I found this prompt from elsannaheadcanons and decide to try it for the sake of fun. You guys should check the blog cause its flippin awesome. Leave a review if you enjoy and point out my mistake so I can try to make it better in the future. Now the real question here is should I continue or not?

"Elsa, can I sleep with you tonight?" Anna asked stopping Elsa from entering her room. Anna had already dressed in her nightgown and a pillow in hand. Not that it's necessary to bring it because Elsa has tons of it her room but she's nervous so she needs something to hold. Elsa stops dead in her track looking at Anna, her expression unreadable. "I-if you don't want to that's fine" She stutters almost turning around when Elsa grabs her hand stopping her. "Wait Anna, of course you can. I'm a little bit tired, so you don't mind if we just get some sleep?" Elsa said sincerity in her face. Anna felt her mood lit up and jumps up and down feeling giddy that Elsa would agree.

After the great thaw Elsa had been very busy with queenly duty, while Anna had been busy playing with Kristoff and Sven, going on adventure and all. Even though they already broke up they became best friend. So they don't have any time to spend together. Anna was determined though. She wants to rekindle the relationship between her and Elsa, even if she has to sleep with her sister. 'wait...that didn't come out right' her face scrunched up from that. Her thought was interrupted when Elsa wave a hand in front of her face, motioning for her to enter her room. Anna happily obliged and follow suit. However Anna stops abruptly at the door. Thirteen years she waited outside this door, waiting for it to open. Now the wait is over because now she can finally enter her sister sanctuary. Her private place.

Elsa looks back at Anna, surprised evident in her face. 'Why isn't she entering'. When blue meets teal Elsa could see the emotion swirling inside those bright eyes, happiness, joy, acceptance and the most obvious of all longing. She steps forward to her sister and grab her hand. Marveling at how soft and warm her sister's hand is compared to herself. Elsa pulled Anna in and embraced her. "Oh Anna" Elsa said near Anna's ear. Anna shivered but not from the cold. They stay like that for a few minutes until Elsa reluctantly pulls away to change into her nightgown. Anna make way to the bed and sit on the edge, waiting for Elsa. She could see her sister's figure behind the thin screen and she starts to imagine how her sister would look like naked. Anna train of thought stops in its track when Elsa came out behind the screen. She's wearing a nightgown that hugs her body perfectly accept for her nether region which puzzles Anna. She shrugged it off, thinking maybe her sister needs a little bit of air down there. It was a bit thin though "Aren't you cold wearing that?" Anna asked. "The cold never bother me". Elsa said matter of factly. Anna snort from that and Elsa giggled.

As they get cosy in bed Anna contemplate whether to sleep facing Elsa or away from Elsa. The inner battle cut short when Elsa starts to cuddle her from behind. Anna smiled and tries to readjust to a comfortable position closer to Elsa. Little did Anna know Elsa is actually trying to move away from her because the motion her baby sister is doing is eliciting a very delicious reaction. Anna scoots backward and felt something poking her. She grabbed the offending object and suddenly her sister moaned. Anna was startled and turned her head around. "Elsa wha-" she looks at her sister...face flushed and looking back at her. Her pupils were dilated and her blue eyes seems to take a darker shade. Anna was confused and as she looks down, she gasp. "Elsa you've got a-" "I know," "And it's-" "I know," "…why have you got a…" "Anna please...maybe this isn't a good idea." Elsa tries to shift backward. Anna panicked thinking her sister would shut her out again. "Wait! Elsa I don't mind it. Don't go. Please...stay". The plead in her sister's voice stops Elsa from moving.

And so she stayed back. She tried to stay a bit farther away but all of a sudden a hand cupped her erection. Elsa gasped. "You're frustrated right Elsa?" Anna stroke it gently making Elsa whimper. "I can't sleep if it keeps poking me like that and I know you can't either without some...sort of...release" Anna blushed saying that. It's a good thing she's not facing her right now. "Anna you don't have t-" she was cut short when Anna strokes her again. Elsa unconsciously thrust against Anna's hand. Anna moaned at the gesture feeling aroused herself. Anna turns around facing Elsa. She looks at Elsa's girth and blushed at how hard and restrain it looks. There's a wet patch on the tip making Anna feels like she wants to suck it. She's curious how Elsa would taste like. Anna grasped on to it with her right hand and looks at Elsa in the eye while stroking. Slow at first, tentative even because she doesn't know how Elsa likes it. But judging from the little whimpers and stifled moans she thinks shes doing it right. Elsa tries hard not to thrust against Anna's hand to eagerly. But with the way Anna's looking at her and stroking her so sensually, she lost control of her hips. Anna grabs with both of her hand stroking faster now with Elsa thrusting like that. Within few minutes Anna could feel hot and thick liquid covers her hand. Elsa had cum with a gasp and shiver.

Anna inspects the liquid covering her hand. Hot and thick and looks delicious. Elsa tries to grab Anna's hand to clean it up but Anna already puts it in her mouth. She sucks her finger reveling at the taste of Elsa. A little bit bitter and a little bit sweet, the scent is also divine. Elsa can only gawk at the sight before her. After she licks it clean Anna stood up from the bed. She didn't predict how much of a mess Elsa could make and starts to undress in front of her. She could practically feel Elsa watching her intently. She turns around and "…You're hard again." She does a come hither motion at Elsa to come towards her. Elsa crawls forward and sits at the edge of the bed. She couldn't take her eyes off Anna's delicious body. So toned and tanned from all those sword training. She could feel her erection hardening more. Elsa smiles shyly, not sure what else to do and Anna doesn't bother getting dressed, instead moving to straddle Elsa and ground her hips on Elsa's erection. The both of them moan at the contact. "Not tired anymore?" "No".