A/N: This is my first fan fic of this kind. This also takes place 4 weeks after initiation into beacon.

NAME: Shadow

AGE: 17


HEIGHT: 6'0"

APPEARANCE: Black hair buzz cut, Multiple scars on upper body and back, Robotic left arm all the way up to shoulder, Scar on left eye going down to cheek, right eye is dark brown.

ABNORMAL TRAITS: Left eye color changes depending on mood.

PERSONALITY: Calm, Joker, Fun to be around.

EQUIPMENT: A six string guitar called "Lucy" with a rifle built in the neck and head, can use dust, chainsaw blades on body that can move and cut anything it touches. Seven string guitar called "Lilith" with same layout as the six string guitar but with a high powered shotgun instead of rifle. Black armor that covers entire body and is fire, explosive, and bullet resistant. Helmet is same as armor.

SEMBLANCE: Can use the power of music to support or attack people, can turn invisible, summon any weapon he can imagine with just a thought, can summon vehicles. (This will be explained)

Now that that is out of the way to the actual story…

Chapter 1: Loss of brothers

I sat there chained in the cell the white fang soldier shoved me into. How did this even happen, I thought to myself. Oh right. We got to the LZ and got ambushed by these dicks! Just then the door of my cell opened and a man with orange hair, white suit, and a cane walked in.

"Do plan on cooperating with us now, Or are we going to have to torture you some more?"

I look at him. "Says the man who doesn't work for what he wants. You're a sad excuse for a mobster in my opinion torchwick."

This got him pissed and he kicks me straight across the face. "I see you're goanna be difficult. Luckily me and my friends decided to try a different method." As he says that, a woman in a red dress and symbols on her arm drags in one of my teammates. Following her was a man in a white and red mask walks in with my other two teammates.

"What are you doing?" Torchwick takes one of my teammates from the masked man and holds a sword up to him. "Don't you do it. Don't you fucking do it you bastard!"

"Tell us what we want to know or-" The woman summons a fire ball while the man in the mask takes out his sword and does the same as torchwick, "-Your friends here will die."

"Don't worry about us. We will be fine." Said one of my teammates as he drops a piece of paper to the ground where no one sees it but me.

"Snow. Ghost. Phoenix." I said looking at all of them. I turn back to torchwick. "Forget it torchwick. You ain't getting anything from me."

Torchwick shrugs. "Your choice." As all three of the captors kill my friends.

"NOOOOO!" I screamed as my friends, no my brothers fell to the floor. Lifeless.

"Let's let him think of what's happened here." Says torchwick as he and the other two leave.

As soon as they leave and are out of ear shot. I break the chains and pick up the piece of paper Snow dropped.

"To my brother Shadow,

If you are reading this we all are dead except you. We knew they would kill us to get to you, Which is why we came up with a plan. After we died all of our semblances were transferred to you unfortunately nothing comes without a price. The eye that torchwick cut on you will change color depending on your mood. People will think you are different and try to attack you when you escape. Hide your eye for your own protection. We will forever be with you.

From all your bros.

P.S. Give us a good funeral damn it."

After I read that a huge wave of pain hit me and as soon as it came. It left. A little after that a guard was doing his rounds and noticed me unchained. He opened my cell and as soon as he did I struck. I summoned a knife and stabbed him in his eye, then his head. I grabbed all three of my brothers and made my escape. Killing all who were in my way. As soon as I was out I summoned a Warthog (Yes like the ones from halo) piled all my bros in back and got the hell out of there.

A few hours later, I stopped at a mountain that had a perfect view of the city of Vale.

"This is a good spot." I grabbed a shovel from the back of the hog, dug three graves, and buried my brothers. After I put up makeshift crosses I put their helmets on each of their graves.

"Why hello there young man." Said a voice behind me. I spun around while I grabbed my knife. Standing there was a man with greyish-white hair, green suit, glasses, and a cane in one hand and a coffee mug in the other.

"Who are you?"

"My name is professor Ozpin, and I'm here to give you a deal of a life time."

"What deal is that?" I asked not lowering my guard.

"I want you to attend my school Beacon Academy."

"Why me?"

"You look like you have talent. That's all the reason I need."

"I'll go on three conditions." I said as I lowered my guard and put away the knife.

"I'm listening."

"One, I would get my own room. I only say this because of what I've been through and I don't want to hurt anyone by accident. Two, I don't wear a uniform. No disrespect but I just can't deal with uniforms."

"And the third?"

"Three." I look at my brothers graves. "The fifth of month, even if there's classes, I get to come here and spend time with my brothers." I look back to him. "That fair?"

"Fair enough but I get to choose your team."

"Deal. Lead the way."

A/N: There it is folks. My first chapter with a bit of backstory. Please review and tell me what you think.