this is it, the last chapter, hope you have enjoyed the ride.

Thursday morning, Regina sends thesaviour a message

"How about meeting saturday? 4PM. At the public garden, Boylston Street entrance, there 's a tall tree before the pond, that's where il be waiting. Il have a crimson rose, so you know its me."

Emma replies that evening.

"Okay, sounds great, Yes, I'll see you then"

When saturday morning arrives, Emma is standing in the kitchen, talking with Mary Margaret.

"Thanks for looking after Henry today"

"That's alright, I still can't believe your friends with Mayor Mills, after what you said about her, I'm surprised she's even talking to you"

""She did help put us out of business!" Emma snapped.

"She has to make tough decisions, Its her job, I have accepted it, why can't you?"

"It not that I haven't forgiven her, otherwise I wouldn't be friends with her"

"Your stubborn, like your father"

Emma sighs.

A while later, Emma is getting ready to go out to lunch, Mary Margaret knocks on her bedroom door.

"Are you sure you want to meet this online friend, you have to be careful, these days" she leans on the door.

"I've never been more sure of anything, if I don't do this, il regret it for the rest of my life" she sits on the bed, putting her boots on.

"This person must be pretty special, for you to give them a second chance and to make you, realize Neal wasn't the one"

Emma stands up, a smile creeps on to her face.

"Maybe this is your happy ever after, you deserve to be happy Emma, you deserve a happy ending"

"You read to many fairy tales" Emma joked, walking past her into the kitchen, Henry was standing there.

"Right, I'm off ill see you in a few hours" she told him

"Bye Mom" he sighed and walked back to the sofa to watch tv

With that she walked to the door, grabbed her coat, quickly put it on and proceeded to leave

"See you in a little while" and closed the door


Regina is sitting in the cafe', waiting for Emma, she was feeling anxious. and twiddling her fingers, while looking at the door.

Suddenly, Emma glides through the door. Wearing her black pea coat.

She looks around, she finally see's Regina sitting at a table for two. She notices the brunette looking straight at her with those big brown eyes, anyone could see she was pleased to see the blonde.

Her eyes wander down briefly noticing the stunning black dress, she had to quickly pull herself together, as her inner musings were starting to take over.

She walks over, with a smile.

They continue smiling at one another, not taking any notice of a small child taking sugar off their table.

Emma takes her coat off.

"You look nice" Regina whispers.

A slight blush appears on the blondes face, as she goes to sit down.

The waitress comes over and takes their order.

"How are you?" Regina asks

"Good, you?"

"Good" she smirks

the waitress comes back over, with two hot chocolates and two sandwiches.

"Guess who I am meeting today?"


"My online friend, were meeting at the public gardens" she says eagerly.

Regina tries to look surprised and picks up her sandwich, while having a smug look on her face, looking at Emma.

Emma looks at her strangely and laughs.

"It seems she lives, locally then!"

The blonde leans forward and whispers

"I know"

"You could of walked past her everyday and not known it, she could be in here, right now"

"That's not possible" shaking her head.

"It could be that woman over there and those chocolates on the table, are for you"

Emma looks over and see's a young brunette woman, reading a novel with a box of chocolates sitting next to her cup.

Emma looks back at Regina, who has a playful smile on her face.

"Very funny" she smiles, picking up her cup and taking a sip, she then leans back in her chair and gazes at Regina.

Regina's smile falters as she holds Emma's gaze, she gets lost in bright eyes, the sounds around her start to drown out, only to be broken by the waitress asking

"Can I get you anything else?"

Both look up

"No thank-you" Emma replies.

An hour later, they are walking along. Towards Emma apartment. A few people jog past them.

"Sometimes I wonder..."

Emma glances sideways at the brunette, slightly confused.


They stop. They face each other.

"If I hadn't been the mayor and you hadn't been Once Upon A Time, and we'd just met. "

"I know, things would have been much easier" she replies swallowing hard.

"I would have asked, if you wanted to go get a coffee, dinner, a movie"

Emma's mouth falls slightly open.


"And then we would never have been at war"

Emma doesn't respond.

"The only fight we'd ever have is what movie to watch, on a saturday night"

"Who fights about that?" she says shakily.

"Some people"

"we would never, I have to go" but she doesn't move.

Regina reaches her right arm out and places her hand on Emma's shoulder. Emma moves her hand to her chest, she can hear her heart thudding.

"Let me ask you something? How come you'll forgive her for standing you up and you won't forgive me, for a little tiny thing, like putting your family out of business?

Emma shakes her head, they look at each other.

"I wish you would" she says pleadingly.

"I really do have to go" but she still doesn't move, she's in agony.

"Regina looks down and back up.

You don't want to be late" she says softly and turns to walk away. Emma watches for a moment and she does too.

Regina, makes her way back from where they came

Some time later Emma appears from the apartment with Henry. Mary Margaret had to leave so Emma had no choice, but to take Henry with her.

She had changed and she was now wearing her red leather jacket

They walked towards to public gardens, Henry could tell Emma was agitated.

"Mom, why are you anxious about meeting your friend?"

"I'm not"

"I'm not stupid, I know whats going on, I heard you talking to Grandma" he sighs.


Suddenly they're at the entrance to the public garden, Emma's even more anxious, but imtheboss is not there, she check her watch, she's early.

Her and Henry walk the short distance to the tall tree, just before the pond. They stop. She looks around.

A woman in running gear passes her and a young guy on a mobile phone walks by.


"Yeah.." she looks down at Henry who looks slightly sad.

"What's wrong?"

"I know you had lunch with Regina today, but I wish it was her you were meeting here, I like her"

"Aw, Henry, how about next time, I have lunch with her, you can come with me?"

He smiled.

"Okay, can I go over to the pond and see the swans?"

"Alright, but stay where I can see you"

He runs the short distance to the pond. While Emma watches him.

Suddenly she hears loud footsteps behind her. Her heart begins to beat faster. She freezes.

Regina is now standing behind her. Her own heart is beating fast. she's slightly worried at the reaction she will receive

Emma is still looking towards Henry, who is now facing her and his face lights up and he grins.

Still Regina says nothing. Waiting for the blonde to turn.

Emma takes a deep breath, she starts to turn looking down and moving her head up slowly.

She recognises the clothing, she see's the crimson rose, that Regina went to buy after she left the blonde earlier.

She meets Regina's eyes. She's speechless. Her eyes begin to water. She lets out a slight nervous laugh.

Regina smiles at her, trying to read Emma's face, a unconscious tear, comes down the blondes face.

"Don't cry, saviour, don't cry" the brunette softly says, bringing her hand up to wipe the tear on the blondes face.

Emma bites her lip.

"I wanted it to be you, I wanted it to be badly"

Regina's heart swells up. She takes Emma's left hand into her own, the blonde smiles and moves closer, leaning in, shes relieved when Regina does the same.

They kiss passionately, conveying all their emotion into this kiss, their cheeks flush and they can feel the magic between them.

Henry runs back over to them putting his arm around Emma's waist.

"Your so embarrassing mom, but im glad its you" he smiles at Regina.

they both look at him and laugh, their eyes met again and everything becomes so clear.

They start to walk towards the pond, not letting go of each others hand.

"Is this your happy ending?" Henry asks, remembering the conversation he had heard, between his mom and grandma earlier.

"Yes, this is our happy ending"

Thanks for reading everyone, I have updated it a little, so hope you still like it SwanQueenEndGame :)