I do not own Kim Possible and it's belong to Disney. I own Devil King, Seerna, Devil Priest, and other few characters. Sigh I'm not good with english. I'm deaf person and I'm working hard on my first time Kigo fanfiction.

My Savior is the Devil?

Chapter 1- Beginnning

In the underground of hell, the Devil King, angrily yelled at the soldiers. "BRING MY DAUGHTER TO MY CHAMBER NOW!". He stormed off to his chamber and sulked in his throne. He heard the footstep behind his throne and it was his wife, Seerna, the wife of Devil King and mother of five children. She started to massaged his shoulder to cool his stress down.

She said softly, "Honey? What are we going to do with our Shego? She always cause many trouble in our homeland and broke the rules that she was not suppose to do. How are we going to teach her lesson for not breaking laws?"

The Devil King sighed, "I don't know. But remember we have court of chamber here for our daughter and we will find out which one punishment will our Shego take. She is getting stronger, you know what I mean?"

aSeerna nodded nervously and started to hug her husband. Seerna kissed his cheek and said, "Have you notice that our Shego's horns and wings are getting bigger? That's mean Shego is getting more stronger than we thought."

The Devil King did not say anything and he knew that about Shego's power. He and his wife knew that day would come because their Shego would received her punishment.

The four boys came to the chamber to see their father because they wanted to see what kind of punishment that Shego would take. There are five siblings in order as oldest to youngest: Shego, Hego, Mego, and Wego. Shego is the oldest and she would take throne soon. Hego was not happy to hear that Shego would become the Devil King because he wished that he would be older than Shego so he would take the throne.

Hego laughed, "Man, this will be interesting to see our oldest sister in the court of the chamber because she broke few laws! Ha!"

Mego looked himself in his mirror and he sneered, "Will you shut up, Hego! You know our sister can't help it because she loved to enjoy to break the law."

Hego and Mego looked at twin boys, Wego because they looked sad. Hego asked, "What is wrong? Why are you guys looking sad? Can you tell me?"

The twin boys, Wego, looked at each other and said, "We don't want-" "our sister to get-" "in the trouble because we knew-" "that Shego would receive the final punishment."

Hego and Mego were shocked and they forgot about their parents and devil priests gave last chance to Shego. If she lost her last change then she would get final punishment. Hego grinned evil, "Well, that will be more interesting! I really want to know what kind of harsh final punishment for our sister, Shego! Ha ha ha!" Mego and Wego watched him walked away to the other hallway while he was laughing.

In the court of the chamber, the Devil King and Seerna were sitting in their throne. The big door open slowly and there are few soldiers with along the princess of Devil King. The soldiers pulled the chains out and it was Shego. That chains were very special because it would help to lock Shego's powers.

Shego angrily glared at her parents and she evil smirk at them. She tried to get out of chain but she can't. Shego was shocked and yelled, "What the hell? I can't use my plasma to break this stupid chain!"

The Devil King sighed, "Of course, that special chain is only for you because it would help to lock your power up."

"Then release me now! You know that I hate to be chain down!"


"What do you mean no? Don't you dare tell me no! Release me NOW!"

The Devil King looked sorrow and sighed, "...Devil Priests? What kind of the final punishment for my daughter? I know my daughter broke law again and lost her last chance." He stared down at his Devil Priests from his throne. The Devil Priests were talking each other in different language but the problem is that he couldn't understand of Devil Priests' language. He was disgusting by Devil Priests' forms because they have creepy crow mask to cover their faces and have long black claws. They wore heavy black cloak and weird symbol necklace. He noticed that one of Devil Priests came toward to him.

One of the Devil Priests said, "Well, we have brought small special statue for her."

"Special statue? What do you mean by that?"

He smirked, "Well, that statue would help to teach princess a lesson."

"Lesson? I-I don't know about that?"

"Father, I think I'm agree with Devil Priest. That stone would definitely teach older sister a lesson. When she learned her lesson and she would take seriously for not breaking law."

The Devil King saw Hego came out of hallway and walked toward to him. He knew that Hego was not supposed to come to the court of chamber.

"Son? You know you are not suppose to be here."

He shrugged, "I know, father. I want to help you. I think you should try to let to Devil Priests work on Big Sis with..uh..special statue...come on father. You wants to give your throne to Big Sis when she would become more mature and seriously with the laws."

"Sigh..ok. I guess you are right. Devil Priests! Please do teach my daughter with final punishment!"

Devil Priests smirked and glared each other. One of them said, "As you wish, your majesty!" They brought small statue in front of Shego. That statue look like dragon with sword. Shego stared at strange small statue and had bad feeling about that.

"What the hell is that?"

The Devil King said, "This is for your own good. I hope you will learn your lesson in future. Good-bye and I'll see you soon."

Shego yelled, "What the hell do you mean good-bye?" She noticed there are Devil Priests were around her like she was in circle and they were chanting in weird language. She was shock and she yelled, "Father! Y-you don't mean that I will be stuck in that stupid statue! I'll swear I will get you for no matter what I can! Let me go, father! NOW! FATHER!"

Shego snarled and snapped at the Devil King. He looked away in sorrow because he did not want to see the Devil Priests to transferred his daughter in the special statue.

Everyone noticed there are big glow star in circle on the floor of court of chamber.

Hego, evil smirked, "Here it's come. Good-bye Big Sis. Have fun in the statue!" He started to laugh that hard. The Devil King looked at Hego and he had bad feeling about that. He did not not what Hego planning to do next. He was not happy with Hego very much and knew that Shego was one of his favorite children.

The Devil Priests were finished chanted the spell and the the glow was getting more brighter. They warped Shego in the statue. One of Devil Priests were ready to send the statue to the human world. The statue was disappeared into the human world.

The Devil King were shock to see the stone disappeared and he rose up from his throne quickly and angrily snarled, "WHERE DID YOU SEND MY DAUGHTER GO?! TELL ME NOW!"

Hego smiled, "Why father? It was in the human world."

The father turned into pale and whispered, "I-In human world. No. No."

"What I have done? My daughter is in the human human. Devil Priests, bring it back now!"

Hego shrugged and said, "I'm afraid not. They cannot bring it back here."

The Devil King angrily glared and snarled, "What do you mean, son?"

Hego smiled, "Well I told the Devil Priests to send one way spell to the human"

The Devil King was shock and slowly down in his throne. He slowly looked up at his son and ask him why he did do that.

"Well I hate Big Sis so much. Now, she is gone. Hahahaha!" Hego walked away to the hallway while his father watched him away.

The Devil King looked up and whispered, "My daughter, please forgive me for what I have done. I hope you will find a way to escape that statue." He started to close his eyes while he was sitting in his throne.