"I will gladly except the role of Avatar!" He pronounced as lept toward the orb of light only to have Prince Aikka shove him away.
"No... You won't. But I will." Aikka said as he stepped into the orb, "you look after her, Jordan. I'll be checking up on you two." He said as he was engulf in light.
"SAY WHAT TALK ABOUT STEALING SOMEONE'S THUNDER!" Jordan shouted as Aikka disappeared.

"Shut it, Jordan." Eva/Molly grumbled, as she watched her friend take her place. Knowing that Aikka knew Jordan was gonna do something stupid made her feel better about the switch. "Aikka will make a great Avatar." She said proudly. Turning she left Jordan to follow in her wake.

"Yeah, you're right. I guess he was an okay guy after all." Jordan said smiling at her straight back. He even dared a look at her slim waist and curvy hip. The mental slapped himself for even thinking that. Sure yeah, two years weren't much of an age difference. But there were two things, Jordan feared most in his life.

One: being a certain Miss Wei's right hook.

Which he would most likely get if Molly ever knew what he was thinking. Having experienced it once for insulting her Prince Aikka. Yeah, so do not want to feel that again

Two: being a certain race manager a.k.a. Dad!

Which scared poor Jordan spitless. Especially since Molly was his only daughter and his pride and enjoy. Even if he did Lock her away in boarding school.

One thing, thing Jordan was look forewards to on the journey home was Molly's explanation. That should be entertaining...