Packard. Grandpa smiled.

"You two have no sense of time. Anyway, school has already started so let's get on the road. You know you two are still wet right?" They nodded at the obvious question. Grandpa nodded and started to drive out of the parking lot. They drove and drove until they pulled into the school parking lot. Arnold remembered something.

"Grandpa I forgot I left the project stuff in your trunk. Can you pop it open?" Grandpa nodded. Arnold opened it up after he got out of the car. He grabbed it and Helga and Arnold ran to their classroom. Grandpa went to the office to tell them why the kids were late. Arnold and Helga were out of breath, soaking wet, and had their hands full. (Except Helga who had her arm supporter on.) Arnold smiled at her. Helga smiled back. Arnold put his hand on the door handle and slowly turned it. He opened it but not before kissing Helga quickly on her lips. She shook her head and they went in yelling "We're here, we're here!"

Sorry for them not getting together fully but I wanted to make sure it still went with the show. I hoped you all enjoyed it. Tell me what you think. I love reviews! (Please and thank you.) (: (: (: