Hey Arnold: Biosquare Slumber

This is a short story for Hey Arnold! lovers. It is what I call short and sweet. LOL! Anyway I hope you enjoy! Review PLEASE! Disclaimer: I do NOT own Hey Arnold! Nickelodeon owns it. Craig Bartlett is a genius for writing it.

Helga was going crazy. That stupid dripping was annoying her all to heck. She thought of a way to keep her mind away from the sound. She looked over at a now sleeping Arnold. She sighed and climbed silently out of her now deflated bed. She tiptoed over to Arnold. She made sure he was sound asleep and touched his cheek with her hand gently. She sighed quietly.

"Oh Arnold, how I love you, I wish I could be nice to you. Alas, I am so twisted I cannot even compliment the one person I love with all my heart. I am too worried about what other people say or think about me I can't show you the love I have for you. I hope one day I will have the courage. My darling football headed wonder boy, I hope you know how much I care for you…deep down…I hope you know," Helga whispered as she petted Arnold on his cold, soft, and smooth cheek. She swooned.

Arnold was dreaming something. He couldn't put his finger on it but he thought he heard Helga's voice…and she was saying she…loved him? He even thought he saw her face and felt the touch of someone's hand on his face. He knew he had to be dreaming. He figured he could at least savor seeing, (even though he was dreaming) Helga being so kind to him. He stretched his hand out to her and put it on her cheek.

Helga was startled by his touch of affection. She thought he might wake up so she pulled away and was about to go back to her bed when she felt something holding her back. She looked in terror as she saw Arnold's hand keeping her from leaving. She didn't want to wake him because, let's face it…that would not end well for her. She sat back down. He smiled, still thinking this was a dream. He pulled her down closer to him. He mumbled something. Helga listened closely and understood what he was saying.

"Helga…Helga…I am glad you love…me. I don't mind that you," Arnold grumbled from being half asleep and sleep talking. He then spoke up but he wasn't speaking very clearly. Helga had a lot of hopeful and fearful emotion. She still listened, hoping he would stop soon and let her go. In some ways she also did not want him to stop. She thought this was too good to be true.

"Helga…you are my…friend and…I don't know why I…I didn't understand this before. You…love me. I don't know how I feel but…but… I want to… find out," as Arnold said these words, Helga was dyeing inside. He wanted to find out if he…loved her? "I hope you… will let me Helga," he said unclearly, but clear enough Helga could understand. She gulped. He then did something crazy. He pulled her the last few inches down and kissed her! He kissed her very sweet but with a bit of passion. You could say that Helga was a little more than happy.

"Arnold…mmmmm…mmmmm…what are you…mmmmm!" She tried to get words out but he wouldn't let her. She then gave up and let herself be kissed by her beloved. She took a big breath through her nose and began to kiss back.

"Helga…mmmmm…mmmmm…I love…mmmmm…you," Arnold said the words that Helga had been waiting for since she was four. She swooned and put her hands on his face. She was wondering if "sleep kissing" was something you could actually do. If it was, he was sure doing it. It was about thirty seconds before he pulled back a bit, still brushing her lips with his. She didn't want it to end so she pulled him forward, not caring if he woke up. This was worth risking her secret.

Helga's action startled him to say the least. He woke up from his sleep. He of course is very dense and thought it was still a dream. He played along with it because…if it was a dream, what could it hurt? She finally pulled away after about one minute later.

"Arnold, I love you," Helga whispered. Arnold thinking he could do whatever he pleased because… well…it was his dream after all, smiled and took hold of her hand. She saw now that his eyes were open and began to wonder if he was doing this because he wanted to or because he was still dreaming.

"Helga I know this is a dream but I don't ever want to wake up. I don't know why I am having this dream but maybe my mind is telling me something. Maybe it is telling me I should love you. I don't know but I am glad that I am having this dream," Arnold explained softly to Helga as he stared lovingly into her eyes. She now understood what was going on. He thought he was dreaming! She smiled and decided to play along with it.

"Umm…yes football-I mean Arnold, my love…you should love me...if you want to of course. I love you too much for words my darling. If you love me…kiss me," Helga dared to give Arnold this direction. He smiled and looked at her with a half lidded gaze.

"I don't know if I love you but I do know this is a dream and frankly…one of the best dreams I have ever had. I want to kiss you again but…I don't want to tell you I love you until I know for sure. If you let me, Helga…may I kiss you again?"

Helga's jaw dropped. He wanted to kiss her, granted he thought this was a dream but…still. She couldn't believe he was even a gentleman when he thought he was dreaming. She laughed and nodded to him. He smiled and took her face in the palm of his hands. He looked at her and kissed her again. She melted in his hands.

She finally registered all of this and put her instincts on. She took her hand's and put them on the back of his oblong head, and started to pet his hair. They both sighed through their noses and closed their eyes. Helga opened them first so she could see what Arnold was doing. He was petting her hand and then he put his hand on her shoulder. He moved it up to her bow and started feeling it. She raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off and kept kissing her true love.

He finally pulled back. She giggled. He smiled. He liked seeing her happy. He noticed how nice she looked when she was happy. They blushed and looked away from each other for a second but looked back as quickly as they could. She was first to speak.



"I want you to know that you can take all the time you want to think about this. Love does take time. I mean it didn't for me but, I am a little…different. You think about this dream. When you wake up I will be mean and rude again but know that I don't mean it, ok?"

"Thank you Helga. I will keep that in mind. I have a question though. Why are you so mean to me?" Arnold asked. Helga looked at him with sad eyes and explained to him, what she thought would be the best answer.

There are many answers to that Arnold. I am afraid I can't answer that. That is something you will have to figure out for yourself. Now, go back to sleep my dear, sweet Arnold. You need to rest. I love you," Helga said as she tucked Arnold back into his covers. He smiled and let himself be snuggled into his blankets. She sighed and put her hand to his cheek. He nuzzled her palm. She kissed his forehead and said one last thing. "You have to know that this was a dream. It never happened, ok? Go to sleep now," Helga instructed him. He nodded. He closed his eyes and fell back into his slumber. Helga walked silently back to her own bed.

She soon relaxed herself and was about to drift off when she heard something that made her heart flutter.

"I love you Helga," a sweet football headed boy dreamily said.