It's when he firsts confronts Jack about the blizzard of '68 that he realizes he loves his eyes.

Tainted with shimmering lights and darks, his bright blue eyes seem to sparkle with mischief.


But he quickly learns that Jack's eyes are also dangerous. They've nearly distracted him from his purpose:

to deal with the cause of the blizzard that covered thousands of homes and stopped his Easter googies in their tracks.

"Frostbite, what is ya problem? It's Easter! What is all ah this?"

Jack simply winks, smiling ear to ear, and Bunnymund tries to keep a firm grip on reality.


However, it's not enough to stop Bunnymund from running over to Jack and hoisting him in the air by the collar of his hoodie.

"What? Don't you like my present, kangaroo?"

He immediately regrets how close he's gotten to Jack's face. The winter spirit's eyes not only enchant him,

but they reflect the sky above them: moving, consuming...


So he hastily releases Jack and watches him land not on his feet but on his back.

Jack grimaces and looks up to him. It's his eyes again; they're filled with agitation, confusion, and pain.

And when he sees the pain in those beautiful blue eyes, Bunnymund wonders why he was angry in the first place.

"You don't need to be so rough..."

There is an apology waiting to escape from his lips, but Bunnymund bites his tongue.


"I wouldn't have to be rough with ya if yah didn't make it snow on my day!"

Jack stands back up and leans on his staff never loosing eye contact with Bunnymund.

"Sheesh, you're just no fun."

Before Bunnymund can retort, the winter spirit is gone and so is most of Bunnymund's anger.

But what does linger is an odd sadness that Bunnymund knows the cause of.

He misses Jack's bright blue eyes.