A/N: My take on a Hetalia eating disorder fic. I'm not sure where or if this will go anywhere, but let me assure you, if it does, England will be very much involved.
Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia; I am not creative enough to think it up.
It's an ache he denies, hides from, represses, because nothing is wrong.
The economy is in the toilet; his dinner is there too, splattering the remnants of greasy clumps of beef and white starch of the burgers he loves so much as vomit soils toilet water. Public opinion is at an all time low and dropping as more and more immigrants tout the praises of their native countries, but, then again, his self esteem plummets every time he gives in to this. The national debt is nearing twenty trillion US dollars and rising two billion every single day, but Alfred, the embodiment of America and everything that is so glaringly wrong, is swiping his gold backed debit card like his funds are unlimited—besides, he'll stop binging tomorrow.
Just like he'll stop purging tomorrow. Why do today when he can get by on a daily cycle of guilt and reprieve as he stuffs down his problems, one McDonald's meal at a time? If all socially acceptable coping mechanisms fail, he will just puke it back up. It'll be like not eating at all (tooth decay, heart arrhythmia, possible death: all consequences conveniently forgotten in the post purge bliss of electrolyte imbalance). Instead America nearly floats as he exits the cubicle, high on the emptiness of binging and barfing.
Another world conference, another round of slams at his country, at him, because it's always easy to point the finger at the superpower, another hasty departure to the bathroom, another close call as he hears the muffled sound of the other nations leaving the conference room as he washes away the sick from his hands. There, all good, new, and soap scented denial. Come next world meeting, he'll be in a healthier place; he won't miss the last fifteen minutes forcing the laws of nature in reverse. Just like last month, and the month before, and before that all the way back to the late 1960's...