
When Legolas arrives in Rivendell for the council he meets a friend he hasn't seen in a few years. Will Alice, an elleth with many secrets be able to overcome her fear of returning to her own home? Can Legolas and their friends convince her to stay and fight an evil that threatens to fill Middle-earth with darkness similar to Sauron?

Set in the Fellowship of the Ring and will continue through The Two Towers and Return of the King.

*I own only OC's! The Lord of the Rings trilogy belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien. Rated T for any swearing and certain scenes.*

'Thoughts and flashbacks, elvish'


Legolas was on his way to Rivendell to respond to Lord Elrond's letter about the One Ring. His father, elvenking Thanduil, had originally sent his son to the council to inform Lord Elrond of Gollum's escape. 'I wonder who will be at the council.' Legolas thought curiously as he and his company of elves arrived in Rivendell a day before the council. Boromir of Gondor had also arrived, as have some of the Dwarves of Erebor. Aragorn was with Arwen and the Hobbits were exploring Rivendell with Bilbo. As Legolas was walking towards Lord Elrond's study, a pair of arms shot out from a dark room and grabbed him, one hand covering his mouth, the other wrapped around his waist and left arm, pulling him in.

The door was closed with a strong kick from Legolas accidentally, and the arms holding Legolas released him as his attacker locked the door and turned towards him, the stranger's cloak spinning with the fast movement. "Mae govannen, Ernil Legolas o Mirkwood." The stranger, now undoubtedly female, spoke in clear elvish. "Who are you?" Legolas replied angrily in the common tongue as he backed up towards a table in the middle of the room, an arrow notched in his bow. The elleth's shoulders shook as though she were trying to prevent herself from laughing. Failing miserably. The elleth fell to her knees laughing uncontrollably, the sound reminding the Mirkwood prince of a friend he hasn't seen for awhile. Realization dawned on Legolas and he relaxed, put his weapon away, and laughed as well, opening the curtains of the room further to allow more light in and see his friend.

She had removed her cloak by then, revealing the elleth to be wearing a blue dress with lighter blue vine patterns and a silver colored corset around her waist. The sleeves hugged her forearms and flared out slightly at her wrists. She had mid back length blonde hair that turned a fiery red at the ends, making her hair look almost like fire in the light. Her blue eyes shined like the blue twilight sky, one of many traits Legolas liked about her. She was like the dawn itself. Dawn of the Rising Sun as most mortals thought or Alice of Autumn Wood when she saved them from orcs in the early light of dawn and in battle at night. Smiling at his childhood friend, Legolas walked closer to greet her properly, giving her a hug. "Alice, mellon nín, it has been too long. How many times have I told you not to do that?" Legolas scolded playfully while Alice laughed "Enough times for me to laugh at your reaction every time I catch you off guard. How are you Legolas." Alice asked as the two elves left the room.

"Now? Great since you're here. How have you been? Are you here for the council as well?" Legolas asked curiously as they walked through one of the many gardens in Lord Elrond's home. Sitting on a bench, Alice sighed with content as she smiled up at Legolas "I've been well, better now that I am able to see most of my friends. Yes, I am to attend the council." She replied while playing with a leaf in her lap. Legolas sat down next to Alice and gently took her hands into his own, pulling her gaze away from the leaf to meet his own piercing blue eyes, both elves unaware, however, of the danger creeping up on them. "Alice, there is something I've been meaning to tell you for some time now. However, I've been busy and haven't been able to say anything until now." Legolas started, taking in the sweet smile Alice gave him before continuing, staring deeply into her twilight eyes.

"Alice-Thenidiel, I-" "Thenidiel?!" Legolas sighed as he was cut off abruptly after saying Alice's elvish name. A group of annoyed and guilty looking elves, men, dwarves, a wizard, and curious hobbits coming out from behind pillars, bushes, hedges, and around the corner came out of hiding as another elf came running up to Legolas and Alice, ruining the moment they were having and sweeping said elleth into a hug. "Sa anwa na-le, Thenidiel! How are you?" "Im mae, Arbellason. How are you?" Alice asked politely, trying not to frown in disappointment at being interrupted. Arbellason is an elf of Mirkwood and has black hair and black eyes, unlike his elven kin who all have blonde, brown, or red hair and was once a good friend of Legolas' before he admitted to a secret that became a dangerous rivalry.


Legolas and Arbellason were walking around the forest of Rivendell trying to finish a prank they had been planning as revenge for the twin sons of Elrond, Elladan and Elrohir. They had just finished covering the hole they dug when Alice and her older twin brother Lance-Talathion as the elves in their homeland know him by- walked towards them with Eleniel, Alice's best friend. Lance had golden blonde hair and bright twilight blue eyes that shined with any light like his sister's. Eleniel was an elf from Lothlorien and had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes the color of water. Like her friends, Eleniel preferred to be called by her name in the common tongue, Stella.

"Lance, Alice, Stella, nín Mellyn. It's great to see you! Oh, be careful, we just finished setting up a prank for Elladan and Elrohir!" Legolas quickly warned as his three friends took note of the rope that was well hidden between a bush and a tree and carefully stepped around it. Legolas and Arbellason breathed sighs of relief as they wouldn't be facing the three elves anger that day and walked back to Elrond's palace. "Alice? Could I speak to you for a moment?" Arbellason asked nervously as they neared one of the gardens. "Of course Arbellason." Alice replied innocently as Arbellason led her back to the forest to talk privately. "Here, I got this for you." He said and handed Alice a red rose, enjoying her bright smile as she took the flower from him gently and twirled it around in her hands.

"Hannon le. This is very sweet of you." Alice replied. Before Arbellason could say what he was going to tell her however, Stella came running up to them with a worried expression on her face "Alice, your father is looking for you. He said it was important." "Oh, I'm sorry 'lason, is it alright if you told me later?" Alice asked worriedly as Stella looked over her shoulder to make sure no one had sent the guards to look for them yet. Arbellason saw the worry in his friend's eyes and replied with a careless shrug "It is alright. I was just going to tell you how beautiful you were today. I'll see you later." "Oh, hannon lle, bye." Alice replied quickly and followed Stella back to the palace as Legolas walked over to his friend. Noticing the sadness in his friend's eyes, Legolas became slightly worried "Arbellason, is there something wrong?" He asked "Legolas, I think I'm in love with Thenidiel."

Mae govvanen, Ernil Legolas o Mirkwood- Well met, Prince Legolas of Mirkwood

Nín Mellyn- My friends

Mellon nin- My Friend

Hannon lle- thank you

Sa anwa na-le - It really is you

Im mae- I'm well