Disclaimer: This is a complete work of fiction. There's no resemblance to actual persons, places or events. If so it is utterly not intended. I do not own Monster High or anything to do with it, thank you.

Full List of Genres:
Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship

Beautiful Nightmares

Chapter One

She'd been cursed - ever since the day she was birthed into the undead world. There were tens of hundreds of thousands of year old curses, but this one wasn't a bad one per se. It was just... one that no one else saw the curse part of it, that she did.

Sixteen year old Catty Noir had everything. Anything she could ever scream of – she had. Her own wicked scream home. Her own cars, jewelry, fashion line – the ghoul even had an entourage. But what she didn't have... were true friends. Someone who wanted to hang out with her, or better yet – love her, for who she was and not her material possessions.

She wasn't happy.

It's not that she was being selfish, well some might say she was – but was it so wrong to yearn for a friend, a real beastie? "How you holding up pussycat?" her sly manager asked her, entering her dressing room without even knocking.

Catty looked fantastic tonight, her black fur was all glittery, she had on the most shimmery halter dress and a piece of broken mirror attached on her bracelet. She had all of her before concert rituals already done... all besides entering stage left under a ladder, but that wouldn't happen until she was moments before her gig.

"I'm alright." She answered plainly. Her manager didn't take notice of her overly soft demeanour.

"You'll get this show on the road, attend the after-party and get all up early to start it over again."


He looked at her, wondering if she was feeling homesick for whatever reason. He gave the chair she was sitting in, a pat. "Hey, you're a real lucky ghoul. Remember that. Y'know how many would love, love - love to be in your shoes kiddo?"

Catty knew there were hundreds, even more that would love to live one single night in her life, here she was wishing it was somehow different. "I know." She gave her head a shake, preparing herself for the big crowd tonight. "Are we ready?"

"It's not me that's gotta be ready, it's you superstar."

She glanced at herself in the mirror. Her bright pink hair was down all around her in luscious curls. "It's go time." Catty hopped down from her chair as gracefully as ever, walking down the hall in her glittery platform boots, it was time.

"Miss Noir! You're on – stage in five minutes."

"Alright, tha-"

"No time to chit chat Catty, we gotta go!" Her manager interrupted. All she wanted to do was thank Larry, or maybe his name was Hairy? She didn't know his name, but he seemed to work hard and get very little recognition. She wanted to change that for him.

The rest of it was all a blur, her hiding out under the stage, hearing the screaming fans fawn over her... the beats before her song... during her purrformance while she fist pumped and bounced around the stage engaging the huge live audience surrounding her – she felt contented. Just knowing she was bringing entertainment into the lives of others – that they loved what she did so well, it was very comforting.

But there were other factors that felt so fake.

"You sing it now! ..." She held the microphone out to the crowd, who joined harmoniously in the chorus of her latest song. There was nothing better in the underworld, than hearing the audience sing your lyrics back to you. Nothing could ever beat it.

After a couple runs of the chorus, the song came to an end and so did Catty's purrformance. "I love every single one of you! I love your support and the genuine warmth I get from every crowd. Keep doin' what you do and I'll be back soon!" Hands clapped vigorously and cheers were echoing the auditorium – but Catty knew they were genuine. Possibly the most genuine thing she would ever have, would be her fans.

She grasped a water bottle from one of the many being held out to her backstage, after exiting stage right under the ladder of course – she downed it rather quickly.

"Clawsome purrformance Miss Noir!"


"Just absolutely shunning!"

She gave a huge, toothy feline smile. "Thank you everyone, but it couldn't have been done without all of you. Take care, have a lovely evening."

Catty was a beautiful werekitty both on the interior and exterior. She treated her staff well and just like family. They weren't known as just 'the help' or anything. They were her family, or what she considered as. Her true family had exiled her. Whether they meant to or not, they still sent her away.

She shook her head at the thought, dismissing it. She had a wonderful purrformance and she wasn't going to let any negative feelings get in the way. They couldn't. Any night that she purrformed, was her night. She always celebrated with a gigantic order of chilling cheese fries.

"Where ya headed kiddo? The after party's this-a-way!" Her manager shouted after her, but she kept walking.

"Not tonight! I need some rest, goodnight and so long for now." She picked up the pace before he could catch up with her and stop her plans. The last time he did that... she shuddered. 'No Catty, don't think about that sorta stuff. Leave it be.' she encouraged the depths of her mind.

She picked up the pace further and ran out to the underground garage, where the limo was parked and her faithful chauffeur William Tabby, opened the door for her. "Right here Miss, I was waiting for you."

"Thanks Will," she hugged the older gent, she was so happy to see him. She bolted into the limousine and let out a sigh of relief. Now, she was safe. Safe from anything that could possibly harm her. "I adore you." She told him truthfully. He'd always been there for her, even during the dark times and saw her through. But it was the love between and father and daughter, in which they shared.

"I adore you too Catty, now dear... where are we headed?"

Catty smirked, "You know this by now. The next stop is getting a nice big order of chilling cheese fries, then home please."

"As you wish."

Catty stretched out, taking off her glamorous bangles and shimmering shoes, her glass shard bracelet and reaching into a hidden compartment of the limo. She pulled out a pair of soft, warm fuzzy pink pyjama bottoms, a simple thick strapped tank, a black and pink hoodie and her favourite pink shimmery ankle socks and slippers to top everything off. Now she was comfortable and kicking back after a great night's show.

Well! Here I am, back with a new story. This was indeed the other poll choice and it was voted for! I hope whomever reads this (and any of my other works) enjoy it just as much as I truly do. I can't wait to read your feedback, don't forget to leave it here!

R & R please, it's always appreciated. And I will be responding to my reviews individually! :)

~ CreativeWritingSoul