Hello guys! This is a "special edition" sort of thing because I just HAD to write something for poor BananaLlama6 when her computer charger broke! So what better to write about than Finnick with some computer troubles?! Exactly, nothing.

I hope this makes you smile, BananaLlama6!


I don't own anyone but Torrence! (His name at least)

Thank you for your patience everyone! Check out my other Odesta stuff ;)


Oneshot 04: The Trouble With Technology

Finnick's POV

I sat on the couch next to my son, we were both playing a video game, just on different systems. Torrence had his Sharky Explores the Ocean game up and he was currently trying to best a boss battle against a great white shark named Teeth. On my side of the story, things were a tiny bit more complicated.

President Paylor had told the majority of us who had lived through the war that jobs were important to have if we wanted to get back to normal and try to live out a relatively easy life so she had assigned some of us the task of creating résumés about what general area we would like to be employed at. That part wasn't tough, I would gladly take being a fisherman, swim coach, or maybe even re-opening Odair's Boat Fairs which was my family's boating store that closed a while ago, but on the résumé I had to include details about my past job so Paylor and Plutarch could evaluate which positions I had some experience in.

Considering my last job, that thought is a little frightening.

"Hello my dears!" Annie calls as she saunters into the room. Her blue sundress flows behind her and her red hair bounces as she runs. A white laundry basket is being held, kept in place between her right hip and hand.

"Hi mommy!" Torrence smiles.

"Hi my baby." She says, kissing his hair.

Her red locks tickle the back of my left ear and I can tell she's looking over my shoulder.

"What are you doing, sweetie?"

"Miss president is trying to get most of us victors, so far Beetee, Johanna and I, to apply for jobs." I turn my head so I'm facing her. She's carefully re-reading what I've written. "Don't I get a kiss?" I joke.

"Your such-" my wife rolls her eyes and gives me a kiss. "-a baby"

"No I'm not!" I play protest, but Annie's already straying away from out recent banter.

"How's it all going? Do you know what you want to apply for?"

"Well for Beetee and Johanna it's easy, they can get their old jobs at the factory and lumberyard again, but I don't exactly want to go back to my old line of work." A deep sigh escapes my lips as I try not to remember my previous job.

"Just tell Paylor and Plutarch you can be a housewife like I am." Annie jokes.

"Hey!" I whip my head around dramatically. "I would make an amazing housewife!"

She giggles and so does Torrence who is only giving us half his attention. I'm glad that I have the two of them here with me while I have to do this. Annie and Torrence are constant reminders of the fact that I don't have to live my life that way like I did before ever again. I'll never have to sell myself, I'll never have to be alone in worry, and I'll never have to go back to the underground tunnels where I nearly got decapitated. You can still see the scars and the stitches from where 13's doctors patched me back up like some kind of rag doll who's neck stitches had come loose. I shake my head in order to try and let most of the memories from the war go. I'm here now, with the two people I love the most. Also I gotta get writing this résumé or Plutarch and Paylor are gonna hunt me down so.

"Honey, if your having trouble, maybe you should take a break." Annie suggests.

"I can't take a break." I protest. "This needs to get done by five and it's three now."

"Clear your thoughts and just try to plow through the tough part as quickly as you can. I know it's easily for me to say since I didn't have to go through that, but please dear, I don't want to see you all frustrated." My wife sighs deeply and then walks out of the room to put the laundry in the wash.

A few minuets pass and I sit there, my mind and "previous job description" part of the résumé completely blank. I can't say that I'm not distracted though. Torrence has been trying for awhile now to best this boss on his level and all the flashes of color from whenever someone gets hit are getting rather annoying and they make looking at the screen harder than it already is.

"Take that, Teeth!" He cheers in victory whenever he lands a hit.

"At least your getting somewhere, little buddy." I tell him. He pauses his game and turns around.

"Trouble?" He looks confused.

"Yeah." I laugh and nod. "Just wait until your an adult, job applications are harder than beating big ol' Teeth over there."

"That's hard to believe." Torrence says matter-of-factly and he makes me laugh again.

"I just want to get this done..."

"Why?" My son inquires, crawling towards me so he can see the screen.

"I want to spend some time with your mother. She's been so busy lately, maybe we could take her on a picnic or make her something special." His sea green eyes reflect off of mine.

"I like that!" He smiles. "What you having trouble with?"

"A past job description. The president says it'll help place people like me and your Auntie Johanna in more pleasurable and fitting new ones." I explain.

"You had a job?! What was it?" Torrence asks excitedly and I take a sharp breath.

Bad move, Finnick.

"I was uh...an entrepreneur."

"An entreprewhat?!" My son asks, flabbergasted.

"An entrepreneur means, a person who sells or promotes something." A smirk crosses my face.

"What did you sell?"

Now please don't get me wrong, I love my son to death, even more than that, but right now I really wish that he would just go back to trying to defeat that stupid boss and leave me to my work. These questions are getting harder and harder to answer.

"I sold...pillow cases." It's just as awkward as it sounds, Torrence. Trust me.

"Cool!" Torrence smiles, totally believing me.

I hate to lie to my son, even if it's a little white lie, but this isn't. A part of me doesn't want him to grow up so I never have to explain everything to him, but a part of me wants him to understand. The one thing that is most important to me though is that I fought in that brutal, bloody war to make sure that my baby wouldn't end up like I did, and I intend to keep it that way, as long as I live.

"So what's so hard?" Torrence asks.

"It was just such a simple job that there aren't enough things to say that will satisfy Paylor." I rub my temple in frustration, just like Annie predicted. Torrence rests his head on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, Daddy. Your smart! It will work out!" He says.

Then something amazing happens. My fingers find the keys and I begin to type all I remember about the past, and it doesn't hurt as much, because it's the past and I'm here in the future. I'm here with Annie and Torrence, weekly letters from Johanna, and visits from Katniss and Peeta. My little boy is too excited to realize or comment on what I'm typing. He just smiles and encourages me to fill the majority of the page. Finally, I lift my hands up and set the computer down on the coffee table in front of me. I turn to face my smiling son.

"Torrence Finnick Odair, do you know that you are the best son in the entire world?"

"Yeah!" He laughs and throws his arms around me.

"Well someone's a little happier now!" I hear Annie's sweet voice and jump off the couch. Torrence tumbles back and laughs as he hits the pillows.

I can tell I take my wife by extreme surprise as I give her a hug, dip her down as if we were ballroom dancing, and plant a big kiss on her lips. Then I twirl her and pull her back so we're hugging again. Torrence wrinkles his nose in utter disgust as we kiss, but neither of us mind. In fact, it only makes us laugh and do it more. Classic kid.

"What is this all about?" Annie laughs.

"Daddy finished!" Our son shouts.

"Oh Finnick! Let me see!"

We run over and plop down on the couch, making Torrence bounce into Annie's lap. I snatch the computer from the coffee table and do a quick examination of the résumé with Annie, spellchecking and re-reading it so Paylor and Plutarch won't have to go through any hassle trying to make sense of it. Once we're done, I pull up my email so I can send it to the president's office secretary, who will take it to Plutarch, who will revise it with Paylor. Then, I have my new job, whatever it may be. I'm just about to hit the send key when my eyes wander to Torrence.

"You know what, I'm gonna let Torrence send it because he helped me out so much." All three of us smile.

"You mean it, Daddy?! I can?!" Torrence climbs over his mother so he's in-between us.

"Of course you can, son. Just press that button, okay?" I point my finger to the button that will finally finish this project.

Torrence gets his hands on the keyboard and Annie shows him which key is which, he listens intently, and then asks a few questions about where the document is going. We answer every question that he has and then lifts his pointer finger high up into the air, and brings it down forcefully on the designated key.

It's half a second too late before I realize it's the wrong key.

Annie gasps as the entire document is deleted in front of our own eyes, all my hard work lost. My son jumps up into the air, cheering and completely oblivious to what he has just done. I glance at Annie who looks horrified and give her a thumbs up to tell her that we have to congratulate Torrence anyway. We can't possible discourage the little guy when he's this young, especially after I gave the whole "best son ever" speech.

"Yay Torrence!" I choke and Annie claps nervously.

"I did it! I did it!" He repeats, jumping around on the couch.

"Here sweetie, how about we go and celebrate by making cookies for Daddy and leave him alone for the next two hours while he...sends out his résumé to Auntie Johanna and Beetee!" Annie quickly covers for me so I can rewrite the paper as quickly as I can. Maybe Paylor will understand if I explain this all to her.

If only Torrence had pressed the correct key.

No, it's not his fault. I can't blame my son for this...

If only technology wasn't so stupid.


Okay so I guess this goes out to anyone who has had computer issues or deleted a ENTIRE DOCUMENT before! I know I have... Once again, thank you for your patience and PLEASE don't forget to leave a review! Love you all! ~PurpleKittyFangirl