Well it looks like I'll finish what I started because I can't quit now. I'm so surprised that you guys want me to continue, but thanks for this support after such a long time. Anyways, I think the tone of the story might change a bit due to the fact that I've changed, but I'll try writing like I did back then.

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Austin and Ally.

Alright! Let's get started on chapter 12!

Melody's POV

I have to figure out a way to keep my friend safe, but how? Well recently I've heard about this thing called the fight or flight response. It's when you either face the problem like a really brave person or run away like a scared little cat. So in this situation, I have to choose fight or flight. Since I'm a brave girl, I'm choosing fight! But will Danny fight with me? That's what I'll have to find out when I meet him again.

Next Day

It recess now and I still need to talk to Danny about what we should do. I see him by the swings so I walk over to him. I wait until he stops and gets off the swing. Once he's off, I hand him a little note in Braille.


I think we should face the Emma problem head on instead of running away. What do you think?

I waited a few seconds while he read the note. When he finished, the bell had already rang so we headed back inside.

We took out seats as Danny wrote me a note I reply. He took the little piece of paper and gave it to me to read.

I think it would be a good idea to be brave and face her. Although we need a good plan to take her down once and for all. I think we should karate chop her!

That's a brilliant idea! I nod in response and he smiles. Even though we're supposed to be listening to some boring lecture right now, we are starting to plan out our awesome strategy for operation 'take down mean Emma'.

Ally's POV

Austin and I have been stressing for hours on how to solve this new mess. I know it would be cowardly to run away from her but what other choice do we have? We can't let a child be in danger!

I've been pacing back and forth for hours and Austin has been sitting with a very serious face (which in my opinion looks more cute than serious) for a long time as well.

"Maybe the best option really is to just get away from her."I suggested.

"Yeah. I guess... But how are we going to get Danny to get away from her? And is it really our job to decide what's best for him? We're not his parents after all." Austin was beginning to ramble and that is pretty rare.

"Well as a former teacher, I think that the world is a better place if every responsible adult helped a child in need of safety and comfort."

"You're right Ally! I think we should go talk to his parents about this right away."

So the two of us packed up our things and headed for the door but our boss stopped us.

"Where do you think you're going? I told you that you must finish these songs right away! No distractions whatsoever!" He shouted.

I quickly took a tissue and blew my nose with it. I took the tissue and placed it on the boss's shoulder. Austin and I ran for it to boss screamed like a cow that's about to die of overwhelming emotions.

"Sorry boss! But a kid's life is depending on this little break. We'll write some extra songs when we get back to make it up to you!"

How great is it to have such a germaphobic boss!

Once we got in our car Austin and I both burst into laughter. He looked over to me with a smile on his face.

"Well aren't you a great little master mind." He complimented.

"Why thank you. Perhaps I deserve a little reward for this escape plan." I said as I turned my head so that my cheek faced his lips.

"Of course honey." He replied as he leaned for a quick peck on the cheek.

As soon as that was over, we drove straight to Danny's parents for a very important discussion.

I think this is a pretty short and crappy chapter but I kinda had to rush so I can make sure you guys don't think I've given up on this story.

God, now that I look back on this there are so many things I wanna change. Such as...

-Putting in a little less OCs

-More Auslly

-Making it less like a soap opera

-And of course, actually updating!

Since we're on the topic of the past (I'm doing the question thing again)...

What's your favourite childhood memory?