"Just a few more brushes, Mahnya, and then it's off to bed for me. We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow and we both need our rest."
The flying horse whinnied softly as she ran the brush over her white coat. Manya loved to be brushed and Fee thought she would spoil her one more time before the final battle. Hard as she tried she couldn't get her mind off of the danger. She could feel the fear creeping through her body. Her hands started to tremble and she quickly went back to brushing to distract herself.
"That's not like you, Fee." Oifey's deep voice startled her. He was standing there dressed in his black coat. His normally stern face now had a playful smirk. She wondered how long he had been standing there. "You sound like you're being responsible and preparing for battle. Maybe the time we've spent together has paid off?"
They had been spending a lot of time together recently. Fee liked being around Oifey because he gave her a better sense of who she wanted to be and how to get there. She respected him and his strength. That's why it was important not to show weakness around him. She quickly put her hands behind her back and gave a snort hoping it sounded genuine.
"Hey! I was responsible before you started bugging me all the time."
Oifey just chuckled and stroked his imaginary beard. Fee found it funny how he always looked as though he was deep in thought.
"Bugging you am I? Well forgive me for bugging you one last time."
He approached her slowly and took her hands in his. Fee blushed as he searched her eyes. He was being so serious.
"I know you are scared, Fee. We all are. I'm just asking that you stay close to me and not try to prove something. I'll protect you."
Fee looked away, unable to keep eye contact, and took her hands away from his. She was angry that he was treating her like a baby. Her voice didn't hide that fact either.
"Don't lie to me. You of all people can't be scared and I don't need you to babysit. I'm strong too or haven't you noticed? Celice needs you more than us."
Oifey gave a knowing look and cleared his throat. Fee knew he was processing everything and trying to come up with the most agreeable response. It was just how he operated.
"I'm sorry; I don't mean to treat you like a child." It sounded genuine. "I think we both know you aren't one anymore. I'm not lying when I say I'm scared. Fear itself isn't bad. It is how you handle it that matters."
They stood in silence for awhile before Fee let it sink in that maybe Oifey was right. She did tend to rush into trouble during battles. She was starting to regret her tone. She wanted to apologize but Oifey spoke first.
"I told you about the battle of Barhara right? We had to abandon Sir Sigurd's army when he needed everyone most. Our mission meant keeping Celice safe in spite of the danger and the pain of losing people."
As Oifey spoke Fee realized how painful it was to open up about the past. She stepped closer and hugged him.
"Thank you for everything you've done for me. I've learned so much about myself and who my parents were."
They parted and she could feel her face getting hot.
"After this battle will you start treating me like this in public? You know like you do when no one is around?"
Oifey smiled gently and ran his hand through her hair. "No need to rush things. Everything will happen in good time."