Chapter 12


(The Following is a nonprofit fan based work. Dragonball Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT, and Dragonball Super are all owned by Funimation, Toei animation, Fuji TV, and Akira Toriyama. Please support official release.) Okay, so it's been a really long time. Let me explain what happened. I had writers block for a bit about halfway through writing this chapter and the spark hit me on a few other fics. Then when I went back to this, the entire chapter had been deleted and I got so pissed that I walked away. I am really sorry. Also, in regards to the Frost from Dragonball Super. Yes I did laugh my ass off when they introduced him. Well anyway, on to the reviews.

gesto: Thank you.

StarAF938: Yeah, sorry for not doing this sooner. I hope you'll continue to review.

TiffanyRance: Thank you.

Jredd: Yeah, I might do that. After all, any excuse to right more about my favorite character.

amiraalexander99: Thank you.

SaiyanHarems: No, there won't be harem elements in this.

Guest 1: Oh yeah, I look forward to that.

Kadorein711: No, they just have a week for everyone to train and I do have plans in regards to the Androids.

Yoko-Kiryuu Bikutoria Kurama: That I did.

dragonfox123: Thank you.

D'emona: Yeah, I really do have to have those 2 interact more.

pr0dz: Well, not in this.

Guest 2: See the intro for the explanation.

mksfroogle: Wow! Really? Thanks :)

Darkjaden: Chapter 5: They had them removed. Chapter 11: Yes. But he won't be the only LSSJ in this.

Okay... Let's kick it up!


"Wait, what do you mean?" Piccolo asked hardly able to believe that there could be any thing worse than the Androids.

"I'm not sure. What ever it is clouding my vision. But it is dangerous, what ever it is." Kami replied.

"Can you at least pinpoint where it is?" Piccolo asked.

"Sadly, no." Kami replied before he sensed something coming towards them. " But I do sense that the others are about to arrive." He said as the plane carrying Goku and the others landed on the Lookout before opening as Yamcha and Bardock carried Goku out before placing him on the Ground as the others walked out and put the place back in its capsule.

"How is he?" Piccolo asked Gohan.

"He's stable. I'm pretty sure the worst is behind us. But it still may be a while before he'll be on his feet again." Gohan explained before Piccolo looked over to Bardock leaning over his son.

"Um, Gohan. Who is that?" The Namek asked.

"Oh right. Piccolo this is my grandfather, Bardock." Gohan said, much to the shock of Piccolo, Kami, and Popo.

"Your grandfather? But how is that even possible?" Piccolo asked as he once again turned to Bardock.

"If it's all the same, I'd rather wait until Kakarot has recovered before I explain what happened." Bardock said.

"Yeah, that's part of the reason we're here actually." Gohan said as he walked over to Goku and slumped him over his shoulder. "I'll be right back." He said as he headed in to the palace.

"Uh, what's he doing" Gine asked Chi Chi who simply shrugged in response. After about a minute of waiting, Gohan came out of the palace with a now fully healthy Goku walking right next to him.

"Wait, what? How?" Chi Chi asked while moving her hands around in confusion.

"Well as it turns out he only needed a few days to heal." Gohan said as realization hit Piccolo who then let out a quiet laugh.

"You took him in to the Time Chamber to recover." He said as both Kami and Popo had similar responses to his own.

"I must admit, that was clever." Kami said, getting a shrug from Gohan who then turned to Bardock.

"Anyway. Grandfather, you were going to explain how you survived that fight with Freeza." The young half Saiyan said as his Grandfather shook himself out of his shock and began to tell his tale.

"Well, it all started when I got hit head on with Freeza's Death Ball." Bardock began. "Some how, instead of killing me. It sent me back in time. The only thing I can think of as to how is the Death Ball's energy mixing with energy from the phychic powers I had at the time and have since lost. Anyway, I found myself back on Planet Vegeta surrounded by the precursor race to the Saiyans who were then attacked by Freeza's ancestor, Chilled. After seeing what he was doing to the villagers and realizing that I was sent to the past and would likely never see my family again, something in me just snapped and transformed in to a Super Saiyan and defeated Chilled." The older Saiyan said. (I'm not even making that up incase anyone hasn't seen Episode of Bardock.)

"After that, I spent years developing a technique to help me travel through time and once I had, I spent the next 3 years searching the cosmos for my family." Bardock finished.

"Wow. That's pretty heavy." Goku breathed out.

"Yeah. It was pretty rough. But I finally found you and your mother." Bardock said as he put his hand on Goku's shoulder. "Now all I have to do is find your brother." He said getting a solum look from Goku. "What is it?" He asked as Gine walked up to him.

"Bardock, Raditz is dead." Gine told Bardock causing his eyes to widen.

"What?" He asked in a whisper.

"He kidnapped Gohan and tried to force me to destroy the Earth. He left me no choice." Goku explained.

"But..." Gohan began getting the attention of his Grandparents. "Dad and I have been talking it over ever since Grandmother arrived and we've decided that once we defeat the Androids, we're to bring him back." He said much to the shock of Gine and Bardock.

"But in order to that, we'll need the Dragonballs" Piccolo said.

"Wait. Why would that be a problem?" Yamcha asked.

"You have to able to sense it, Yamcha." Future Gohan said as he joined the conversation.

"It feels strange. It's like a mixture of me, Piccolo, Vegeta, Freeza, Krillin." Goku began. "In fact, the only one I don't since in what ever that is, is you, Yamcha." He said.

"And that thing is on it's way in to populated area. We don't have time to wait a day for any of you to train in the Time Chamber. So Kami and I have to fuse." Piccolo explained.

"However, now that you have recovered Goku, we can enact Piccolo and Gohan's plan faster." Kami said as he walked up to Goku.

"Gohan filled me in, in the Time Chamber. I'll head to King Kai and find New Namek." Goku said as he listed his role in the plan.

"F.G and I will go with you in case you need back up." Gohan said to the Nameks before turning to Yamcha. "Yamcha, you head to Capsule corp. We might need Vegeta and Trunks to help." He said to the scar faced bandit.

"Right." Yamcha nodded before he took off and made a b-line for West City.

"Okay, see you guys when I get back." Goku said as he placed his fingers to his forehead. "Kami. It's been an honor." He said as he teleported away.

"Alright." Piccolo said before turning to Kami. "Are you ready?" He asked before getting a nod from the old Guardian and he placed his hand on his chest.

"Goodbye, Kami." MR Popo said while tearing up a little.

"Farewell, Mr. Popo." Kami replied before a light enveloped both he and Piccolo and once it had faded, only the younger Namek remained.

"So what do we call you now?" Future Gohan asked as he walked up to his mentor.

"Piccolo will be just fine." The Namekian replied as he walked to the edge of the lookout while opening and closing his fist as he adjusted to his new power. He then turned around and nodded to the 2 Gohans who then returned the nod and the 3 of them then took off.

"I'm going to follow them." Bardock said as he turned to Gine.

"Okay. Just be careful." The Saiyan woman said to her husband as she hugged him.

"I will." Bardock replied giving his wife a kiss on the forehead before flying off to follow his Grandsons and Piccolo.

After about 10 and a half minutes of flying the Namekian and the 3 Sayains landed in a completely baron city by the name of 'Ginger Town'. Upon landing the 4 of them were shocked to find not only was there not a single living soul in the city.

"What the hell happened here." Future Gohan asked as they walked through the empty streets.

"I have no idea." Piccolo replied as the they came to a cross road.

"It's like everyone just disappeared right out of their clothes." Gohan said as he took a knee next to some discarded garments.

"Not quite 'disappeared'. Take a look at this." Bardock said as he threw a shirt over to Future Gohan.

"He's right. This is clearly a stab mark." The 1 armed Time traveler said.

"So, what? Something came here and stabbed everyone causing them to just up and vanish?" Gohan asked before the 4 of them heard a crashing noise behind them and turned to see a slightly obese man in a suit knocking over a trash can before falling to his stomach.

"P-please! Help me!" The man shouted before something large and green came from the shadows and stabbed the man in the back as he screamed in pain before he began to shrivel up and shrink as if being drunk.

The 4 warriors after recovering from the shock of the ordeal caused them and took their stances as a large bipedal green creature with darker green marks all along its body, large horns on it's head, a blue orb in the center of his forehead, and large bug wings stepped out of the shadows and with a sadistic voice which could rival Freeza, he said. "Why hello there."


Well there you go, I hope you enjoyed chapter 12 and again, I am really sorry for the wait and if this was to short. I'll try not to take as long next time as well as make the chapter a bit longer. Well, until next time and as always... Keep on keeping on.